Johnny San
Shazzy's Biggest Fan
What are we doing in the corner?
Roll, D2, NJP, F14~Low Pounce 31%
Roll, D2, NJP, 4U3 1+2 28%
Roll, D2, NJP, F14~Low Pounce 31%
Roll, D2, NJP, 4U3 1+2 28%
2 is her fastest string starter but you can punish both those moves even with standing one. A Roll should connect 10/10 times.What is Mileena's fastest normal to combo? IS it just neutral 21 into roll? I'm trying to find stuff to punish scorp tele and sub slide besides uppercut
roll isn't fast enough
I can't get Low pounce to connect after f2. I'll continue to try tomorrow.Alright Ravenous players. I found a consistent way of attaining over 30% off an EX-Roll. Of course, this only works if they're still grounded.
EX-Roll, J3~Teleport~Air Sai, F2~Low/High Pounce (33%)
The trick is to connect the J3 as late as possible. You then have to Teleport as quick as possible. Everything after is straightforward. The timing isn't difficult. It's executing the Teleport as quick as possible which is the key.
It can be worth it, if I want to avoid dealing with wakeups because I'm not feeling on point I would end combos with B12-1+3 to keep them standing and reset to neutral. I will say you can actually get more damage with B12-1+3 if you do this combo: Starter, Roll, B3 xx Telekick xx Air Sai, B12-1+3, DD2I'll get right into my question/discussion starter
Most people especially people in the combo threads end the combo with b21-2+4 because it does the most damage. However there is another option b12-1+3 that only does slightly less damage (2-3% in a full combo) however it leaves the opponent standing.
Is the very slight reduction in damage worth it to avoid wake-up attacks? In what situation would you use each combo ender?
It is worth noting that mileena jumps away when using the standing reset ender so you cannot immediately follow-up as you can with other resets.
I'd appreciate any feedback or discussion. I'm very new to the forums and fighting games in general.
You are running into F2 right? If so, your timing is off on the Jump Tele. I get it pretty consistently in matches now so it's worth practicing.I can't get Low pounce to connect after f2. I'll continue to try tomorrow.
standing 1? hits? arent they too far after push back?2 is her fastest string starter but you can punish both those moves even with standing one. A Roll should connect 10/10 times.
Depends where they teleported. It's just to illustrate a point. If you can punish with 1, you can punish with Roll.standing 1? hits? arent they too far after push back?
Oh thats the problem. I wasn't run canceling.You are running into F2 right? If so, your timing is off on the Jump Tele. I get it pretty consistently in matches now so it's worth practicing.
Honestly she is lower mid at the highest. She is too slow to whiff punish as you are suggesting. if she had faster normals that would apply. It is cool to see devotion to the character and I applaud all of what you all are doing, she is not that good. I think she is bottom 5. Kitana is a better Mileena. She gets the same damage meterless and can confirm full screen instant air fans. I've decided to stick it out with her, but things are not looking good. I catch people off guard with her because they don't know the match up. Her tele-kick can be parried and it puts you at a disadvantage on hit. You can win with her online all day, but offline is a different story. Things like a faster f3 and a low roll (which would not make her broken because you don't need to stand block anything except 2,1,u4 and f1 kick string) would make her more of a solid character that could place in tourneys. She still wouldn't be heavy on mix ups, but better. Her main issue is people don't have to play defense against her. They just need to duck block and wait for a f3 which you can react to offline by the way. One other thing is that her low pokes are slower than other characters. She is just a punishable YOLO character in a game with a lot of characters who can do the same or more and are not YOLO.Mileena does not suck. You are using her wrong. She is not a rushdown and mixup character. You will need to use throws. She is a whiff punisher with good zoning capabilities. That roll whiff punishes better then pretty much anything else. Its 7f, hits mid and launches. You can aa jumps all day with it and punish in your sleep.
She is not the best but she is not shinnok and goro tier
You dont whiff punish with normals. You do it with her 8f roll. You can punish things on reaction with her 8f advancing launcher. It also seems to beat alot alot of armored moves, things like kotals ex overhead launcher. People have to respect that option. She has problems but shes not terrible like some of you suggest.Honestly she is lower mid at the highest. She is too slow to whiff punish as you are suggesting. if she had faster normals that would apply. It is cool to see devotion to the character and I applaud all of what you all are doing, she is not that good. I think she is bottom 5. Kitana is a better Mileena. She gets the same damage meterless and can confirm full screen instant air fans. I've decided to stick it out with her, but things are not looking good. I catch people off guard with her because they don't know the match up. Her tele-kick can be parried and it puts you at a disadvantage on hit. You can win with her online all day, but offline is a different story. Things like a faster f3 and a low roll (which would not make her broken because you don't need to stand block anything except 2,1,u4 and f1 kick string) would make her more of a solid character that could place in tourneys. She still wouldn't be heavy on mix ups, but better. Her main issue is people don't have to play defense against her. They just need to duck block and wait for a f3 which you can react to offline by the way. One other thing is that her low pokes are slower than other characters. She is just a punishable YOLO character in a game with a lot of characters who can do the same or more and are not YOLO.
Just some things I've been utilizing for those sticking with her.
