Raiden got buffed and thats good, i was about to drop him yesterday even when im a raiden player since the 90s, but i still think he is low tier after the buff.
I got the chance to play raiden a lot since a got the DVD earlier than most of you here and thats some of the things that bothered me in general about raiden.
- his mixups are average, other characters have better MU than him.
- his range is average too, the biggest range on his strings is the F112, it has some range but be carful of that F1 it might whiff.
- his projectiles are below average, he is not a zoner at all. most of his projectiles are +20 on start up, you might get punished on the DF2 even on mid range.
- most of this load out abilities are trash, most are unsafe and u will get FCP on block except for stormcell which is -3 on block, it is punishable but im not going to say how bcoz non raiden players are reading too
, some loadouts just replaces the abilities that raiden already has and do nothing differently so its just a waste of spot.
- you cant teleport easily off of b11 or F4 or f2, i manage to make it work but non consistently by pressing "B11 DDDU", yes i press down arrow three times then up after the B11, i do F4 DDU as well (two downs then up), BTW: F2 (High) is useless when u have f4 (MID) and F4 has little more range.
these are the things that bother me the most about Raiden.
in general.. Raiden is an iconic MK character and has been in the game from the beginning, his gameplay and character power doesn't reflect were he should be as a Thunder God or a protecter of earthrealm, this raiden as in MKX and Injustice 2 is weak once again!
Raiden the DEMI GOD is low tier and Cassie & Jackie the mortal teenagers and the new comers to MK are high tier! that doesnt fit the common sense .
if you really want to know how powerful Raiden should be in MK11, go grab a high voltage copper cable and see what happens then ask yourself what would it feel to be struck by a lighting bolt from a "THUNDER GOD".