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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


My GT: UncappedWheel82
See, I'd get that. If there was an advantage to going digital. There isn't, just disadvantages.
Now we are having a real conversation: Disk vs Digital. As long as disks are around, prices for licensed content can stay artificially high.

Ex. Music, Movies, console games. Now look at Apps, and PC games, and streaming services.

People think that by giving up disks (physical media) they are giving up "something," when in reality you are freeing up a lot more. Look at Steam, look at Itunes, look at all the established digital distribution companies and look at the prices, the competition, and the look at the model they have built. Industry models built with physical media as their cashcow are dieing...fast...much faster than you think, while digital sales and distribution is growing. Sony backing physical media is a short term goal to get more gamers now. Having a strong digital structure in place for the future is what gaming needs.

For the past decade the console gaming Industry has held itself back by trying to grow on a dieing branch. MS is trying to push forward (whether you argree of disagree with their methods is up to you entirely), and provide a new avenue for recieving and digesting video games as well as other media. With MS branching into all things digital entertainment, they cut off the die limb..and Sony is doing it too. Look at all the downloadable offerings, streaming services, and other what nots they are investing in as well. Hanging onto the line that "there isn't any advantages" is abrutly ended with a big "right now." The big difference in Sony and MS at this point in the gaming industry is the speed at which they are transitioning into the digital age.

Console VGs as they are haven't been given the chance to truly to much more than downloadable indy type games, and the occasion bigger selling title on the DL-able front, and from the reactions gamers are having all over the net, it seems console gaming will stay this way at least a little while longer. But me, I persaonlly I cannot wait for a Steam, or Goolge, or even Itunes like service to come to consoles.

A couple advantages that I see for digital games on the X1 are being able access all my games from any connected X1 anywhere. Or being able to integrate my phone/tablet games into my experience with no issue. I'll be able to share my digital library with freinds and family, who also have an X1, just by including them in my sharing circle, and all that is without having to have a dedicated Internet connection 24/7 at my own home.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Did you miss the part where he said "paid for".

Yeah, that doesn't change the fact that access to video games, even if you did pay for a license to use them, is not a basic human right. If the idea that you may be deprived of video games during a server outage (although game servers and authentication servers are very different things, but I digress) causes you a great deal of anguish and consternation, I would congratulate you on having lived a very fortunate life.

As a multiplayer PC gamer, I'm used to the occasional outage. Sometimes, there is nothing I want to do more than get home after a long day and play some GW2 PvP with my wife and friends, but the server is down. So, we whip out a board game or go for a walk or something else. It's annoying, sure, but some people here are acting like it's a grave violation of their rights... when it's not. It's a video game. It's not a huge deal if you cannot play in offline mode at this very second, which isn't even an issue the XB1 has, but still.

Anyway, people should probably step back and take a deep breath. Microsoft isn't trying to rob you, they're trying to solve a very difficult problem, and their solution may or may not work. They're not tyrants, they're not dictators, they just may be wrong about something that is very petty in the grand scheme of things.


Here is some perspective on the internet issue.


While this obviously doesn't coorelate directly with Xbox or PS users, it is still quite a significant number of people and any number of them could be future buyers of the next gen.

Just some dumb math here but US has what 330 million peeps? 120 lacking internet? Xbox live has roughlt 50 million users. This leaves 160 million to gain.

So as I said earlier, the amount of users MS can potentially gain is still larger that the amount they cannot reach.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
How do they not affect you? How do you know your internet will stay up? How do you know your ISP doesn't fuck up? How do you know microsofts servers don't go down?

Do you ever buy used games? Under MSs policies, they will be more expensive, or non existant.

Do you trade games with friends? Lend them stuff? With Microsoft its considerably more of a problem and you can only do it once... so its not even lending. Its 'giving' a game once.

How can you say that it doesn't affect you?
Outlyers again.

Used games are still on the table for the X1, and they have said they won't charge an extra fee. Just like Sony did, they left most things up to the 3rd parties.

Lending physical copies to me is the same as sharing digital copies...which the X1 allows.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Now we are having a real conversation: Disk vs Digital. As long as disks are around, prices for licensed content can stay artificially high.

Ex. Music, Movies, console games. Now look at Apps, and PC games, and streaming services.

People think that by giving up disks (physical media) they are giving up "something," when in reality you are freeing up a lot more. Look at Steam, look at Itunes, look at all the established digital distribution companies and look at the prices, the competition, and the look at the model they have built. Industry models built with physical media as their cashcow are dieing...fast...much faster than you think, while digital sales and distribution is growing. Sony backing physical media is a short term goal to get more gamers now. Having a strong digital structure in place for the future is what gaming needs.

