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MK for EVO 2011?!?


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
lol yes hehe :) very possible, dude even you have to admit there hasn't been THIS much hype to an MK game since UMK3...You don't know that though, nobody does for sure...MK9 isn't out yet....either way, I'll be playing MK9 far more then UMK3....I want something fresh and new yet it's 2D=win :)

Offline we will have to wait and see but ONLINE I'll bet you anything MK9 will be far better then UMK3(lag aside) nobody plays UMK3 on xbox anymore, half the players are rage quitters, leave after one match, pull or are just scrubs....and the dumb rooms never work when you join half the time..

I know some people hate the fact that there will be no run but a dash, honestly I'm happy for this change...it'll be nice to breath against an aggressive player once in a while lol


Lose without excuses
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Who knows MK9 may be better then UMK3, we don't know.
I do know, that this isn't possible. Not that it isn't possible for a game to be better than UMK3, but that MK9 will definitely not be better than UMK3. Based on what I've seen and know of the gameplay. And the only reason MK9 would win over UMK3 as a choice for EVO, is because more people will be playing it.

UMK3 has always gotten respect, but just now getting a lot of exposure. And the reason is, along with the hard work and dedication from the MK crew, is because it got streamed. More and more people are joining UMK3 tournaments, and more and more great players are traveling and attending. People are realizing that UMK3 at high levels is nothing like they imagined.

Though I do hope MK9 is good and can be compared to UMK3. If that is the case then it will get a lot of tournament play. Who knows, maybe even YOU will come out to play MK9 at tournaments. HA! jk MKF, we all know that's not happening.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
You guys have to think outside the box...not just in terms of UMK3 with a few gatherings a year here and there offline, but the overall effect MK9 will have on the fighting community...I mean when SF and Tekken sites start having some excitement for it, you know you're doing something right....and as much as I hate to say it, they don't care about any other MK including UMK3(SRK is an exception) but how long did that take? Exactly lol...

People's ignorance aside, majority right now have far more interest in MK9 coming then UMK3...outside of the UMK3 community who IMO will always love UMK3 more then any other MK even if we see MK's better in the future...because of personal preference.

I'm sure MK9 will be good, solid and take skill to win in...hell most feel MKDC did and even the 3D to some degree, I'm quite sure MK9 will surpass both of them but will just be different then UMK3.

Besides you can't judge based on watching vids, you have to play the game....one thing a lot of people don't like about UMK3 is the run button because whoever utilizes it 'the best' will win more times then now...I think this is a reason why a lot of umk3/run buffs already hate MK9...judging a book by it's cover much? lol

I will, to local ones in the future...I already stated a million times out of state=not happening for me. I don't have that kind of time sorry ;) now, NYC tournaments and such tri state area I do plan on attending something and I'm sure something will happen with it via MK9. You've been to one tournament right?yet you're poking fun at me lol. If I went I'd play all MK's which is more then I can say for most MK players that are selective lol I'm also wondering why MK4 was totally ignored at NEC lol...people can play the 3D MK's but not MK4? Odd.

With that being said, everyone on here enjoys something(meaning some MK over another) hell there's guys on here that love Deception more then UMK3, it's no secret and even MKA...and a few who love MKDC a lot too. But preferences aside, if MK9 turns out to be one of the best, balanced MK's ever made how can you deny that and still be like "UMK3 is far better" when it may not be possibly?

Again, not bashing UMK3. I love it and play it often as you guys know, but just saying...why jump the gun 4 months prior based on a few vids of a not even finished game? It's like you're hoping MK9 isn't better or well received because you always want UMK3 on top, no other MK matters....if that were the case guys...then you wouldn't see all those 3D MK's being played at NEC.....the vids speak for themselves on here...


I may be a little too positive in terms of MK9, but I have faith that the quality of the game will be good.

When the game hits shelves and when I get a ASUS I'm gonna take MK9 to any casuals, local ranbats, whatever.

I just want this game to succeed on a competitive level. I haven't been this excited for a fighting game for years.

Edit: Both Juggernaut and MKF make some good points.


Offline we will have to wait and see but ONLINE I'll bet you anything MK9 will be far better then UMK3(lag aside) nobody plays UMK3 on xbox anymore, half the players are rage quitters, leave after one match, pull or are just scrubs....and the dumb rooms never work when you join half the time.
Who cares. I could care less about how many people are playing online. Online might as well be some far off distant galaxy as far as Im concerned. Were talking about MK9 as a tournament game, and thats what matters. At any rate I do hope the game is good and I do hope it does well at tournaments. But not for 1 second do I delude myself into thinking the game itself will be better than UMK3. It just wont.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Who cares. I could care less about how many people are playing online. Online might as well be some far off distant galaxy as far as Im concerned. Were talking about MK9 as a tournament game, and thats what matters. At any rate I do hope the game is good and I do hope it does well at tournaments. But not for 1 second do I delude myself into thinking the game itself will be better than UMK3. It just wont.
Well, I know this site isn't for the more casual MK player but they care. And like it or not they outnumber us more then 2-1 lol.

