I played an awesome Killer Frost online last week (all the matchups i get

) and I found that the match completely devolves into a 50/50 guessing game for us both. Ending combos in phase charge results in a few options:
Jump back in slide anticipation to punish it
Jump up and quick air dash over the opponent to reverse their wakeup
Jump up and downward air teleport once they anticipate you air dashing over
Jump over and dash back to the side you started on
Jump over and don't dash back to the side you started on
I found orb setups only worked when I threw the orb out and blocked low for the slide. If Killer Frost wakes up, the orb explodes and you get launched if you are not blocking. I was most uncomfortable when Killer Frost was outside footsie range but in slide range. I made one wrong read when he slid, and it turns into HER game. If you block the slide, there's options, but they all seem to be in KF favor.
D1 - Killer Frost can parry; MB for her game again.
B13, B1~low grab - This seemed to work once they are conditioned you are going for high moves. These can't be parried.
I felt the safest was just to B13, MB Orb to keep her from starting. I still find most people will not keep blocking after that everytime even though MMH has been out for a while now. I don't remember how much advantage you get, but I want to say its 25-30 frames of advantage.
I played 15 games, and I won only twice, so take this for what you will. The game I won, I kept KF on the ground and did the mix ups with all the jumps. Any insight on these?