Pick up & kill it & kill it & kill it!
I already mentioned in a post way before those that f143 was techable. I listed those combos with the ender because you can still end the combo that way closer to the corner & get the same situations if they decide to tech to avoid the set ups after the ender.OH Guys BTW f1,4,3 can be teched
only 2,1 u4 or stand 3 are her only advantageous untechables
Edit: Why are people still stuck on who's worse than who? I've already voiced my opinion that she would probably be around mid tier (upper) at best. It's not about "Who has the best tools". It's about the matchups going across the boards. Numbers. People have the wrong idea on how tiers work. A lot of people especially here at TYM use tiers as an excuse for the characters. Do they matter? Yes, but that depends on how wide the gap is.
They're imo based on 3 things: Character dynamics, how they work within the game's mechanics, & how their matchups are across the board against the cast. I'm just wondering because this has been the only thing I've been reading constantly every time I go to a character forum.
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