I agree except for the it'll definitely be worse then UMK3(I still need to play the game until hold further judgment), but I think you might have misunderstood what I meant. I'm not saying in terms of "judging legit" since we all know online=bs half the time. I agree totally, I'm referring to fun factor experience.

The fact that those of us who can't always travel all over the country just to play offline, have to play online for fun at least and of late past few months UMK3 outside of players on here and classic is NOT remotely fun...

I hope it does well too but we'll have to agree to disagree on the UMK3 will always be better thing, if this game gets constant updates, patches etc like they said and is just as balanced then I may enjoy MK9 more.

@Momo, thanks you bring up good points too :)


guys i love umk3 it is in my list as the best mk game ever but some of you think that if mk9 or any other mk game coming out gets more love or get to be known as a better game than umk3 you guys will loose something.

even if mk9 is better than umk3 some of you will never say it is and will find some way to talk trash about mk9.

the truth is some of you don't want mk9 to be a better game than umk3 because you are hopping some day people will stop playing the latest mks and go back to play umk3 as their main game


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
guys i love umk3 it is in my list as the best mk game ever but some of you think that if mk9 or any other mk game coming out gets more love or get to be known as a better game than umk3 you guys will loose something.

even if mk9 is better than umk3 some of you will never say it is and will find some way to talk trash about mk9.

the truth is some of you don't want mk9 to be a better game than umk3 because you are hopping some day people will stop playing the latest mks and go back to play umk3 as their main game
Exactly my point and well said Riu, props for a great post^. I love UMK3 too, it's fun, awesome and competitive but that doesn't mean that we will "never ever" see a just as good MK game or dare I say BETTER MK game made at some point should MK9 not be that game....this is why I had said, you have your "UMK3 fans" and you have your "MK fans"


Lose without excuses
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guys i love umk3 it is in my list as the best mk game ever but some of you think that if mk9 or any other mk game coming out gets more love or get to be known as a better game than umk3 you guys will loose something.

even if mk9 is better than umk3 some of you will never say it is and will find some way to talk trash about mk9.

the truth is some of you don't want mk9 to be a better game than umk3 because you are hopping some day people will stop playing the latest mks and go back to play umk3 as their main game
Not really, MK9 just isn't going to be better than UMK3. We know pretty much everything about the game as far as gameplay. Not really in depth or how it's implemented, but we do have the information. And from what we know in that regard, and by what I've seen, it's impossible for MK9 to be "better" than UMK3 in a high level competitive sense. It can potentially be a good game and may even rival that of UMK3, but it just won't be better.


Not really, MK9 just isn't going to be better than UMK3. it's impossible for MK9 to be "better" than UMK3 in a high level competitive sense. It can potentially be a good game and may even rival that of UMK3, but it just won't be better.
this type of post is what inspired me to make my last post


guys i love umk3 it is in my list as the best mk game ever but some of you think that if mk9 or any other mk game coming out gets more love or get to be known as a better game than umk3 you guys will loose something.

even if mk9 is better than umk3 some of you will never say it is and will find some way to talk trash about mk9.

the truth is some of you don't want mk9 to be a better game than umk3 because you are hopping some day people will stop playing the latest mks and go back to play umk3 as their main game
I think some of what is getting misconstrued here is that newer=better. This is not true. Lets use SSF4 as an example here. It is new, it is by far the most popular Street Fighter game ever. It singlehandedly revitalized the Street Fighter tournament scene and in fact has brought it to new heights never before achieved. SSF4 is a decent game. But any Street Fighter veteran will tell you it isnt anywhere near as good as Super Turbo, HDR, Alpha 3, or 3rd Strike, not even close. And they are right. SSF4 is a decent Street Fighter game that was made to be accessible to more mainstream and casual gamers, while still appealing enough to the hardcore players that they will at least play it.
And Capcom hit the nail right on the head. The scene is more alive than ever. They found just the right balance they needed to keep the players they had and to expand the player base to unbelivable new heights. But that still doesnt make SSF4 better than ST,A3,HDR or 3rd strike.

