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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


How do they not affect you? How do you know your internet will stay up? How do you know your ISP doesn't fuck up? How do you know microsofts servers don't go down?

Do you ever buy used games? Under MSs policies, they will be more expensive, or non existant.

Do you trade games with friends? Lend them stuff? With Microsoft its considerably more of a problem and you can only do it once... so its not even lending. Its 'giving' a game once.

How can you say that it doesn't affect you?

I'll spare you the boredom of my life story but in a nutshell, they just don't. None of them do, lol =)


I read somewhere that X1 is giving 1 year of Live and Ps4 isn't so it's really 400$ vs 450$. That 50$ (or 100$ if the news source I got the news from is false) is really just for Kinect.

So yeah, 100$ for a dumb piece of Kinect hardware I'll probably better use. Who knows, maybe it will grow on me and I'll register corner phrases to turn on my system like "Jefferson, activate the Springlenugget" and it will turn on my X1.


Joker waiting room
Who are you to complain about it? I'm sorry, I must have missed when you became the all knowing entity of gaming.

If you fear that your internet might go down then don't but the X1. It's very simple.

Do you not comprehend that it's a matter of PREFERENCE? If you know the definition of the word then maybe you can see past your whining. But judging from how you have to resort to curse words when someone doesn't agree with you, I doubt it.
I'm not resorting to curse words when someone doesn't agree with me. I resort to that when I see someone saying ridiculously stupid shit, not because they themselves are stupid, but because they have the audacity to speak about everyone else and generalise.

didn't you tell to anyone who didn't agree with you that it's like they have no lives and they'll die without internet for a day? Lol.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I read somewhere that X1 is giving 1 year of Live and Ps4 isn't so it's really 400$ vs 450$. That 50$ (or 100$ if the news source I got the news from is false) is really just for Kinect.

So yeah, 100$ for a dumb piece of Kinect hardware I'll probably better use. Who knows, maybe it will grow on me and I'll register corner phrases to turn on my system like "Jefferson, activate the Springlenugget" and it will turn on my X1.

Who said that its giving out free stuff? I heard your live is carrying over, but that's not free.

And PS4 has better subscription options. Free games... 50 a year instead of 60 and you can play games as they download.

And the fact that microsoft bundle in kinect worries me. It makes me think that their exclusives and games will force me to use that fucking thing. And it always has to be plugged in. I hate kinect so much.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I totally understand someone who has had an xbox since the beginning and wants to continue supporting xbox. I've been with Sony since ps1 so i was naturally gonna gravitate towards ps4. Imo ps4 has stomped xbox one (but like i mentioned i am biased towards sony). But what i dont understand is how people just assume if you have internet at all its always 100% connected. my internet constantly goes out and because of that i hardly ever play online. Also my internet provider had a strike fairly recently and while that was going on i hardly had internet period. That is why i appreciate the freedom to play offline because there are things that you simply can't control, such as internet going out, strikes, or whatever. If i had an Xbox one i couldnt ever play the damn thing because of my extremely unreliable internet. also add in the restrictions Microsoft is putting on used games and kinect watching you constantly is just creepy. Also it seems like microsoft doesnt really care about people like me or their core fanbase. I just don't understand why people would support this kind of behavior from any company. And just because microsoft does it doesn't mean "it's the future" it means they're greedy dicks. Sony proved that when they announced their used game policy, no internet required, and price
Greedy how?

I understand your point of view, but I have to say that a steady, 24/7 conection is not a requirement to play the X1. Also are you in one of those areas of the country where your Internet provider ultimately runs a monopoly? I ask because I can sympathize as I was under comcast's thumb for years until prism came along.

Bottom line with all this is Internet is the future, and through companies like Comcast, Google, Sprint, and others, the Internet infractucture of the US and beyond is only going to continue to grow and get better. In that future where do you see the MS (software company) and Sony (hardware company)? Equal? I will conceed that MS will not "win" this console gen, but that means NOTHING overall to me, and I don't even think MS cares.

The X1 is a service provider first, a "new" digital distribution company if you will, and that to me looks as if it can extend much further than where disks and offline can take you.


I will spit on your tomb!
The comment from Microsoft did not impact me at all. Given my consumer habits, their choices and policies for current gen do not affect me at all.
Obvious it didn't affect your purchasing choice but saying what they're doing doesn't effect you is simply untrue. Whether you choose to see that or not is clearly your prerogative. However, correct me if I am wrong we are not solely talking about you. We're talking about the spectrum of consumer response.

Thus far its been pretty damn bad. So implying this isn't a big deal is a giant misnomer.

You do not know MS agenda or that of the big 3 companies that dominate the gaming market. Neither do I. However, given what I've seen, it appears the agenda spreads further into the future than you are willing to see. I'm being open about it
I don't know their agenda? it's pretty damn obvious. They're trying for a bigger grab by controlling what I will and won't purchase and further more control what I actually do with it when I have it. I don't need omnipresent understanding in marketing to "get it". I got it nice and clear and will not touch their product with a barge pole.

Don't put words in my mouth. There is no need to jump to conclusions and I'm not trying to shove anything down your throat.
Firstly, let me offer an apology if you think I am being overly terse. I am not, what you do as a consumer doesn't effect me. Nor am I "mad" at you for having a different opinion or anything as such.

That said, I have not put any words into your mouth. I have addressed everything I said piece by piece.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Greedy how?

I understand your point of view, but I have to say that a steady, 24/7 conection is not a requirement to play the X1. Also are you in one of those areas of the country where your Internet provider ultimately runs a monopoly? I ask because I can sympathize as I was under comcast's thumb for years until prism came along.

