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Microsoft Respond To Concerns Over Xbox1


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
PS4 has no region locking so.. it seems microsoft are choosing to exclude countries.

And the militray.



PS4 doesn't require the internet to function properly. The XB1 does. The XB1's primary distribution model is going to be digital. The PS4 primarily uses physical media. You need connection to the internet if your primary method of distribution is going to be digital. You need to authenticate ownership of licenses if media can be copied from one storage device to another. There is no better way to do this than internet authentication. It astounds me that people have a difficult time understanding that in the age of Steam.

This system is not perfect, but if you want the state of tech to improve, somebody needs to go forward and push the envelope. That was Valve, and now, many years later, MS is trying to do the same thing on a different platform. This is how tech moves forward, and it is never a perfect thing where absolutely everyone gets their needs met immediately.

Please, for your own sake, try to overcome your emotion and think critically. Understand that people do things for a reason, and, outside of comics and children's cartoons, that reason isn't "trying to make sure nobody has fun".


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam

PS4 doesn't require the internet to function properly. The XB1 does. The XB1's primary distribution model is going to be digital. The PS4 primarily uses physical media. You need connection to the internet if your primary method of distribution is going to be digital. You need to authenticate ownership of licenses if media can be copied from one storage device to another. There is no better way to do this than internet authentication. It astounds me that people have a difficult time understanding that in the age of Steam.

This system is not perfect, but if you want the state of tech to improve, somebody needs to go forward and push the envelope. That was Valve, and now, many years later, MS is trying to do the same thing on a different platform. This is how tech moves forward, and it is never a perfect thing where absolutely everyone gets their needs met immediately.

Please, for your own sake, try to overcome your emotion and think critically. Understand that people do things for a reason, and, outside of comics and children's cartoons, that reason isn't "trying to make sure nobody has fun".

Ps4 can use downloaded games if you like. Its about choice.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
Ps4 can use downloaded games if you like. Its about choice.

So you don't believe that XB1 is more reliant on the internet than the PS4? Is MS only region locking because they want to lose money and they want to make Polish people cry?


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
So you don't believe that XB1 is more reliant on the internet than the PS4? Is MS only region locking because they want to lose money and they want to make Polish people cry?

They are more reliant on the internet, because every game is digital to them. Games don't play from the disc at all, they just install. As such, due to this design choice, which was done to pander to publishers, you have to connect every 24 hours to check that you didn't install something you shouldn't have.

The reason poles are excluded,and consumer rights are trampled, is because microsoft are wanting to get publishers on side by making gaming in their favour, rather than the consumer.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
Please, you aren't fooling anyone. You played Diablo 2 on Battle.Net and not offline in single player where the SP save game didn't even save your game, it just saved your character.
Never played it online... I don't like online gaming unless it is a fighting game. Assume much?


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
They are more reliant on the internet, because every game is digital to them. Games don't play from the disc at all, they just install. As such, due to this design choice, which was done to pander to publishers, you have to connect every 24 hours to check that you didn't install something you shouldn't have.

The reason poles are excluded,and consumer rights are trampled, is because microsoft are wanting to get publishers on side by making gaming in their favour, rather than the consumer.

Okay, cool, we found something we sorta agree on.

MS is trying to appeal to publishers, so publishers will make more profit from their distribution model and they will not have yet another massive YoY decline. They looked at platforms that are doing well, like iOS and current PC, and they're trying to replicate that success in the set-top-box world. They're not doing this because they're more greedy than other major manufacturers, but rather the market trend looks incredibly dismal for traditional console gaming.

It is a good thing for consumers if publishers are more profitable. That sounds crazy, because people like to look at the publisher/gamer power dynamic as a zero-sum game, but if publishers make more money they are willing to take risks and innovate. Also, with a cheaper distribution model (like Steam), publishers can get exposure for niche titles and market them directly to the people who would purchase them. Games that couldn't be profitable before become profitable, and continue to be created.

MS's appeal to publishers is part of their strategy, because publishers make games, and games sell hardware. The more attractive a platform is to a publisher, the more enthusiastic they will be to make games for the consumer to purchase.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Okay, cool, we found something we sorta agree on.

MS is trying to appeal to publishers, so publishers will make more profit from their distribution model and they will not have yet another massive YoY decline. They looked at platforms that are doing well, like iOS and current PC, and they're trying to replicate that success in the set-top-box world. They're not doing this because they're more greedy than other major manufacturers, but rather the market trend looks incredibly dismal for traditional console gaming.

