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M2dave Salty Trash Talk & 16bit Pop Off On Smoke Players!

Faded Dreams V

Retired June 2012. Unretired June 2013.
Just a few general comments:

1. By tournament results, KT Smith ranks the highest of any Smoke player, IIRC.

2. The performance in that video was not the performance of the Jax that won many majors and beat Tyrant in a mirror. The scrubbiest player can see that. If I beat a top player while they were rusty as shit, I wouldn't think anything of it, much less claim myself to be the best ____ player...

3. Being the best player of any character in this game is ultimately subjective, and doesn't really mean shit because it's a limited title. First of all, self-declaring yourself the best with nothing to back it up is pathetic; this is a title that originates from a general consensus and objective accomplishments. However, the weight of the general public in the community is greater than your actual accomplishments because they are the ones who grant you any relevance at all, as far as the competitive scene is concerned. You win a bunch of tournaments nobody saw? Who cares. You consistently beat the top players off stream? Who cares. But here's the kicker: the public is always changing their minds. Today, you're the best. Tomorrow, a new player enters a tournament with your main and places high, beating an opponent you always lose to, and displaying some new tech. Now that person is the best in people's eyes, despite your accomplishments.

Example: KT Smith was once hailed as the Smoke of America even AFTER he lost to Wafflez in MLG Columbus. One bad tourney showing (ECT), and many victorious CASUAL Team Battles by Wafflez, and Wafflez was labeled the best. Not too long after, xSmokex, who seems to have had very little presence in this site (none of you assholes even bought this guy in that Mercenaries online tourney until after Detroit pleaded), despite his contributions and discoveries, was then hailed as the best after nearly beating REO and showing off a bunch of new tech in one small major. Nowadays, KT Smith is not even mentioned. Hell, even I was called the best Smoke online by a certain Piggy and other people until they later played better players, and I became a thing of the past. It happens.

Secondly, what happens when you stop playing this game? Whether it's for a short or long period of time, or you're quitting for good, your skills are likely to diminish, and more players who use your character will surpass you, or enter the scene. In this time, again, you will become irrelevant, no matter how much you accomplished with your character.

Example: PerfectLegend after EVO 2011.

Case in point, people seriously shouldn't take so much pride in their characters. Play to win and to have fun, not to maintain a title that won't last in the long run. Look at REO and PL. I doubt they play to be the best with their characters. And seriously, do you think they give two shits whether you consider them the best Kabal and Kung Lao, respectively? Fuck no.


Your post was first I saw while skimming thread

Both will be at Nec , possibly there?

At said major I believe Maxter and Reo were only ones there from NY But could be someone I'm forgetting

My point was I think it's harder to make top 8 at USA majors and mlg events than Canadian majors

that isn't Canada or anyone's fault it's just a ton of top us players never get to make it out to Canada
There were buncha other guys like Insup, Claude.V.S, James MK etc. but I completely agree with you on the fact the it is easier to rank in Canada. xSMoKEx will you rep at NEC?


Wow. It's time to make myself the MOST hated man in this entire community. And I'm going to do it with a smile on my face :D

First up, DarKNaTaS: You're a little late to the game. xSMoKEx already adressed GGA 16 Bit in a thread here about this. Posting this vid is just re-opening the wond. On top of that, don't you have a show called "The On Blast Show"? Wouldn't this be a better place to showcase this vid? It doesn't take Vincent Kennedy McMahon to see that this is "ppv quality" material, especially for your show.

On the video itself: This is a prime example of why I don't watch tourneys anymore. Now that Tom Brady has chilled out and decided to be more professional, some other assclown has to take his fucking place?! The entire gaming community, much less the MK kommunity, doesn't need this shit. Sure, hyping up matches and "promoing" keeps the stream monsters happy, but even Hulk Hogan will tell you to keep the personal attacks out. It's just bad form.

Now for the heype:

You want hype? You want popoffs to get hype? Well here ya go dood!

GGA 16 Bit Do you know what I see and hear when you pop off? FEAR. You're one of those scared little shits that has to advertise to the world every little success you get incase it's your last. You feeling the need to run to the defence of your clan-mate tells me that you have no faith in your clan either. I'm not taking anything away from Wafflez; he is an incredible player. But for you to personally attack and discredit someone you have never even played before shows your fear.

Ok. Let's face it. Canada has the best Kitana (@NeoRussel), the 2 best Ermacs (@k-frog and zaf), the best Mileena (@jer), The best Smoke (@xSMoKEx), the best Cage (@Playpal), the best Cyrax (@w1nter warz). What we don't have is the thousands of dollars or the sponsorships that American players seem to have to get to American tournaments (since that is the only way to earn respect apparently) to whup your asses on a more regular basis.