Bottom line with all this is Internet is the future, and through companies like Comcast, Google, Sprint, and others, the Internet infractucture of the US and beyond is only going to continue to grow and get better. In that future where do you see the MS (software company) and Sony (hardware company)? Equal? I will conceed that MS will not "win" this console gen, but that means NOTHING overall to me, and I don't even think MS cares.

The X1 is a service provider first, a "new" digital distribution company if you will, and that to me looks as if it can extend much further than where disks and offline can take you.

Ok. Tell me pleaseee. What advantage do you get for being forced to connect to the internet?

Sony doesn't make you do it. So what advantage you get .

Saying "its the future" is clearly a non answer since sony isn't doing it, and unless you can define an advantage for being forced to connect all the damn time, I'll conclude that it is infact, no the future and simply a negative.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
I'm not resorting to curse words when someone doesn't agree with me. I resort to that when I see someone saying ridiculously stupid shit, not because they themselves are stupid, but because they have the audacity to speak about everyone else and generalise.

didn't you tell to anyone who didn't agree with you that it's like they have no lives and they'll die without internet for a day? Lol.
No, I did not. I've stated many times that this is a matter of preference. I said that the people that are complaining about the always connected feature act like they wouldn't survive without video games for a day if, on some outside chance, that their internet went down.

No one is speaking for everyone but you. You're raging because, what did you say? College students couldn't play an xbox because of internet? That, sir, is speaking for everyone in a matter of, once and for all, preference.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
An outlyer is an outlyer no matter how you slice it.

Except one outlier affects one much more than the other. And problems with your internet or microsoft/sonys infrastructure is not extremely rare. Its rare, but it will affect you.

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
I read somewhere that X1 is giving 1 year of Live and Ps4 isn't so it's really 400$ vs 450$. That 50$ (or 100$ if the news source I got the news from is false) is really just for Kinect.

So yeah, 100$ for a dumb piece of Kinect hardware I'll probably better use. Who knows, maybe it will grow on me and I'll register corner phrases to turn on my system like "Jefferson, activate the Springlenugget" and it will turn on my X1.
Pricewise wouldn't be a big deal if they weren't forcing the Kinect2 down people's throats. But that's not really the issue here.

People were saying that during the Xbox One reveal the constant commands through the TV was interacting with their current Kinects.

Trolls would have a field day with this online.

"XBOX OFF" *everyone in game disconnects*


Joker waiting room
No, I did not. I've stated many times that this is a matter of preference. I said that the people that are complaining about the always connected feature act like they wouldn't survive without video games for a day if, on some outside chance, that their internet went down.

No one is speaking for everyone but you. You're raging because, what did you say? College students couldn't play an xbox because of internet? That, sir, is speaking for everyone in a matter of, once and for all, preference.
Not raging. I call people retards even when calm.

Exactly, preference. People would prefer not to buy it because of that, who are you to tell them so? THIS is the exact reason I replied to you. I couldn't care at all if osmeone on the internet actually bought XB1.


To be honest if you really look at PS4 it's only slightly less rapey. They simply adopted the same plan that they shunned the microsoft for using last generation for the 360. So I give the left middle finger two xbox and the right one to sony.


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
Not raging. I call people retards even when calm.

Exactly, preference. People would prefer not to buy it because of that, who are you to tell them so? THIS is the exact reason I replied to you. I couldn't care at all if osmeone on the internet actually bought XB1.
What people?! Are you thinking what you're typing? Thank you for proving my point that you're speaking for everyone and applying your own generalizations.

Your reading comprehension needs to be brought up to speed. I've said four times now, it is PREFERENCE. I'm not telling anyone to buy anything. I'm telling them to buy what they'll enjoy most.


Ok. Tell me pleaseee. What advantage do you get for being forced to connect to the internet?

Sony doesn't make you do it. So what advantage you get .

Saying "its the future" is clearly a non answer since sony isn't doing it, and unless you can define an advantage for being forced to connect all the damn time, I'll conclude that it is infact, no the future and simply a negative.

I dropped cable TV in 1997 and have been perma-net connected since then. MS policy does not impact me at all.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Here's the point. Yes, a freak power outage can happen. Out of my control. Yep, got it, valid point.

However, if something should happen with the Live servers, be it maintenance or what have you, or if something happens with my ISP, as it stands with current gen consoles, I can still play freely. But with the way Xbox One wants to do things I could lose my ability to play despite the fact that it has fuck all to do with my immediate surroundings.

It would be like me saying you can't eat that doughnut because I'm on a diet that has nothing to do with you.

A localized power outage is NOT comparable to outside interference that can include being across the fucking nation.
Still you are talking about outlyers and things that are out of your control that have a very low probability of happening. Fact of the matter is that XBL in the 11 years it has been running hasn't seen the type of catastophic events that are being thrown around, and ISPs that go down are very rarely down for any extended period of time. Instead of looking at track records and making decisions accordingly, people are making decisions based on future events that "could" happen but are unfounded.

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
Still you are talking about outlyers and things that are out of your control that have a very low probability of happening. Fact of the matter is that XBL in the 11 years it has been running hasn't seen the type of catastophic events that are being thrown around, and ISPs that go down are very rarely down for any extended period of time. Instead of looking at track records and making decisions accordingly, people are making decisions based on future events that "could" happen but are unfounded.
But those are added elements to what is already known, thereby increasing the probability of it happening. You should probably work on your probability and statistics.

Regardless, this is still a problem, and it is an added problem, and many people can speak from expirence with shitty ISP expirence, including myself. Hell, when PSN was down for three fucking weeks I could still play my games. If anything like that happens during the Xbox One era, you best believe there is going to be a firestorm.

P.S. - I also refer you to my other post here about the matter: http://testyourmight.com/threads/microsoft-respond-to-conerns-over-xbox1.34175/page-4#post-941449