It is a good thing for consumers if publishers are more profitable. That sounds crazy, because people like to look at the publisher/gamer power dynamic as a zero-sum game, but if publishers make more money they are willing to take risks and innovate. Also, with a cheaper distribution model (like Steam), publishers can get exposure for niche titles and market them directly to the people who would purchase them. Games that couldn't be profitable before become profitable, and continue to be created.

MS's appeal to publishers is part of their strategy, because publishers make games, and games sell hardware. The more attractive a platform is to a publisher, the more enthusiastic they will be to make games for the consumer to purchase.

They're pushing too far. Publishers may love the notion of fucking me over by blocking used games... but I don't and if a publisher can't sell a game in the first place, used games suddenly don't matter much.


Lost in a labyrinth of egoism
If I decide to get an X1, I have to bend over and take it to play games.

The first part is the important one. You're not being forced to buy it.

If I drive a car into the city, I need to pay for parking. I'm not forced to pay for parking, because I had a choice to drive into the city.


MK11 Kabal = MK9 Kitana
The first part is the important one. You're not being forced to buy it.

If I drive a car into the city, I need to pay for parking. I'm not forced to pay for parking, because I had a choice to drive into the city.
I take it one step further and park outside of the pay zones then walk. I like choices.


Shazzy's Senpai
I'm just going to copy and paste this in. Neat feature.

"Important Update: New information has risen relating to this feature. You +1 friend from your circle can play the same game at the same time. Others can still play from your other library selection.
Another Important Update: DLC will be shareable through your circle. Your friend will be able to play all of the DLC that you buy. They will not need to purchase their own DLC for the game they're playing from your Xbox One. "


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
I'm just going to copy and paste this in. Neat feature.

"Important Update: New information has risen relating to this feature. You +1 friend from your circle can play the same game at the same time. Others can still play from your other library selection.
Another Important Update: DLC will be shareable through your circle. Your friend will be able to play all of the DLC that you buy. They will not need to purchase their own DLC for the game they're playing from your Xbox One. "

That's actually cool.

If only it was worth it..
Let's dispel another myth: the backlash is from Sony fanboys who are following "herd" mentality as the snobby psych major guy put it.

WRONG. Myself and many others play Injustice on the 360. We have Halo, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, etc. in our shooter library. We think 360 games generally look better too.

The backlash is from gamers, period. We don't care which system it is, these policies are unacceptable no matter how very hard the sugarcoaters try to convince us its a good thing.


Too old for this Shit
Let's dispel another myth: the backlash is from Sony fanboys who are following "herd" mentality as the snobby psych major guy put it.

WRONG. Myself and many others play Injustice on the 360. We have Halo, Gears of War, Left 4 Dead, etc. in our shooter library. We think 360 games generally look better too.

The backlash is from gamers, period. We don't care which system it is, these policies are unacceptable no matter how very hard the sugarcoaters try to convince us its a good thing.
It is from closed minded gamers.. Please do not group is all together. I am not blaming anyone for being scared about the future.. With all things said and done, if you take the pulse of the industry.. Modern console systems as we know them are in danger if being wiped out tanks to the IOS generation. I don't care what you played and on what system for however long.. This argument reaching close o 1K posts is not simply about Sony vs Microsoft.. It is about Console Gaming vs Extinction..

Now I want you to pay attention here.. All you so called "gamers"/"hardcore gamers".. If there is NOT a change, we will all be talking about Candy Crush 2 instead of the NEXT generation.. Even if you don't buy XB1, even if you dot believe in it.. I dont care.. its your money...You better be hoping that it does well enough to make their vision realized.. Systems have only so many lives left to reproduce the same model since the Atari..If Microsoft is not the answer this gen.. We better hope someone is next.. Because we are looking to go the way of Sega.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
It is from closed minded gamers.. Please do not group is all together. I am not blaming anyone for being scared about the future.. With all things said and done, if you take the pulse of the industry.. Modern console systems as we know them are in danger if being wiped out tanks to the IOS generation. I don't care what you played and on what system for however long.. This argument reaching close o 1K posts is not simply about Sony vs Microsoft.. It is about Console Gaming vs Extinction..

