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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


1 2 3 drink
Dude I have no idea why the did the online check in but my guess is that it's a new angle to prevent piracy and I think EA/Ubi/Acti are all on board. MS will take the flak but I think the big companies are all in on this. Personally I think it's a dumb move but it's not a move that affects me and thus doesn't affect my purchasing decision either.
It might affect you in the future tough, i don't wanna buy a console thats not gonna sell good and will flop like the dreamcast did.
And don't forget about microsoft greedy monopoly with windows...
Its a shame you killer instinct comes out for this console, cause its the only game im interested in, but we'll see what happens in the future...


It might affect you in the future tough, i don't wanna buy a console thats not gonna sell good and will flop like the dreamcast did.
And don't forget about microsoft greedy monopoly with windows...
Its a shame you killer instinct comes out for this console, cause its the only game im interested in, but we'll see what happens in the future...

Don't get me started on Windows man....

If KI was released on PS4 I would go PS4 without a second thought because Titanfall is going to be released on PC anyways so it's a win-win either way.

Unfortunately, I am bound by the chains to the XBox One this time because KI is too good.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
It's amazing the games industry has managed to brainwash people like you to actually believe this.


Not sure you will understand this, but basically once you buy it, it's yours to do with as you please. By law.
No brainwashing here. First sale doctrine applies only to the disk, or CD, or otherwise physical vehicle for the material which you purchased. You NEVER owned the right to the content in the games you buy, the Music you bought, or the Movies you watched, but by law you are able to resell the vehicle on which it is printed at your leasure.

The big picture is though, that all the downloadable Indy titles, the block buster downloadable games, the $1 apps, and all that stuff CANNOT be resold/repackaged (as of yet) and people seem to not care. That is what this is all about; that is all that I'm talking about.

Disks will inevitably die the IMO the X1 is the one best set up for that eventual future.


yeah because sony had the cell and 256 ram
games on both was better on x360
and have cross chat
but ps3 exclusives was insane
sony knew the mistake they did and they fixed it
microsoft knew the mistakes that they had in x360
but they fucked up harder

So very very true.


Saint Connor

Team F.Y.F.
Straw man? No.

The point is that various things can happen that get in the way of you gaming. Whether it be Internet, power, people, services, money, etc., allowing your buying habits to be dictated due to freak outlying events is IMO unfounded.
Here's the point. Yes, a freak power outage can happen. Out of my control. Yep, got it, valid point.

However, if something should happen with the Live servers, be it maintenance or what have you, or if something happens with my ISP, as it stands with current gen consoles, I can still play freely. But with the way Xbox One wants to do things I could lose my ability to play despite the fact that it has fuck all to do with my immediate surroundings.

It would be like me saying you can't eat that doughnut because I'm on a diet that has nothing to do with you.

A localized power outage is NOT comparable to outside interference that can include being across the fucking nation.

lebanese boy

Dojo Trainee
So very very true.

get ps4
what i saw is not killer instinct
im not being a fan boy but it looks shit to me !
im getting xbox one and ps4 but first ps4 xb1 when i can
so im gonna try killer instinct
but i wont call it killer insttinct
i'll call it street fighter wannabe
Power isn't everything, and to get everything that the X1 has for the PS4 you'll be paying the same amount if not more. MS in the next gen, just like in the current one, will most likely have the better online, the better services, and the better infrastructure. s
I got both ps3 and xbox360 and better online depends on game not system, both are equal
PSN+ is by far the better service
better infrastructure? lol


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I may not be, BUT I have bought roughly 200 games, two arcade sticks, 4 controllers, Kinect, Buzz buzzers (those quiz things), Live Gold for last 3 years, Numerous MS points, Headsets all Guitar hero stuff, including 6 guitars and more. All of that was income for them.

I am gone. I can only hope there are thousands more "non target crowd" people like me and the fuckers go under.
You sir I can respect.

If taking your console to remote areas is the way you game, then no, the MS plan isn't for you...and I'd like to reiterate, that isn't a bad thing. MS isn't looking to rip you off or spite you, they are simply moving a direction away from where you are. The landscape of tech is ever changing, and who knows, Xbox might come back around to meet the requirements you so desire, but for the thousands of others out there who bitch but aren't even in the same ballpark as you, those are the guys I don't get. The ones who stand on principle rather than practicality.


I will spit on your tomb!
MS made it quite clear that all those who fall under "not always connected" will be covered by their 360.
They made it clear? Is that what you call that stumbling youtube video? that was an off the cuff remark that even the interviewer made it clear he sounded like an ass. On top of that its started yet another firestorm of negative press for them. Sorry, you're tryig to make that foolish comment far more benign then it was.

