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Lord Raiden General Discussion Thread

Cosmic Forge

Practice mode noob
This is great news.

If they make b+2 special cancellable again it'll be even better.

My concerns so far though:

As an OG Raiden fan (since I was a kid playing him in MK1), one of his moves I always depended on was his teleport. But for two games now, its locked behind a variation. At least in MKX you could spend meter to give it armor and increase its speed, making it usable in combos or as a get outta trouble move. But as it is now, it's really not worth the 2 variation slots to equip. It bugs me that other characters get a teleport that's just as good and/or fast without having to sacrifice anything.
TL;DR version: Problem: Sparkport isn't good enough to warrant costing variation slots.
Solution: Make his teleport a default move, but make the amplify extensions cost ONE variation slot. And to make this not conflict with Lightning Storm, make LS conflict and replace Sparkport as it does now.

Cancelling into Sparkport/Lightning Storm
Another issue is the tiny window to special cancel into either of his down,up inputs (Sparkport OR Lightning Storm (the hover ability)). Although its possible, you pretty much have to just-frame the timing. That seems a tad restrictive, especially when dealing with online latency. It also seems near impossible to incorporate either of these moves into combos(outside corner stuff). But... I'm holding out for now that there's just not been enough time to discover this.

Anyhow, apologies for the rant. Peace.
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Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Raiden definitely isn't that combo heavy of a character but love his strings into D, B 2, JK, Superman, he can zone pretty well, and I love how you can place him anywhere with his teleport without using meter doing it. I'll have to mess around with his other moves, flying, currents, cloud and so forth but I like his base/default one a lot.


i learned a bit of raijin today and its really good. the first hours i was like wtf is this trash because i couldnt get anything going and basically played variationless.

then i found out that buffed up he has a 4f reversal that breaks the logic of the whole games' frame data :D. he punishes almost everything for good damage (1 off bar though) and pushes full screen! opponents completely have to re-think their approach. you just need to buff up which is really quick and block three hits which is one string.

Also, isn't this move supposed to shoot a crawling projectile?
I can amp it to launch the opponent, but I cannot follow up with anything. I don't understand what's going on with this move.
it only shoots when youre buffed with db3. the amp is just for damage.


Anyone play around with canceling strings into regular lightning bolt for pressure? I just noticed it was +11 on hit. Only seems feasible in the corner to me, it pushes too far back mid range
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This is great news.

If they make b+2 special cancellable again it'll be even better.

My concerns so far though:

As an OG Raiden fan (since I was a kid playing him in MK1), one of his moves I always depended on was his teleport. But for two games now, its locked behind a variation. At least in MKX you could spend meter to give it armor and increase its speed, making it usable in combos or as a get outta trouble move. But as it is now, it's really not worth the 2 variation slots to equip. It bugs me that other characters get a teleport that's just as good and/or fast without having to sacrifice anything.
TL;DR version: Problem: Sharkport isn't good enough to warrant costing variation slots.
Solution: Make his teleport a default move, but make the amplify extensions cost ONE variation slot. And to make this not conflict with Lightning Storm, make LS conflict and replace Sharkport as it does now.

Cancelling into Sharkport/Lightning Storm
Another issue is the tiny window to special cancel into either of his down,up inputs (Sharkport OR Lightning Storm (the hover ability)). Although its possible, you pretty much have to just-frame the timing. That seems a tad restrictive, especially when dealing with online latency. It also seems near impossible to incorporate either of these moves into combos(outside corner stuff). But... I'm holding out for now that there's just not been enough time to discover this.

Anyhow, apologies for the rant. Peace.
I agree, teleport should either be a default move or cost only 1 slot. It also seems like Storm Cell is necessary if you want to have any combo potential so he's kinda locked into those 2 moves. I want to be able to use his other plethora of movies. I do like his flying move a lot though, as well as the low cloud. Seems like you can get nasty with his setups in other variations once you get the hang of it.

Has anyone gotten good use out of his staff teleport move? The one that can chain lightning. The amped version could be very useful.

Cosmic Forge

Practice mode noob
So what does quick charge do exactly ?
Gives him basically a fast counter that can be amplified. Also I think it affects the low staff attack, giving it a low projectile.
I agree, teleport should either be a default move or cost only 1 slot. It also seems like Storm Cell is necessary if you want to have any combo potential so he's kinda locked into those 2 moves. I want to be able to use his other plethora of movies. I do like his flying move a lot though, as well as the low cloud. Seems like you can get nasty with his setups in other variations once you get the hang of it.

Has anyone gotten good use out of his staff teleport move? The one that can chain lightning. The amped version could be very useful.
Thanks for the thoughtful reply. It seems that we have to go all in on having a teleport or not. Yet the other down,up input only costs one slot? You can combo into Lightning Storm if you time the up in the down,up input a few frames after the previous attack's hit frame. But the timing is tight. Same for teleport. Very small window. In the corner you can 2,1,~d,u into LS then amplify for 3 more hits, then a final hit with 1 or 3. Very flashy but i'm betting less damage than other corner combos.

PS -- The 2nd hit of Raiden's b+3,1 (the punch in both directions move) actually has a hitbox that hits both sides. I found out by accident when I had the opponent cornered and they wakeup rolled out of the corner. I whiffed the b+3 low and the 1 hit them behind me. Kinda cool.
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Man of Science Who Wields the Living Lightning
Anyone know where to find Raiden’s white and blue outfit? The one he wears in the story?


