I guess MS must be leaving a ton of money on the table, huh?
Or, are you leaving money on the table? You seem VERY certain of yourself, but you're not willing to drop a few thousand on a wager? It's easy money, right? Look at those charts! Charts (detailing statistics that are not directly related to sales) prove everything, so it seems like you are either so wealthy that you couldn't use a few extra grand for no work, or maybe... just maybe... you're trying to convince me that MS will fail because you are trying to convince yourself of the same thing.
Also, this may be heartbreaking, but the Portugal, Paraguay, all of Africa, and yes, even that electronic entertainment hotspot we call Armenia are very minor markets compared to North America, France, the U.K., and Germany. If they were actually massive markets with huge potential, MS would make sure their system worked there. Asia is a major market, and they're planning on launching there in 2014. There's some issues with standard living room sizes (or lack thereof) and the Kinect that they'll have to sort out before launching.