So you just sit back and relax in your comfy chair, feeling all safe and powerful knowing that the truly better players will more than likely never have the chance to put you in your place because we just live too far away.


Did you guys hate reading that pile of shit as much as I hated writing it? Yeah I thought so. THIS is where "popping off" gets you. Do I hate GGA 16 Bit? Not in the least. I don't agree with his need to "pop off" but it's what he does and what he is known for. I guess it would be nice if he would do it less so he could be more known for his Kitana, but this is life. Fact of the matter is, there is more than one kind of victory. I agree that a resume is very important; there is nothing there to agrue. But there are more kinds of victories than that.

For example, xSMoKEx going into Toryuken (his first offline tourney experience), putting Reo in losers and then narrowly losing to him again on stream. The record books give Reo the win, he earned it. But the subplot going on there was this 15 yr old kid in his first tournament (forget majors) sitting there calm and collected like a veteran. Another subplot to this story is that Smoke was regarded as an online player. For him to come out and perform like that validates the online experience. Those are two major victories that NOONE can take away from Smoke.

And yes, I'm not smiling anymore.
Ya yall ain't got the best Ermac that would be Big D here in Florida


Ya yall ain't got the best Ermac that would be Big D here in Florida
Dude, his whole point revolved around talking shit (hype) and than stating under the lines below it that how that way of thinkin/speaking is just extra and although fun can be useless and occasionally taken to offence.


TYM White Knight
Just so you guys know. I was there at Toryuken. I swear to god the crowd watching the Smoke vs Reo match was nuts. It felt like a big fight atmosphere. The kid made believers out of all of us.

It will be really fun to see them both in the same tournament.


Just so you guys know. I was there at Toryuken. I swear to god the crowd watching the Smoke vs Reo match was nuts. It felt like a big fight atmosphere. The kid made believers out of all of us.

It will be really fun to see them both in the same tournament.
I lost my voice rooting for this guy lol. I felt bad for REO though, the guy is like a guru to me and it's because of him I leveled up Kabal and my MK9 game-play in general. Props to them both their matches were easily the highlight of Toryuken for me.


Joker waiting room
Just a few general comments:

1. By tournament results, KT Smith ranks the highest of any Smoke player, IIRC.

2. The performance in that video was not the performance of the Jax that won many majors and beat Tyrant in a mirror. The scrubbiest player can see that. If I beat a top player while they were rusty as shit, I wouldn't think anything of it, much less claim myself to be the best ____ player...

3. Being the best player of any character in this game is ultimately subjective, and doesn't really mean shit because it's a limited title. First of all, self-declaring yourself the best with nothing to back it up is pathetic; this is a title that originates from a general consensus and objective accomplishments. However, the weight of the general public in the community is greater than your actual accomplishments because they are the ones who grant you any relevance at all, as far as the competitive scene is concerned. You win a bunch of tournaments nobody saw? Who cares. You consistently beat the top players off stream? Who cares. But here's the kicker: the public is always changing their minds. Today, you're the best. Tomorrow, a new player enters a tournament with your main and places high, beating an opponent you always lose to, and displaying some new tech. Now that person is the best in people's eyes, despite your accomplishments.

Example: KT Smith was once hailed as the Smoke of America even AFTER he lost to Wafflez in MLG Columbus. One bad tourney showing (ECT), and many victorious CASUAL Team Battles by Wafflez, and Wafflez was labeled the best. Not too long after, xSmokex, who seems to have had very little presence in this site (none of you assholes even bought this guy in that Mercenaries online tourney until after Detroit pleaded), despite his contributions and discoveries, was then hailed as the best after nearly beating REO and showing off a bunch of new tech in one small major. Nowadays, KT Smith is not even mentioned. Hell, even I was called the best Smoke online by a certain Piggy and other people until they later played better players, and I became a thing of the past. It happens.

Secondly, what happens when you stop playing this game? Whether it's for a short or long period of time, or you're quitting for good, your skills are likely to diminish, and more players who use your character will surpass you, or enter the scene. In this time, again, you will become irrelevant, no matter how much you accomplished with your character.

Example: PerfectLegend after EVO 2011.

Case in point, people seriously shouldn't take so much pride in their characters. Play to win and to have fun, not to maintain a title that won't last in the long run. Look at REO and PL. I doubt they play to be the best with their characters. And seriously, do you think they give two shits whether you consider them the best Kabal and Kung Lao, respectively? Fuck no.
i pity the fool who makes a wall of text but doesnt get many likes