Now I want you to pay attention here.. All you so called "gamers"/"hardcore gamers".. If there is NOT a change, we will all be talking about Candy Crush 2 instead of the NEXT generation.. Even if you don't buy XB1, even if you dot believe in it.. I dont care.. its your money...You better be hoping that it does well enough to make their vision realized.. Systems have only so many lives left to reproduce the same model since the Atari..If Microsoft is not the answer this gen.. We better hope someone is next.. Because we are looking to go the way of Sega.

Would you like it if the xbox 1 installed a knife dildo that forced you to assfuck it to log in?

Its change. So change must be good.


Too old for this Shit
Would you like it if the xbox 1 installed a knife dildo that forced you to assfuck it to log in?

Its change. So change must be good.
Way to open your mind Jared... What are you 10? Seriously... You have open minded people in here putting things logically for you.. And all you do is respond with vulgarity and dick jokes as a response...
It is from closed minded gamers.. Please do not group is all together. I am not blaming anyone for being scared about the future.. With all things said and done, if you take the pulse of the industry.. Modern console systems as we know them are in danger if being wiped out tanks to the IOS generation. I don't care what you played and on what system for however long.. This argument reaching close o 1K posts is not simply about Sony vs Microsoft.. It is about Console Gaming vs Extinction..

Now I want you to pay attention here.. All you so called "gamers"/"hardcore gamers".. If there is NOT a change, we will all be talking about Candy Crush 2 instead of the NEXT generation.. Even if you don't buy XB1, even if you dot believe in it.. I dont care.. its your money...You better be hoping that it does well enough to make their vision realized.. Systems have only so many lives left to reproduce the same model since the Atari..If Microsoft is not the answer this gen.. We better hope someone is next.. Because we are looking to go the way of Sega.
A prophet you are not, just another sky-is-falling doomsdayer. Do what your told by the powers that be or the end is coming for gaming. Please, I've heard it all before.

I sure do hope they fail, and the other systems succeed beyond their wildest dreams. That will make the next gen of DRM a lot fairer than this to prevent another backlash from happening.

Things always get worse to some degree, but how bad it will be is determined by whether your defeatist thinking succeeds and plunges us all into the dark ages, or you fail and we fight another day.


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
Way to open your mind Jared... What are you 10? Seriously... You have open minded people in here putting things logically for you.. And all you do is respond with vulgarity and dick jokes as a response...

Open mind open mind.

You keep talking about an open mind but you are closed off the the notion that not all change is good.

ITS CHANGE IT MUST BE GOOD is your mantra. Even though I'm getting a worse deal. Well it doesn't matter if you get a worse deal, because its a different deal. And different means its good because change is always good.

Thats how you sound. You can't tell me how the xbox ones system will benefit me, so you just say 'change' and 'open minded'.


