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M2dave Salty Trash Talk & 16bit Pop Off On Smoke Players!


TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
Exactly my point. Have i ever proclaimed to be the messiah of Smoke like so many others in in this player claim to do? No. Have i whined about people not listing me as the best Smoke? No. So why the hell do some people have the need to publically blow me up, for literally doing dick all, when one of their team mates accomplishes something big? (and to an extent mine, Wafflez is undoubtedly amazing and i always listen to what he has to say, the Smoke community tries to work together) Be happy and celebrate instead of starting drama.

It's like me calling out Han because WinterWarz made top 4 @ Toryuken. Has Han been a dick to me or winter warz? No, Han's a cool dude and i respect his Cyrax play, even if there is potentially better Cyrax players. It's stupid and immature. If 16 Bit's opinion is me not being as good Wafflez that is 100% okay, but did i really deserve a blow up? You do your thing, Tommy will do his thing, and i will do mine. Leave me out of the bullshit next time.

I could care less about the actual blow up, it's his opinion, it's just the way it was done and no logical reason behind it besides "i was hype" which is a shitty excuse for not being able to act mature imo.
30 year old in a 15 year old body. Way to keep it classy just like the rest of the Smoke community xD


Do not touch me again.
Exactly my point. Have i ever proclaimed to be the messiah of Smoke like so many others in in this player claim to do? No. Have i whined about people not listing me as the best Smoke? No. So why the hell do some people have the need to publically blow me up, for literally doing dick all, when one of their team mates accomplishes something big? (and to an extent mine, Wafflez is undoubtedly amazing and i always listen to what he has to say, the Smoke community tries to work together) Be happy and celebrate instead of starting drama.

It's like me calling out Han because WinterWarz made top 4 @ Toryuken. Has Han been a dick to me or winter warz? No, Han's a cool dude and i respect his Cyrax play, even if there is potentially better Cyrax players. It's stupid and immature. If 16 Bit's opinion is me not being as good Wafflez that is 100% okay, but did i really deserve a blow up? You do your thing, Tommy will do his thing, and i will do mine. Leave me out of the bullshit next time.

I could care less about the actual blow up, it's his opinion, it's just the way it was done and no logical reason behind it besides "i was hype" which is a shitty excuse for not being able to act mature imo.
Maybe it's your fault for having so many rabid sycophants. ;)

HD Smoke

I just talked with XSmokeX and where GGA 16 Bit went wrong was saying XSmokeX almost beat top players. He ran down winters wars and insuperable. The only smoke to take Reo to the last game against his kabal! (Aris fight was too long ago). XSmokeX and wafflez can go either way with who is better. I think both have their strong points. IMO nobody uses standing 2/214 like XSmokeX does. That is what most people forget is smokes 2 can be dangerous and XSmokeX uses it like nobody has. 16 bit is a great guy. Top 5 player for sure and his pop offs are legendary. Where you messed up bit was the "almost" part and that is what pissed smokeX off. You can argue wafflez is better but you don't have to break down XSmokeX. It would of been all in good fun if the almost part wasn't thrown out


The Ignore Button Is Free
Lmao M2Dave is too awesome.

And people still talking about xSMoKEx when he already said he doesn't care about this and already spoke his peace..lol smh


Do not touch me again.
I didn't personally attack the guy. I already admitted I probably went a little ape, as usual because I'm a loud idiot, but let's not get crazy like I insulted the guy's mother.
The thing is that I know if xSmokex had seen the way the stream was behaving, he would have been like "wow guys shut the fuck up and let Wafflez have his win"


Jesus what happen to JR jax, oh well tyrant the gawd. Btw pig no matter what JR jax would rape your kenshi any day of the week.


xbl-OBS trustinme
there is a lot of players on this community highly underrated
exactly.i mean take myself as a example,im the best nightwolf on my street and i never get any props.sorry what were we talking about again? injustice being a broken pile of shit? sorry i cant remember.


Zoning Master
DarKNaTaS, when EMP Scar talked trash about me for 5 minutes, you supported him. When I defend myself, I am still a bad guy to you. Your hypocrisy knows no bounds. You are just envious of my accomplishments because you could never get the job done with Freddy. The sooner you admit this fact to yourself the better you will feel about yourself.

REO, stop kissing NYC players' asses. KT Smith got annihilated by Tyrant at the Anaheim Arena. Yet Wafflez beat one of the best Jax players three to nothing. Even you can connect these two dots.

By the way, CD Jr. has not quit MK. He is just concentrating on Tekken Tag 2. LBSH, as 16 Bit would say, if he had decided to use Kabal or Kung Lao instead of Jax, Wafflez would not have placed third. I am just keep it real.