For the past decade the console gaming Industry has held itself back by trying to grow on a dieing branch. MS is trying to push forward (whether you argree of disagree with their methods is up to you entirely), and provide a new avenue for recieving and digesting video games as well as other media. With MS branching into all things digital entertainment, they cut off the die limb..and Sony is doing it too. Look at all the downloadable offerings, streaming services, and other what nots they are investing in as well. Hanging onto the line that "there isn't any advantages" is abrutly ended with a big "right now." The big difference in Sony and MS at this point in the gaming industry is the speed at which they are transitioning into the digital age.

Console VGs as they are haven't been given the chance to truly to much more than downloadable indy type games, and the occasion bigger selling title on the DL-able front, and from the reactions gamers are having all over the net, it seems console gaming will stay this way at least a little while longer. But me, I persaonlly I cannot wait for a Steam, or Goolge, or even Itunes like service to come to consoles.

A couple advantages that I see for digital games on the X1 are being able access all my games from any connected X1 anywhere. Or being able to integrate my phone/tablet games into my experience with no issue. I'll be able to share my digital library with freinds and family, who also have an X1, just by including them in my sharing circle, and all that is without having to have a dedicated Internet connection 24/7 at my own home.

Why is physical disks holding anything back?

And if digital makes things cheaper, then why isn't microsoft got cheaper games? And they still have disks, just not to play through.

This isn't about disk vs ditital.

This is about DRM vs no DRM.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Outlyers again.

Used games are still on the table for the X1, and they have said they won't charge an extra fee. Just like Sony did, they left most things up to the 3rd parties.

Lending physical compies to me is the same as sharing digital copies...which the X1 allows.

No, sony have said that their used game policy is exactly the same as it is now.

So, if ubisoft want to use online passes, sony won't stop them.

However, if you want to buy an ubisoft game you can't buy it from used from ebay no matter what you do if you own xbone.

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
Just some dumb math here but US has what 330 million peeps? 120 lacking internet? Xbox live has roughlt 50 million users. This leaves 160 million to gain.

So as I said earlier, the amount of users MS can potentially gain is still larger that the amount they cannot reach.
Doesn't matter. These people still exist and they can lose almost just as much as they could gain.


Now we are having a real conversation: Disk vs Digital. As long as disks are around, prices for licensed content can stay artificially high.

Ex. Music, Movies, console games. Now look at Apps, and PC games, and streaming services.

People think that by giving up disks (physical media) they are giving up "something," when in reality you are freeing up a lot more. Look at Steam, look at Itunes, look at all the established digital distribution companies and look at the prices, the competition, and the look at the model they have built. Industry models built with physical media as their cashcow are dieing...fast...much faster than you think, while digital sales and distribution is growing. Sony backing physical media is a short term goal to get more gamers now. Having a strong digital structure in place for the future is what gaming needs.

For the past decade the console gaming Industry has held itself back by trying to grow on a dieing branch. MS is trying to push forward (whether you argree of disagree with their methods is up to you entirely), and provide a new avenue for recieving and digesting video games as well as other media. With MS branching into all things digital entertainment, they cut off the die limb..and Sony is doing it too. Look at all the downloadable offerings, streaming services, and other what nots they are investing in as well. Hanging onto the line that "there isn't any advantages" is abrutly ended with a big "right now." The big difference in Sony and MS at this point in the gaming industry is the speed at which they are transitioning into the digital age.

Console VGs as they are haven't been given the chance to truly to much more than downloadable indy type games, and the occasion bigger selling title on the DL-able front, and from the reactions gamers are having all over the net, it seems console gaming will stay this way at least a little while longer. But me, I persaonlly I cannot wait for a Steam, or Goolge, or even Itunes like service to come to consoles.

A couple advantages that I see for digital games on the X1 are being able access all my games from any connected X1 anywhere. Or being able to integrate my phone/tablet games into my experience with no issue. I'll be able to share my digital library with freinds and family, who also have an X1, just by including them in my sharing circle, and all that is without having to have a dedicated Internet connection 24/7 at my own home.

Hope people see more clearly, this guy gets it and was able to articulate my thoughts.


Doesn't matter. These people still exist and they can lose almost just as much as they could gain.

I see what you're saying but you've got to put on a suit and think like a business man to see why MS do what they do. Same goes for Sony, don't think they are all nice and cuddly because they aren't forcing online check ins. They DID sneak in a mandatory PS Plus subscription fee after all.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Whole Interview:

The executive is talking about "a future proof system that he hopes will be the standard in a few years"....

