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M2dave Salty Trash Talk & 16bit Pop Off On Smoke Players!


Breaker uses CD Jr as a measure of excellence. Wafflez just beat CD jr 3 straight games in tournament.
That means nothing. Get "real." Consistency speaks for itself.

Karried, you're not as intelligent as you think you sound.

McNasty, what you said is not even in context to the convo CVS and I were having.
Okay fair enough that makes more sense than what anyone else even tried to justify (@GGA 16bit). However if you apply the science of observation and having first and second hand experience on the subject, you can tell that xSmokex has excution level no less than REO or CDjr. He pretty much polished Smoke in the community, and the kid gets no credit, why? Tourney resume? fuck that shit man, I know this game as well as REO or DoctrineDark but do I have a resume? hell no. I don't like this one dimensional way of looking at things and judging players and their skills based off of tourney resume. This is a video game, it's not real Martial Arts were you GOT TO prove your status by being formally challenged.
Dude you get props for what you do, not what you could do. At a high level anyone can beat anyone, for example reo could beat everyone at evo but did he? no Pl won. That smoke guy gets enough credit for what he has done and thats it. How is it fair towards wafflez when he did all that shit to get the props he gets now. And execution level is almost irrelevant in this game because there is barely anything in this game that is hard to do. And the guy plays smoke, you dont need godlike execution for that.
That means nothing. Get "real." Consistency speaks for itself.

Karried, you're not as intelligent as you think you sound.

McNasty, what you said is not even in context to the convo CVS and I were having.

Lol, dumbass response to a very clear cut reply I gave, it's pretty obvious as most everyone's opinion on gauging success is by what you do, and it's just not video games. You probably failed to understand. Shut up already. And no one is discrediting xSmoke as a great Smoke player for his accomplishments, so what the hell are you even debating for.

And if you thought my response sounded "intelligent" you must not really be that bright at all. I wouldn't doubt it.


『T R I G G E R E D』
Okay fair enough that makes more sense than what anyone else even tried to justify (@GGA 16bit). However if you apply the science of observation and having first and second hand experience on the subject, you can tell that xSmokex has excution level no less than REO or CDjr. He pretty much polished Smoke in the community, and the kid gets no credit, why? Tourney resume? fuck that shit man, I know this game as well as REO or DoctrineDark but do I have a resume? hell no. I don't like this one dimensional way of looking at things and judging players and their skills based off of tourney resume. This is a video game, it's not real Martial Arts were you GOT TO prove your status by being formally challenged.


Dude you get props for what you do, not what you could do. At a high level anyone can beat anyone, for example reo could beat everyone at evo but did he? no Pl won. That smoke guy gets enough credit for what he has done and thats it. How is it fair towards wafflez when he did all that shit to get the props he gets now. And execution level is almost irrelevant in this game because there is barely anything in this game that is hard to do. And the guy plays smoke, you dont need godlike execution for that.
What I'm stating is that credit can be giving in diffrent perspectives, it's not all about your achivements. DoctrineDark discovered majority of Kabal tricks and gimmicks, is he as good as REO in competition? No. Should he not be recognized as a lead Kabal in the community? That's the point I was trying to get accross.


Lol, dumbass response to a very clear cut reply I gave, it's pretty obvious as most everyone's opinion on gauging success is by what you do, and it's just not video games. You probably failed to understand. Shut up already. And no one is discrediting xSmoke as a great Smoke player for his accomplishments, so what the hell are you even debating for.

And if you thought my response sounded "intelligent" you must not really be that bright at all. I wouldn't doubt it.
I hope you feel somewhat proud of yourself. I'm sure you're a nice guy and think I'm an asshole but keep in mind most disagreements are caused due to misunderstanding.
I hope you feel somewhat proud of yourself. I'm sure you're a nice guy and think I'm an asshole but keep in mind most disagreements are caused due to misunderstanding.
Alright, so you misunderstood then.

We are not debating on who found the most tech to determine the best Smoke, such as the DoctrineDark/Reo example you gave. Sure all those other contributions to the MK community are recognized for what they are, but.... people are saying,

in the context of offline tournament Smoke players, Wafflez is currently the best.


Alright, so you misunderstood than.

We are not debating on who found the most tech to determine the best Smoke, such as the DoctrineDark/Reo example you gave, people are saying. Sure all those other contributions to the MK community are recognized for what they are, but....

In the context of offline tournament Smoke players, Wafflez is currently the best.
It's not just about techs, xSmokex had honostly the best excution anyone has ever seen. I don't understand how excution being the most important skill in the game is not considered when comparing players. He is not a one time wonder why can't people understand this? This guy is the foxy of Canada, period.
It's not just about techs, xSmokex had honostly the best excution anyone has ever seen. I don't understand how excution being the most important skill in the game is not considered when comparing players. He is not a one time wonder why can't people understand this? This guy is the foxy of Canada, period.
Sure, for that one match, he did have amazing execution, doesn't mean he can or can not replicate it for however many offline tournaments he decides to go to in the future.

Wafflez lands nearly all resets too. Against various players and character MUs.

And once again, no one is discrediting XSmoke.


Wow. It's time to make myself the MOST hated man in this entire community. And I'm going to do it with a smile on my face :D

First up, DarKNaTaS: You're a little late to the game. xSMoKEx already adressed GGA 16 Bit in a thread here about this. Posting this vid is just re-opening the wond. On top of that, don't you have a show called "The On Blast Show"? Wouldn't this be a better place to showcase this vid? It doesn't take Vincent Kennedy McMahon to see that this is "ppv quality" material, especially for your show.