Likewise I can only hope MK9 will do for our community what SSF4 did for its community. I hope it will attract new players and make MK tournaments bigger than ever. I hope the hardcore UMK3 players will like it also. I hope its a game the community will unite behind and say "This is a good game, we are going to support it at tournaments". I hope all that and more happens. But even if it does, that wont make MK9 a better game than UMK3, it would only mean its more popular. UMK3 is a 15 year old game that stands the test of time and is still a tournament worthy fighter. It will always be the best Mortal Kombat game ever. Somehow I doubt when MK9 is 15 years old that people will still be playing it at tournaments.


wow now guys...

I'm a strong believer in that MK9 will be a good game. Better than UMK3? most likely not... possible? of course.

You cant say that it wont. The game hasnt even come out yet.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Bottom line, UMK3 may end up being the best MK game ever even with MK9 out and possibly good...but it's not gonna survive at all if MK9 doesn't get supported. And even then, UMK3 may just die out because MK9 is what's popular.

UMK3 suffers from the same issues that Marvel and CvS2 suffers...it's an old game, which is an unfortunate issue.


Bottom line, UMK3 may end up being the best MK game ever even with MK9 out and possibly good...but it's not gonna survive at all if MK9 doesn't get supported. And even then, UMK3 may just die out because MK9 is what's popular.

UMK3 suffers from the same issues that Marvel and CvS2 suffers...it's an old game, which is an unfortunate issue.
Trust me when I say UMK3's tournament life does not depend on how well MK9 does at tournaments. It may well be the other way around actually. If not for UMK3 and the work of people like Shock,9.95,Summoning in the Northleast, Krayzie Bone on the west coast, Tim Static,Ghaleon and others in the midwest, then MK9 would most likely not have a tournament scene sitting here waiting for it. If none of what has happened with UMK3 over the past year had happened, then I fear MK9 would be doomed to repeat all the 3d MK games cycle of online only play and quickly forgotten about within a few months.
So in essence, if MK9 is successful in tournaments,(and as Ive said I truly hope it will be) then one could say MK9 has UMK3 to thank for it.


Little of my opinion...I love UMK3 and I think it is the best mk game ever. Of course that gives me some prejudice about mk9 but I am ready to put umk3 on a side when it comes to real criticism. Old timers will hate the new game just because it is a new game. No matter what MK9 will never ever even get close to umk3 game play and that's why most of us will either love it or hate it. I will try and give the game a chance and if its good then its good, if not then....well we have UMK3....As far as tournaments and stuff....I think that if mk9 sucks then the MK offline scene will be exactly where it is now...the only thing is that new players wont be around....+ there will be no significant increase in hype, but that's ok....I don't care for Back street boys type of screams on a combo anyway....


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I'm not saying MK9 doesn't have UMK3 to thank...not at all. Everyone who supported UMK3 is to thank for MK9 being as hype as it is.

What I am saying, though, is that UMK3 is 15 years old. There's a chance the current amount of competition for it will be it and it will dwindle. If ST, 3S and CvS2 are any example, the only thing that's stopping good games is being old. And like I said, that's very unfortunate.

I truly do hope UMK3, hell, MK in general can keep afloat and still bring in new blood to each game, but I am also aware of the various things that could prevent that. That's all I'm saying.


I'm not saying MK9 doesn't have UMK3 to thank...not at all. Everyone who supported UMK3 is to thank for MK9 being as hype as it is.

What I am saying, though, is that UMK3 is 15 years old. There's a chance the current amount of competition for it will be it and it will dwindle. If ST, 3S and CvS2 are any example, the only thing that's stopping good games is being old. And like I said, that's very unfortunate.

I truly do hope UMK3, hell, MK in general can keep afloat and still bring in new blood to each game, but I am also aware of the various things that could prevent that. That's all I'm saying.
Well thats up to us. As long as we, the community dont let UMK3 die, then it wont. Here in the northeast UMK3 is the headliner, and it always will be. The friends we have within the tournament community insures that as long as we are willing to bring the game to tournaments we will always have a spot at them.
The same goes for MK9, it may well become the more popular MK game at tournaments and bring in players even from outside the current community, and I hope it does. But it starts with us, right here. If we dont bring it out, nothing happens.
There arent various things that could prevent MK from staying afloat and bring new players into the fold. There is only one thing that could prevent it. Us. Us right here. We are the ones responsible for MK being where it has been, where it is and where it will be.
And sure I agree we can do much more if MK9 is a good game than we could if its not. Its new so it will be more popular, and thats fine, I want it to be that way. Im hyped for it myself. But UMK3 is still the Alpha, the Omega.
Now I'm more of a newcomer to the competitive MK scene and I don't play UMK3 hardcore (don't like the game enough to really try.) but I do believe you guys are a bit biased towards UMK3. Why can't MK9 be better than UMK3? Just seeing how a game is played and how it actually feels to be played are two different things. I can look at UMK3 high level play and say "This shit is dope." but actually try and play the game and be like......ewwww. I believe you let your love of UMK3 cloud your opinions about the game. Wait until you actually have the game in your console with the controller in your hand to say if it is or isnt better than UMK3.......