Even the army will support the PS4

A blog entry I found

It has been quite some time since I have posted a blog, and for that I apologize. The reasons for that will become clear below.
For almost eight years I have served my country in the United States Navy. Initially, I enlisted as an Operations Specialist, but after two years I was picked up for a commissioning program and the Naval Aviation training pipeline to become a Naval Flight Officer (NFO – think Goose from TOPGUN, but a different aircraft). In that time I’ve served on three Nimitz class Aircraft Carriers, been on two combat deployments in support of Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afghanistan, and been on countless other detachments away from home for training and exercises. In the last two and a half years I have either been deployed or detached for a total of 18 months. From these experiences I would like to impart to you conversations that I have either been a part of or witnessed during my time away from home.
“Hey, Jay, do you want to come over tonight? We are going to have a Halo tournament.”
“Hey man, you got the new Gears of War game sent to you right? Can I borrow it when you’re done?”
“Bro, I picked up the new Forza when we were in Bahrain, let’s get started.”
The Xbox 360 launched when I was in Navy Boot Camp in 2005. I reserved it before I left, so that upon my return I would be able to experience the latest generation console that Microsoft was offering without delay. Since that time my Xbox 360 has accompanied around the world, its steady (okay loud) hum and green ring offering a temporary lull in my otherwise chaotic day-to-day. In fact, I have been a dedicated Microsoft fan before the 360 launch. I abandoned the PS2 and traded it in after I experienced Halo CE on the Xbox. The point I am trying to make is that I genuinely preferred almost everything Microsoft did with the Xbox and the Xbox 360, and fully anticipated doing the same with this latest generation of consoles. I was an Xbox 360 fan, not too the level of fanatic, but I long sang the praises of what I thought to be a superior system. Microsoft seemed to listen to gamer’s concerns and support them more than Sony did, and the products, in my opinion, were simply better and more conducive to my situation. For example, on my last deployment a squadron-mate was unable to enjoy Skyrim on the PS3 because of the well documented issues the system had running the game. Meanwhile, I clocked over 250 hours in Skyrim because, for an entire deployment, it was my sanctuary. It is where I went to calm down after a long day of flying. Although there were patches eventually made available to repair the unfortunate situation, he was never able to download the fixes because while deployed we simply do not have the ability to connect our systems to the internet.
Which brings me to the single greatest sin Microsoft has committed against all service members. Their surprising decision to require the Xbox One to receive a message from the “mother ship” every 24 hours has already been lighting up the internet for a myriad of reasons. But, the reason that I am so infuriated about it is that I, and my brothers and sisters in arms, will not ever be able to play Xbox One when deployed or on detachment. No longer will the sounds of Master Chief saving the human race echo through the hallowed halls of the USS Abraham Lincoln, or any other USS Ship, when we have a few hours respite. No longer will you see Marcus and Dom sawing through the Locust Horde at the bases in Afghanistan after the
Marines have returned from patrol and want to escape their reality for a bit. Those days are now firmly behind us. Microsoft has single handedly alienated the entire military, and not just the U.S. military, the militaries of the entire world.
Despite my preference for the previous generations of Microsoft systems, and my dedication to their versions of multi-platform properties, I will not be buying an Xbox One at launch. In fact, the Xbox One might as well be called the Halo-Box, because I simply will not purchase it until the next Halo game drops. With developers focusing, more and more, on the multi-platform model, how much will I really be missing out on? None of the exclusives from either Sony or Microsoft excited me, except for the Halo tease. Simply put, outside of Halo and Forza, Sony has better exclusives. With developers like Quantic Dream, Naughty Dog, and titles like The Last Guardian looming on the horizon, all exclusive to PS4, I feel like I will be in much better hands with Sony. So, how much will I really be missing out on? While I think Forza is superior (so far) to Gran Turismo, the GT series is still very good, and I can play it when embarked on the ship. While I am a diehard Halo fan, the wait for the next iteration and my eventual purchase of my Halo-Box will give me ample opportunity to explore the Killzone series. Everything else, from Assassin’s Creed to Call of Duty, I can experience on the PS4, offline and tucked away in my little room on the ship, and without the concern of the programming complications that faced developers with the PS3 (which was my primary concern with PS3 multi-platform games).
I have searched the internet, hoping to find some data on the amount of video games sales that the U.S. military signifies. Although we represent less than one percent of the nation’s populace, I venture to say that we represent a drastically disproportionate amount of video game sales when compared to our numbers. Financially, I think the alienation of service members by Microsoft will have more of an impact than they realize.
This next point is for the developers. Although the PS4 will not have an online requirement to run, developers will still be able to make games that require persistent online authentication. Do not do this to us. The video game industry has made a fortune breaking not just video game records, but entertainment records as a whole, with properties that simulate what my brothers, sisters, and I do on a daily basis. Don’t alienate us with online requirements for games. It will cost you money and respect. This is a lesson that Microsoft is, tragically, about to learn.


Too old for this Shit
A prophet you are not, just another sky-is-falling doomsdayer. Do what your told by the powers that be or the end is coming for gaming. Please, I've heard it all before.

I sure do hope they fail, and the other systems succeed beyond their wildest dreams. That will make the next gen of DRM a lot fairer than this to prevent another backlash from happening.

Things always get worse to some degree, but how bad it will be is determined by whether your defeatist thinking succeeds and plunges us all into the dark ages, or you fail and we fight another day.
If you look back at around the Golden Age of Gaming- In my estimation it is the Nintendo Vs Sega war.. What was on the market that could threaten consoles? Handhelds? Hardly.. they were just mini console jr's. PC? While superior, people liked the convenience of the console and did not want to be bothered with the constant upgrades and knowledge it takes to do that properly and cost efficiently (which happens to still hold true today). Now a days you have Nintendo barely hanging on by a string (which is fine, as time moves on, Big names fall behind- Atari, Sega, etc..) But you have more and more households with other forms of digital media that are butting in on "conventional gamings" share.. iPads, Smartphones, Tablets and notebooks... the ease of use is unparalleled and the entertainment found on them are relatively next to nothing to buy.. $.99 a game? $1.50 if its on the larger side? Peanuts compared to the increasing cost of disc based games.