He sounds like a LEGIT dictator. This is the kind of shit dictators spew and try to pull to change the grand schemes of things.

On an ongoing twitter poll from E3 a whopping 78% so far are said that they are going with the PS4 instead of the Xbox One.

Sorry Microsoft but that's NOT a future the consumers want to live in.
That's just a future that'll make YOU GUYS alot more money.

"We appreciate the passion of the consumers"
.... Yea but in the end you don't care about what the overwhelming majority think.

You can't force us to do anything. We aren't fucking puppets!
This is flat out ridiculous. I'm seriously shocked that this is their mindset about their horrible ideas.

Don't let these guys fucking manipulate you into something that YOU DONT WANT. How ANYONE is even siding with them is just mind boggling. How impressionable are you people?!?!?

Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
I see what you're saying but you've got to put on a suit and think like a business man to see why MS do what they do. Same goes for Sony, don't think they are all nice and cuddly because they aren't forcing online check ins.
No, I get business is business. But they act like these people don't exist.

They DID sneak in a mandatory PS Plus subscription fee after all.
They didn't sneak anything. They were upfront about it. And how is any different than paying for Xbox Live for the past 10 years? And I'm willing to pay that fee especially with all the benefits that come with it.


The Masterless Sword
I see what you're saying but you've got to put on a suit and think like a business man to see why MS do what they do. Same goes for Sony, don't think they are all nice and cuddly because they aren't forcing online check ins. They DID sneak in a mandatory PS Plus subscription fee after all.
Gaming's a business? No sh**! That doesn't excuse what they're trying to pull. They want us to buy games, but not own them, and that's unacceptable.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
Except one outlier affects one much more than the other. And problems with your internet or microsoft/sonys infrastructure is not extremely rare. Its rare, but it will affect you.
It's not rare, but is rare, so it will affect you...maybe?

How does one outlyer affect something more than another if they are both outlyers? If one has a 1% chance of happening, and the other also has a 1% chance of happening, how are you now at such a grave risk since 2 outlying issues "might" happen? This is what I'm shaking my head at.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
Chuckychuck are you still siding with Xbox because you're blinded by your fanboy'ism again? Just like Killer Instinct?

You're justifying to yourself. That's all your doing.

What they are doing is tyrannous and wrong.
Almost 80% of people DONT WANT their policies and they are still pushing them.
If you want to be a puppet, fine. But realize that all you are doing is justifying stuff to yourself the same way that you were justifying that there could be tournaments for Killer Instinct.


Get over here!
I honestly don't understand the problem... if you don't like Xbox One... go get the Wii U or the Ps4... or better yet stick with your current console. I mean I get the Microsoft is messing up... but it is kind of a waste of time to even give them a second look. I am just moving on... if anything they made my decision way easier. I should thank them.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Why is physical disks holding anything back?
They're inconvenient. Storage, difficulty in updating, 3rd party retailers taking a cut, size limitations, access time problems, etc.

And if digital makes things cheaper, then why isn't microsoft got cheaper games? And they still have disks, just not to play through.
Give it time. There's a reason Steam sales exist, and it's not because Valve doesn't love money.

And it does make things cheaper for the developer and publisher, two organizations that you, as a gamer, actually want to be more profitable and less risk-averse.

This isn't about disk vs ditital.

This is about DRM vs no DRM.

See above. Effective DRM is good for developers and publishers, and you should want them to make more money. There will still be piracy, but making it more difficult means more profit (the exact number is, of course, debatable).


Well-Known Member
I get you, but that life. Even with your PS4 you can have a freak power outage and loose all ways to game period. Why isn't that a factor in your console buying habits? Fact is you/I have probably been without Internet for only a miniscual fraction of the time we've had it, but the difference between us is I'm not letting the outlying circumstances dictate my buying habits. For the record, I'm not saying you are wrong at all, but that doesn't make me an idiot either (even though I invited it in this thread).

Disk games WILL go away...soon. Then what will be the excuse when internet is a must for gaming? Gaming is luxury through and through. I know that, you probably know that; being able to game isn't a right, it is a privilege.
Internet goes down much more frequently.

That factors into both systems. Draw.

You're a delusional fanboy.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
They're inconvenient. Storage, difficulty in updating, 3rd party retailers taking a cut, size limitations, access time problems, etc.

Give it time. There's a reason Steam sales exist, and it's not because Valve doesn't love money.

And it does make things cheaper for the developer and publisher, two organizations that you, as a gamer, actually want to be more profitable and less risk-averse.