I've found the best ender for all combos is 2,1,u4 (untechable and +30). This allows you to apply wake up pressure and bait out wake ups. Her f1 timed can stuff wake ups. You can throw neutral jump, or use low meaties. Jump over 1 has a great hit box that can even hit behind her. This is my way to open up the f3. Be relentless on oki with different things and then out of nowhere use the f3. I try to set up one a match. You have to make people forget about f3. She also doesn't use meter in combos so If it is a winning round and they are about half life and you catch f3 combo just x ray. Of course against heavy rush down characters use MB roll only when pressure is too high and the attack is relentless. If you do it once they will respect your wake up so don't abuse it, becuase then it gets baited, so just wake up block, wake up throw or wake up poke. Final note, because jp, f3 does not combo, and everyone knows it, I can sneak this in and catch them off guard, but be sure to save your f3s.
Consistent combos I use
1,2,4 / 2,1 / f1,2, b4 / b1,2 / b2,2/ f2,3 - roll b3,4, air sai run 2,1, u4. Timing is the key and the air sai must hit their leg for this to work. you can f4 into this combo as well but its really YOLO. 2,1 is kind of YOLO as well if they are blocking.
f,3,4,4 roll nj p 2,1, u4
f,3,4,3 tele kick, air sai run f2,3 roll 2,1,u4
You sacrifice damage playing this way, but it leads to more pressure and damage which Mileena has a hard time setting up. I think of it as pool where you are always trying to set up the next shot and saving the guarantees till the end. Only use meter when you have to and save for breaker and xray. I rarely use MB in combos or mix up because it is so YOLO, but sometimes it is necessary. I just play good defense, whiff punish, throw sai and punish jumps. I do fairly well against solid solid players.
Nothing you told me is new, I knew that, but name 5 people worse than her.You dont whiff punish with normals. You do it with her 8f roll. You can punish things on reaction with her 8f advancing launcher. It also seems to beat alot alot of armored moves, things like kotals ex overhead launcher. People have to respect that option. She has problems but shes not terrible like some of you suggest.
I guess I just need to level up then. bc I cannot seem to punish ANY sort of teleport or slides with roll... holy cow..Depends where they teleported. It's just to illustrate a point. If you can punish with 1, you can punish with Roll.
She's better than ShinnokNothing you told me is new, I knew that, but name 5 people worse than her.
I say potentially Takeda, Goro, Shinnok, don't know about Ferra Torr or Jason, and from the inconsistencies with Jackie, maybe her.
you think she is worse than F/T?She's better than Shinnok
Worse than Jason (but she is good against him)
Wayyy worse than F/T lol
Well if nothing i said is new, dont act like you are supposed to punish whiffs with a slow ass normal when you have a fast advancing launcher that has 8f startup and lowers her hitbox. I mean....seriously. Complain about her problems but dont ignore what she does have.Nothing you told me is new, I knew that, but name 5 people worse than her.
I say potentially Takeda, Goro, Shinnok, don't know about Ferra Torr or Jason, and from the inconsistencies with Jackie, maybe her.
I'm not high level or anything, but I think FT is a damn good character. Great ranged high/lows, best njp in the game, projectile that absorbs other projectiles and does 16% dmg on hit, a low-hitting projectile that absorbs projectiles, has a command grab, and pretty good frame data (def. better than mileena's)you think she is worse than F/T?
F/T has no real way to open ppl up bc their normal is really slow and I can see them and react a mile away even online, and when Ferra is off Torras back you can just go in bc all the fast/long range moves all the sudden become really crappy ones. I dunno about that man.
Eventhubs tier lists are usually ridiculous lolMileena confirmed top tier? Lol
I checked that today and she was number one this morning. She's definitely not number one but she's a solid mid. High risk high reward for sure.
I think you misunderstood the point. Every character is a whiff punishing character, but hardcore whiff punish characters in fighting games (not just mkx) have fast normals. Her 8f launcher is only 8 frames when touching, when she has to travel the 8f increases. In a fighting game a whiff punish character has normals that usually have reach that are fast. She does not have that. The 8f can be 9 or 10+ depending on distance between you and your opponent. The roll is a better jump punisher, projectile punisher, high punisher because every character can punish whiffs, largely negative uncancellable string, or block string and some better than mileena. I blow up a lot of careless decisions with roll. Maybe I misunderstood you, and you talking about the same thing or maybe we have a difference of philosophy.Well if nothing i said is new, dont act like you are supposed to punish whiffs with a slow ass normal when you have a fast advancing launcher that has 8f startup and lowers her hitbox. I mean....seriously. Complain about her problems but dont ignore what she does have.
Beyond ridiculous, when someone tried to show me this my reply was simply...Eventhubs tier lists are usually ridiculous lol
OH Guys BTW f1,4,3 can be techedHere are some combos. You're sacrificing a little bit of damage though some of them aren't too far away from the 30's meterless. There some that you can use in meter, but I haven't gone too deep into them:
All Variants
(AA) Telekick xxair saisxx ball roll, f143 26%
(AA) Telekick xxair saixx ball roll 21u4 28%
123 xxballxx njp, walk a bit 21u4 26%
b12 xxballxx njp, walk 21u4 25%
f4 xxballxx njp, f143 25%
123 xxrollxx njp f143 28%
b12 xxrollxx njp f143 27%
b22 xxrollxx njp, 21u4 25%
f23 xxrollxx njp, 21u4 25%
f12b4 xxrollxx njp, 214 27%
F234 I haven't found a combo, yet. I'm thinking that it's used for the mixup game with F23 if people aren't looking to block low. Her foot sweep could be used also.