On the video itself: This is a prime example of why I don't watch tourneys anymore. Now that Tom Brady has chilled out and decided to be more professional, some other assclown has to take his fucking place?! The entire gaming community, much less the MK kommunity, doesn't need this shit. Sure, hyping up matches and "promoing" keeps the stream monsters happy, but even Hulk Hogan will tell you to keep the personal attacks out. It's just bad form.

Now for the heype:

You want hype? You want popoffs to get hype? Well here ya go dood!

GGA 16 Bit Do you know what I see and hear when you pop off? FEAR. You're one of those scared little shits that has to advertise to the world every little success you get incase it's your last. You feeling the need to run to the defence of your clan-mate tells me that you have no faith in your clan either. I'm not taking anything away from Wafflez; he is an incredible player. But for you to personally attack and discredit someone you have never even played before shows your fear.

Ok. Let's face it. Canada has the best Kitana (@NeoRussel), the 2 best Ermacs (@k-frog and zaf), the best Mileena (@jer), The best Smoke (@xSMoKEx), the best Cage (@Playpal), the best Cyrax (@w1nter warz). What we don't have is the thousands of dollars or the sponsorships that American players seem to have to get to American tournaments (since that is the only way to earn respect apparently) to whup your asses on a more regular basis.

So you just sit back and relax in your comfy chair, feeling all safe and powerful knowing that the truly better players will more than likely never have the chance to put you in your place because we just live too far away.


Did you guys hate reading that pile of shit as much as I hated writing it? Yeah I thought so. THIS is where "popping off" gets you. Do I hate GGA 16 Bit? Not in the least. I don't agree with his need to "pop off" but it's what he does and what he is known for. I guess it would be nice if he would do it less so he could be more known for his Kitana, but this is life. Fact of the matter is, there is more than one kind of victory. I agree that a resume is very important; there is nothing there to agrue. But there are more kinds of victories than that.

For example, xSMoKEx going into Toryuken (his first offline tourney experience), putting Reo in losers and then narrowly losing to him again on stream. The record books give Reo the win, he earned it. But the subplot going on there was this 15 yr old kid in his first tournament (forget majors) sitting there calm and collected like a veteran. Another subplot to this story is that Smoke was regarded as an online player. For him to come out and perform like that validates the online experience. Those are two major victories that NOONE can take away from Smoke.

And yes, I'm not smiling anymore.


Do not touch me again.
It's not just about techs, xSmokex had honostly the best excution anyone has ever seen. I don't understand how excution being the most important skill in the game is not considered when comparing players. He is not a one time wonder why can't people understand this? This guy is the foxy of Canada, period.
I actually just flat out disagree with your premise that xSmokex has better execution than Wafflez. The stream archives speak for themselves.


Ok. Let's face it. Canada has the best Kitana (@NeoRussel), the 2 best Ermacs (@k-frog and @zaf), the best Mileena (@jer), The best Smoke (@xSMoKEx), the best Cage (@Playpal), the best Cyrax (@w1nter warz). What we don't have is the thousands of dollars or the sponsorships that American players seem to have to get to American tournaments (since that is the only way to earn respect apparently) to whup your asses on a more regular basis.

So you just sit back and relax in your comfy chair, feeling all safe and powerful knowing that the truly better players will more than likely never have the chance to put you in your place because we just live too far away.
Can't tell if you're being serious or just saying random shit for Hype

why am i even getting into this conversation


Can't tell if you're being serious or just saying random shit for Hype

why am i even getting into this conversation
Because you can :)

A little of both. Canada has some excellent players that are often overlooked simply because the American gaming scene is larger. And I'm not slamming American players, it's a simple numbers game. There are far more American players than there are CAnadian so of course more attention is paid since more majors happen in the US than anywhere else. The Amercian scene can support these events with their numbers where we can't.


Because you can :)

A little of both. Canada has some excellent players that are often overlooked simply because the American gaming scene is larger. And I'm not slamming American players, it's a simple numbers game. There are far more American players than there are CAnadian so of course more attention is paid since more majors happen in the US than anywhere else. The Amercian scene can support these events with their numbers where we can't.
ok, i got you then.

i agree the players you listed are highly underrated


Coward Character User
We don't base who the best players are based off of why they can't go to tournaments... we base the best players off of their tournament results. xSmokex might be good, but if he isn't going to tournaments then nobody cares. It's sad that he can't go to tournaments... but tough luck. Maybe he's really good. Maybe he is. But who cares? You have to go and you have to win to be considered one of the best with your character. I guess people consider me a good Raiden, but I'll be damned if I try to pump myself up before I make top 8 at a major. So until then... tough luck for me. And yes, it is fair.
Exactly my point. Have i ever proclaimed to be the messiah of Smoke like so many others in in this player claim to do? No. Have i whined about people not listing me as the best Smoke? No. So why the hell do some people have the need to publically blow me up, for literally doing dick all, when one of their team mates accomplishes something big? (and to an extent mine, Wafflez is undoubtedly amazing and i always listen to what he has to say, the Smoke community tries to work together) Be happy and celebrate instead of starting drama.

It's like me calling out Han because WinterWarz made top 4 @ Toryuken. Has Han been a dick to me or winter warz? No, Han's a cool dude and i respect his Cyrax play, even if there is potentially better Cyrax players. It's stupid and immature. If 16 Bit's opinion is me not being as good Wafflez that is 100% okay, but did i really deserve a blow up? You do your thing, Tommy will do his thing, and i will do mine. Leave me out of the bullshit next time.

I could care less about the actual blow up, it's his opinion, it's just the way it was done and no logical reason behind it besides "i was hype" which is a shitty excuse for not being able to act mature imo.