See above. Effective DRM is good for developers and publishers, and you should want them to make more money. There will still be piracy, but making it more difficult means more profit (the exact number is, of course, debatable).

There is no piracy in consoles, or well there is but its negligible.

This is about used games, not about piracy. And sony offer the same digital content if you want it... if you want it. ITs just that microsoft are forcing you because they hate used games.

Turning consoles, into a glorified steambox you can't upgrade would make consoles fucking pointless. Might as well buy a PC if all xbone has done is turned their console into a PC without upgrades or mods...


I will spit on your tomb!
From what I know; I do not buy used games nor do I trade games.
And as I keep saying it's your prerogative on how you feel about it. You don't care - you don't care. However, no matter how apathetic you are about it, it doesn't change the fact the choice is absolutely not in your hands for something you paid money for. It effects you as a consumer/owner whether you recognize it (on that level) or not.

Next gen will come with a 5$ online subscription fee, I'm fine with it. Finally, I've been perma-connected to the net for over a decade so the online check-in does not affect me. Is there any other policy I may be unaware of?
Never implied it did or didn't - I challenged your contention that it was an absolute to further the gaming industry. Obviously it isn't. There was no absolute need to do this and alienate any of their costumers on any level. It was a power grab through and through. They've already begun to suffer from it.

You detailed precisely what I thought you were overlooking.
I have overlooked absolutely nothing. Its not complicated enough for that to happen. If you mean I refuse to put on the rose tinted glasses though, I agree with you.

Did you find the arcade days too taxing as well? You do know the model then was to make stupid-op bosses so the kids would keep coughing up quarters right?
Empty comparisons are empty.


No, I get business is business. But they act like these people don't exist.

They didn't sneak anything. They were upfront about it. And how is any different than paying for Xbox Live for the past 10 years? And I'm willing to pay that fee especially with all the benefits that come with it.

They snuck it by me. I totally didn't notice it until I saw a thread on TYM with a screenshot of the slide. Then again, I was watching Twitch SC2 stuff along with the E3 conference =)


Change is inevitable. Downloadable games are the future, and so is the DRM that comes with it. The only restirction on the X1 is internet, and what do you know, my Xbox is conected 24/7.

Who on this site doesn't play online? Or at least doesn't have access to play online? It's all very confusing to me.
That would be me. I live in a very rural area that companies don't want to expand high speed internet to as the customer base is low. So when I play online I usually go to a friends house in town, and play on weekends. During the week I usually play offline. Now I can't play KI or even have a functioning XBOX one because I chose to buy a house in a area companies won't bring services to.


Chuckychuck are you still siding with Xbox because you're blinded by your fanboy'ism again? Just like Killer Instinct?

You're justifying to yourself. That's all your doing.

What they are doing is tyrannous and wrong.
Almost 80% of people DONT WANT their policies and they are still pushing them.
If you want to be a puppet, fine. But realize that all you are doing is justifying stuff to yourself the same way that you were justifying that there could be tournaments for Killer Instinct.

I'm a PC gamer who got a PS3 for MK9 and you call me a Xbox fanboy? The more you reply to my posts the less sense you make.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
But those are added elements to what is already known, thereby increasing the probability of it happening. You should probably work on your probability and statistics.

Regardless, this is still a problem, and it is an added problem, and many people can speak from expirence with shitty ISP expirence, including myself. Hell, when PSN was down for three fucking weeks I could still play my games. If anything like that happens during the Xbox One era, you best believe there is going to be a firestorm.

P.S. - I also refer you to my other post here about the matter: http://testyourmight.com/threads/microsoft-respond-to-conerns-over-xbox1.34175/page-4#post-941449[/quote]

All probablities taken into account, your still more probable to want to do something different than game, rather than your console being bricked and not being able to game.

Plus, look at simcity.

Simcity is a game that had no need to be online... yet... it was. Just like xbox one.

Tell me, how did simcity do? I think that tells you why xbox 1 online bullshit does not work.
No Simcity didn't always have to be online, but comparing Simcity and XBL is wishful thinking and hoping X1 fails as the newest Simcity suffered from poor design choices upon inception, and poor server load choices upon release. XBL, while it has had it's growing pains early on, has had minimal issues in the 11 years it has been running, and has been relatively without issue during it's life span.

anyway, why do people play and pay for World of War Craft? Or Eve Oniline? Or any number of always online conected experiences? Can't their Internet, and servers, and whatever else go out too? PC gaming as been doing what we are talking about right here for years, yet people just don't want to see benefits that an Internet conction can bring, and they only want to focus on the negatives because they don't want console gaming to change.