Their analyst must figure the loss of gamers who aren't always connected is inferior to those who are but are not just gamers and thus, take 2 steps back but 1 step forward.
What are you on about? You're trying to be cerebral about something that is at its core a none issue. There are no two step forward one step make scenario here. They didn't HAVE to have it online all the time. There was no absolutes in this other then them trying to make a money grab.

Its almost like you're trying to tell me it HAD to be this way because no system can go forward without 100% internet access. Well, if their "analyst" came up with that its fine by me. It simply means in the long run more games will go to sony from the incompetence of their choices.

Besides, tell me the story of your future that doesn't have everyone connected to the internet because I'd love to hear it.
I have a better story for you: Once upon a time there was a videogame department of a powerful company that tried to stick its greedy little tentacles in all the pies of the land. Along came a sushi chef by the name of SONY...

Kind of a boring story, we all know how it ends.

There is literally nothing that justifies this choice of their other than trying to grab as much power as they could. It's backfired and they are already reaping the consequences for it. People can make whatever choices they like. You wanna buy it, its your hard earned cash. However, trying to pretend this isn't a big deal -mixed with the astronomical backlash - that has already happened is just a bizarre misnomer. Also implying on any level they had to do this to further the technology (for brevity sake yet again) is an out and out lie.

lebanese boy

Dojo Trainee
I got both ps3 and xbox360 and better online depends on game not system, both are equal
PSN+ is by far the better service
better infrastructure? lol
ps+ will make psn alot better on ps4
the only problem in ps4 i saw is people can put their pictures ..
im sure 70% of the people will post a picture like this

i know what my profile picture will be >


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
Killer Instinct and the 11 or so other exculsives say hi.

Power isn't everything, and to get everything that the X1 has for the PS4 you'll be paying the same amount if not more. MS in the next gen, just like in the current one, will most likely have the better online, the better services, and the better infrastructure. Just having the box will only get you so far, and though Sony's box is an amazing step forward for the Sony brand, I'm just as OK with MS's step up from 360.

I'm also OK with/looking forward to getting a Kinect since I've actually wanted one for a while but didn't want to waste my money knowing a better one was coming. It is all about value, and to me things like Twitch, Live, Kinect (for the kids), and everything else, make me very comfortable with the X1.

All in all, I am NOT saying that the X1 is "better" that the PS4, it is different, and it speaks to me. If you are getting the PS4 over the X1, do it and be happy, but don't do it while cutting down the X1, the people who want one, all while not even truly understanding what makes the X1 a good console.

Exactly. All of you that are trying to argue what is better, what company is trying to "screw" you, what is unfair, blah, blah, blah, are trying to force your ideas about PS4 on everyone else. But, hey, here's one for you, your thoughts about it are an OPINION. You can't force your ideas on someone else by whining and crying about what you don't like or think is unfair.

What system you buy is a matter of preference. Onilordasmodeus is right, I'm comfortable with the X1 knowing Microsoft's track record and with the features this one has. If you don't have internet or aren't comfortable with buying a system because you think your internet "might" go out, then don't look into X1. But to say that Microsoft and its new console isn't "as good" or that PS4 is "better" is a terrible lack of understanding as it doesn't apply to a matter of preference. There is no fact in saying the PS4 is better.

I sometimes wonder if some of you lose sleep because people don't agree with you.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
It's not even a console war to me, it's just shitty business practices.
It is a console war. Sony vs MS. Whatever way you spin it, MS wants online and digital, Sony wan't offline and physical. It just so happens that many in the console landscape cling to their disks and offline, and thus side with Sony.

Me, I'm over physical media as I haven't bought a dvd since like '07, or a CD since '99, and I've been streaming everything since like early '08.


Xbox live is miles ahead of whatever ps has. I dont know wht ps4 is doing to combat Xbox live i cant find much info on it. But right now if you play online with friends Xbox live is the way to go. Xbox live isnthe only thing Xbox one has over the ps4....as a gamer that plays online videogames with multiple friends at once.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
It is a console war. Sony vs MS. Whatever way you spin it, MS wants online and digital, Sony wan't offline and physical. It just so happens that many in the console landscape cling to their disks and offline, and thus side with Sony.

Me, I'm over physical media as I haven't bought a dvd since like '07, or a CD since '99, and I've been streaming everything since like early '08.

See, I'd get that. If there was an advantage to going digital. There isn't, just disadvantages.