Its one thing to say that you don't think its going to be better, and wait for it to come out to really judge it, than to just claim it wont be because of visuals.

I've played all of the 3D MK's along with the 2D's enough to understand how rare it would be if MK9 was actually better. But in no way will I ever claim that a game is automatically better than an unreleased version of a new one, before its event out. Thats foolish.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
wow now guys...

I'm a strong believer in that MK9 will be a good game. Better than UMK3? most likely not... possible? of course.

You cant say that it wont. The game hasnt even come out yet.
Emphasize on the ladder part especially :) the game hasn't come out yet, thus we don't know I agree.

I'm not saying MK9 doesn't have UMK3 to thank...not at all. Everyone who supported UMK3 is to thank for MK9 being as hype as it is.

What I am saying, though, is that UMK3 is 15 years old. There's a chance the current amount of competition for it will be it and it will dwindle. If ST, 3S and CvS2 are any example, the only thing that's stopping good games is being old. And like I said, that's very unfortunate.

I truly do hope UMK3, hell, MK in general can keep afloat and still bring in new blood to each game, but I am also aware of the various things that could prevent that. That's all I'm saying.
Great point, and that's why MK9 has strong potential to be on par with UMK3 if not better due to those even "minor" issues being able to be addressed where as games like UMK3 and MVC can't...hell Capcom even had a chance to correct them prior to the xbox live release and psn, but came out and said "we feel there's no need to fix anything"

I think the problem is too many people are judging MK games from here on out based strickly off the "3D MK games" that had tons of issues namely MK D and MKA, MKDC as far as I'm concerned is a game that can be played(nobody here is going to win via a Flash or Superman infinite, although I had wished they would have been addressed. Clearly gigs like NEC prove otherwise...

With that being said, I do think some UMK3 guys are being a bit unfair to newer MK games IMO...once MK9 hits, you really think UMK3 will still be "as hot" or not remotely effected? I doubt it...UMK3 will always be respected and good MK game, but to say it'll be "the only good MK game ever" is nonsense.


MKF I think you are misunderstanding us. You think we are biased against MK9. This is not true, we want it to succeed as much as you do, perhaps more. A corvette is a sick car. It is not an insult to the corvette to say a Ferrari is better. It doesnt mean the Corvette is not a great car just because the Ferrari is better. But even though there are way more Corvettes in the world than there are Ferrari's, The Ferrari is still better. I hope MK9 can be a corvette it would be great for the community if it could be. But I dont expect it to be a Ferrari, they are much more rare.


MKF I think you are misunderstanding us. You think we are biased against MK9. This is not true, we want it to succeed as much as you do, perhaps more. A corvette is a sick car. It is not an insult to the corvette to say a Ferrari is better. It doesnt mean the Corvette is not a great car just because the Ferrari is better. But even though there are way more Corvettes in the world than there are Ferrari's, The Ferrari is still better. I hope MK9 can be a corvette it would be great for the community if it could be. But I dont expect it to be a Ferrari, they are much more rare.
What if it turns out to be a hotwheel? :)


I agree with dan and here is why:
Let me start by saying I am behind mk9 100% if it is really good, I may just drop umk3 (no one will miss me hah). I think that saying mk9 may be better or is better than umk3 is pointless. If you look at street fighter you can see this kind of argument has become invalid: (reasonable) People have ceased to compare Super Turbo/Alpha/sf4/third strike because the games are so different and there is so much nostalgia/love for the old games. This is the same for umk3 and mk9. Umk3 will always be some people's favorite regardless of any new additions to the series great or horrible. Think of it like this: The original games in a series are their own genre. They cannot be duplicated or improved upon. Once a community surrounds itself around a game and people start to have memories of that game, nostalgia for the game, and love for the game, the game is untouchable.

I cannot think of a game this would be more true for than UMK3.


Once a community surrounds itself around a game and people start to have memories of that game, nostalgia for the game, and love for the game, the game is untouchable.

I cannot think of a game this would be more true for than UMK3.
No joke, I actually got misty eyed when I came to this part ^^ Especially the part where you said UMK3 is untouchable.