Dude, showing up to tournaments is seriously not an easy thing. It's a huge pain in the ass, its a hard as dicks to adjust to when you have no offline consistency... kid's doomsday is hard to deal with bottom line, offline or online you play a long enough set you can tell whether they are solid or not. Going to tournaments is expensive too, gas, room, registration, driving really long times sometimes in nerve wracking areas like new jersey turnpike (which @
CptXecution is a goddamn monster at, and i might be able to do but would proabably shit myself doing) which i would feel like i am seriously risking my car which is not easy. Going to a tournament that is 8 hours away is not always a really smart idea.
Especially if you have college payments and all sorts of shit... you can't afford a risk too your shitty college kid car... on top of that coming from online having to adjust is SUPER SUPER fucking frustrating... like i would go to tournaments all the time if i had a weekly like gga or the break.. I'd go to a tourney and never drop my bnbs because i would be adjusted to all that shit. It feels like absolute shit, when you grind out zodballs all fucking day for months, go to a tournament and your timing is all out of whack and they don't come out properly... its fucking obnoxious to know how you play and not be able to play the way you do... plus you have to adjust for timing in every matchup, when to punish and or block.. its fucking horrible
maybe i'll try to get my 2 hour away scene more organized and regular for fucking mk x but even then we don't have a large repertoire of players hwo play the game a shitload...