Look at the Compact Disc for music.. it was THE cats meow of its time.. people could not wait to get their hands on it. Instantly access the song you want when you want!! So long cassettes!!! When compact discs were made, there were only 3 factories in the world that could produce them... which is why they retailed for so high at the start of their life... as more companies began gaining in technology, the market of CD's NEVER went down...They have stayed in the area of $15-19 per Disc.. Why? Because it was SO convenient and people loved them so much- they paid it... The earning per cost ratio per CD was astronomical! Then the digital media came out... First with sites like Napster (the tip of the icebergs).. where you could download music and ultimately make your own CD mix... Napster and the like yielded to the Ipod generation- at first working hand in hand, until the combination of Ipods and Smartphones and the damn near monopoly of iTunes sent the CD into extinction in how long of a timeframe?

Physical print Newspaper is dying (the only reason physical print Newspaper is still around is because of the oldschool nostalgia.. believe it or not they are more hardcore than gamers. However as they get older and start to die off... The physical print paper will do so with them.), books and bookstores are barely hanging on by a thread thanks to digital media such as online book stores, Nook/Kindle, and Itunes...(and the only reason they are STILL around is because they understood it to be necessary to cater to the digital media- instead of fight it), Technology is changing at the most rapid rate it EVER has.. What makes you so sure that gaming is not in danger? Other than arrogance?

It pays to follow history, it pays to learn from the past.. Ever hear the phrase- "History repeats itself?" Not a believer in it? Ask Hitler about his grand scheme and what he could have done better- Im sure... reading up on Napoleon Bonapart would be #1 on his list. (if you do not understand the reference- look it up)


Aww shit <REDACTED DUE TO FEELINGS> its Shapzam
If you look back at around the Golden Age of Gaming- In my estimation it is the Nintendo Vs Sega war.. What was on the market that could threaten consoles? Handhelds? Hardly.. they were just mini console jr's. PC? While superior, people liked the convenience of the console and did not want to be bothered with the constant upgrades and knowledge it takes to do that properly and cost efficiently (which happens to still hold true today). Now a days you have Nintendo barely hanging on by a string (which is fine, as time moves on, Big names fall behind- Atari, Sega, etc..) But you have more and more households with other forms of digital media that are butting in on "conventional gamings" share.. iPads, Smartphones, Tablets and notebooks... the ease of use is unparalleled and the entertainment found on them are relatively next to nothing to buy.. $.99 a game? $1.50 if its on the larger side? Peanuts compared to the increasing cost of disc based games.

Look at the Compact Disc for music.. it was THE cats meow of its time.. people could not wait to get their hands on it. Instantly access the song you want when you want!! So long cassettes!!! When compact discs were made, there were only 3 factories in the world that could produce them... which is why they retailed for so high at the start of their life... as more companies began gaining in technology, the market of CD's NEVER went down...They have stayed in the area of $15-19 per Disc.. Why? Because it was SO convenient and people loved them so much- they paid it... The earning per cost ratio per CD was astronomical! Then the digital media came out... First with sites like Napster (the tip of the icebergs).. where you could download music and ultimately make your own CD mix... Napster and the like yielded to the Ipod generation- at first working hand in hand, until the combination of Ipods and Smartphones and the damn near monopoly of iTunes sent the CD into extinction in how long of a timeframe?

Physical print Newspaper is dying (the only reason physical print Newspaper is still around is because of the oldschool nostalgia.. believe it or not they are more hardcore than gamers. However as they get older and start to die off... The physical print paper will do so with them.), books and bookstores are barely hanging on by a thread thanks to digital media such as online book stores, Nook/Kindle, and Itunes...(and the only reason they are STILL around is because they understood it to be necessary to cater to the digital media- instead of fight it), Technology is changing at the most rapid rate it EVER has.. What makes you so sure that gaming is not in danger? Other than arrogance?

It pays to follow history, it pays to learn from the past.. Ever hear the phrase- "History repeats itself?" Not a believer in it? Ask Hitler about his grand scheme and what he could have done better- Im sure... reading up on Napoleon Bonapart would be #1 on his list. (if you do not understand the reference- look it up)

Just because you say gaming is dying does not mean that eliminating used games, forced online check in and mandatory telescreens is a solution.


Too old for this Shit
Just because you say gaming is dying does not mean that eliminating used games, forced online check in and mandatory telescreens is a solution.
Unfortunately Jared, while it may seem poor to our standards today.... It is THE ONLY option that is pushing for a change and understanding that Digital is the way of the future/survival.