Joker waiting room
Are you that close minded that you're so afraid of your internet going down?

Honestly, you people with this argument act like you don't have a life away from gaming and that if, God forbid, your Wi-Fi went down for a day, you would die.
Lol. So you're telling me I cannot play with MY console which I fucking worked and payed for after coming back from a long day from college/work just because my internet connection is down...? You're in a gaming forum, god forbid someone sees the xbox1 for the shit it is.

You're fucking retarded. Just because you want to lay down your rights because microsoft has brainwashed you does not mean we're that stupid too. We have a RIGHT to be able to play something we paid for regardless of what can happen one day ( because we're human ). The tired student who wants to play for a few hours after a finishing studying, the working father who only has some limited time to play or anyone is basically fucked if their internet goes down. Who the fuck are you to object against this complaint? I have honestly not read a single more stupid comment in my whole fucking TYM residency, and believe me, I've seen my fair share of retarded shit.


They made it clear? Is that what you call that stumbling youtube video? that was an off the cuff remark that even the interviewer made it clear he sounded like an ass. On top of that its started yet another firestorm of negative press for them. Sorry, you're tryig to make that foolish comment far more benign then it was.

What are you on about? You're trying to be cerebral about something that is at its core a none issue. There are no two step forward one step make scenario here. They didn't HAVE to have it online all the time. There was no absolutes in this other then them trying to make a money grab.

Its almost like you're trying to tell me it HAD to be this way because no system can go forward without 100% internet access. Well, if their "analyst" came up with that its fine by me. It simply means in the long run more games will go to sony from the incompetence of their choices.

I have a better story for you: Once upon a time there was a videogame department of a powerful company that tried to stick its greedy little tentacles in all the pies of the land. Along came a sushi chef by the name of SONY...

Kind of a boring story, we all know how it ends.

There is literally nothing that justifies this choice of their other than trying to grab as much power as they could. It's backfired and they are already reaping the consequences for it. People can make whatever choices they like. You wanna buy it, its your hard earned cash. However, trying to pretend this isn't a big deal -mixed with the astronomical backlash - that has already happened is just a bizarre misnomer. Also implying on any level they had to do this to further the technology (for brevity sake yet again) is an out and out lie.

The comment from Microsoft did not impact me at all. Given my consumer habits, their choices and policies for current gen do not affect me at all.

You do not know MS agenda or that of the big 3 companies that dominate the gaming market. Neither do I. However, given what I've seen, it appears the agenda spreads further into the future than you are willing to see. I'm being open about it.

Don't put words in my mouth. There is no need to jump to conclusions and I'm not trying to shove anything down your throat.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
The comment from Microsoft did not impact me at all. Given my consumer habits, their choices and policies for current gen do not affect me at all.

You do not know MS agenda or that of the big 3 companies that dominate the gaming market. Neither do I. However, given what I've seen, it appears the agenda spreads further into the future than you are willing to see. I'm being open about it.

Don't put words in my mouth. There is no need to jump to conclusions and I'm not trying to shove anything down your throat.

How do they not affect you? How do you know your internet will stay up? How do you know your ISP doesn't fuck up? How do you know microsofts servers don't go down?

Do you ever buy used games? Under MSs policies, they will be more expensive, or non existant.

Do you trade games with friends? Lend them stuff? With Microsoft its considerably more of a problem and you can only do it once... so its not even lending. Its 'giving' a game once.

How can you say that it doesn't affect you?


Batman, Scarecrow, Bane
Lol. So you're telling me I cannot play with MY console which I fucking worked and payed for after coming back from a long day from college/work just because my internet connection is down...? You're in a gaming forum, god forbid someone sees the xbox1 for the shit it is.

You're fucking retarded. Just because you want to lay down your rights because microsoft has brainwashed you does not mean we're that stupid too. We have a RIGHT to be able to play something we paid for regardless of what can happen one day ( because we're human ). The tired student who wants to play for a few hours after a finishing studying, the working father who only has some limited time to play or anyone is basically fucked if their internet goes down. Who the fuck are you to object against this complaint? I have honestly not read a single more stupid comment in my whole fucking TYM residency, and believe me, I've seen my fair share of retarded shit.
Who are you to complain about it? I'm sorry, I must have missed when you became the all knowing entity of gaming.

If you fear that your internet might go down then don't but the X1. It's very simple.

Do you not comprehend that it's a matter of PREFERENCE? If you know the definition of the word then maybe you can see past your whining. But judging from how you have to resort to curse words when someone doesn't agree with you, I doubt it.