Jared... how much time have you done in the Military of any kind? I can tell you Ive done my time and resigned.. 11 Bravo- United States Army... And while gaming is a very VERY big part of a soldiers life... there tend to be OTHER things that distract them... mainly booze and women (not all- but a very large majority that is) as technology goes forth, the military adapts as well.. In the Army it has gone from (in a majority of bases and installations) the open barracks type living format (10-15 men, sometimes more per 1 very large room) to damn near apartment/condo style barracks. Along with this change is privacy, phone lines, internet... I cannot speak for the Navy for I do not know what their ships and carriers allow for as far as the added extras such as internet or phone... and I know the Air Force has it better than all branches combined.
In a time of warfare and deployments- the soldier must make sacrifices.. seeing family, hobbies, comfortable beds and long private showers...unfortunately go by the wayside, this is known to the soldier and accepted by the soldier. Agencies like the USO try their best to accommodate soldiers with Hollywood guest appearances, visitors, pep talkers, and in the rear living areas - entertainment. They try to get them major sporting events (Superbowl, World Series), Gaming systems, anything to take their mind off the shit they are going through... but a soldier can deal.. and many times would be happy as a pig in shit with something as simple as a hand held device.
Please stop using the armed forces of any nation as a crutch to try and gain likes, sympathy and further your self serving points.. You have NO fucking idea.