Man of Science Who Wields the Living Lightning
Is it me or does Raiden have very few krushing blows?
B2 that activates when doing it twice in a row
121 when it’s a punish
Bf3 when connecting at max range
He doesn’t have a lot :( therefore he doesn’t have access to easy big damage I feel. Plus people can easily use breakaway on his combos after storm cell :(


As an OG Raiden fan (since I was a kid playing him in MK1), one of his moves I always depended on was his teleport. But for two games now, its locked behind a variation. At least in MKX you could spend meter to give it armor and increase its speed, making it usable in combos or as a get outta trouble move. But as it is now, it's really not worth the 2 variation slots to equip. It bugs me that other characters get a teleport that's just as good and/or fast without having to sacrifice anything.
as i agree its an annoyance that this iconic move is not part of his base set, gameplay wise i feel its fine. it really complements his keepaway and counterzpne style in thunder wave.
Electric fly cancel is interesting to make pressure, as to me it's difficult to open the opponent guard. but Raiden remains a bit too far from the opponent.

Still waiting for B2 cancellling. But I can see that it creates opponent doubt when we perform one B2. He doesn't know if we will try to make the KB with D2 again, or low starter.


Electric fly cancel is interesting to make pressure, as to me it's difficult to open the opponent guard. but Raiden remains a bit too far from the opponent.

Still waiting for B2 cancellling. But I can see that it creates opponent doubt when we perform one B2. He doesn't know if we will try to make the KB with D2 again, or low starter.
i thought what would work well is d3 into electric fly. if the opponent blocks and counter-d3s you should go above it.
B2 that activates when doing it twice in a row
121 when it’s a punish
Bf3 when connecting at max range
He doesn’t have a lot :( therefore he doesn’t have access to easy big damage I feel. Plus people can easily use breakaway on his combos after storm cell :(
His alternate bf3 also has a KB when fully charged and amped. (Super Bolt, I think it's called) It looks fucking badass but I don't see this move getting any use unless there's something about it I'm missing; I don't see its benefit over regular Fly.


Prince of Edenia
How to do his throw brutality? Do i have to rapidfire 1+2 or mash 1,2,1,2 etc. Cant figure it out.


Raiden doesn't have his Superman gibberish wtf? This should be a crime against humanity lol.


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Electric Fly cancel is cool, but I'm not sure I agree with taking 2 bars to cancel it. One I can see but two? It's not like you'll be able to frame trap people and put instant Kabal like pressure with it lol.

It is weird not having his gibberish when he does it. He has so many cool looking shit too, shame that most of it is a grind but whatever lol. They probably figured well all the moves are unlocked from the start so we'll just lock the other 55 costumes, items, weapons, hats etc, etc


Raiden Player since the 90s
Raiden got buffed and thats good, i was about to drop him yesterday even when im a raiden player since the 90s, but i still think he is low tier after the buff.

I got the chance to play raiden a lot since a got the DVD earlier than most of you here and thats some of the things that bothered me in general about raiden.
  • his mixups are average, other characters have better MU than him.
  • his range is average too, the biggest range on his strings is the F112, it has some range but be carful of that F1 it might whiff.
  • his projectiles are below average, he is not a zoner at all. most of his projectiles are +20 on start up, you might get punished on the DF2 even on mid range.
  • most of this load out abilities are trash, most are unsafe and u will get FCP on block except for stormcell which is -3 on block, it is punishable but im not going to say how bcoz non raiden players are reading too :) , some loadouts just replaces the abilities that raiden already has and do nothing differently so its just a waste of spot.
  • you cant teleport easily off of b11 or F4 or f2, i manage to make it work but non consistently by pressing "B11 DDDU", yes i press down arrow three times then up after the B11, i do F4 DDU as well (two downs then up), BTW: F2 (High) is useless when u have f4 (MID) and F4 has little more range.
these are the things that bother me the most about Raiden.

in general.. Raiden is an iconic MK character and has been in the game from the beginning, his gameplay and character power doesn't reflect were he should be as a Thunder God or a protecter of earthrealm, this raiden as in MKX and Injustice 2 is weak once again!
Raiden the DEMI GOD is low tier and Cassie & Jackie the mortal teenagers and the new comers to MK are high tier! that doesnt fit the common sense .

if you really want to know how powerful Raiden should be in MK11, go grab a high voltage copper cable and see what happens then ask yourself what would it feel to be struck by a lighting bolt from a "THUNDER GOD".


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
It's funny how Raiden being a God(not Demi-God) gets nerfed lol. Then buffed. He should be strong , I'm used to playing mids and low tiers.

Cosmic Forge

Practice mode noob
Agreed with the two posts above.

Raiden's teleport should be easier to combo into. As it is now, you can dial-a-combo and input all the commands in less than 1 second (for ex: 243~bf3 no delays) and the game will execute the whole thing, superman included. But you can NOT dial-a-combo his teleport this way. You have to time the up input within the first 2 or 3 frames after a move hits or is blocked.

If you try 243~d~u this way, Raiden automatically teleports after the 4 and the 3 never comes out. This is just clunky and weird. It also makes Lightning Storm (LS) , the flying stance, very hard to combo into outside of the corner.

There's so much potential here and it's puzzling as to why after all they learned in balancing MKX we seem to be back to square one on this stuff.

Also why did they remove being able to throw airborne opponents. How else am I gonna combo into a brutality now? :D

PS - the solution seems to just make the down,up moves (teleport and LS) have a larger window before a move finishes animating so it can be cancelled into.


Raiden got buffed and thats good, i was about to drop him yesterday even when im a raiden player since the 90s, but i still think he is low tier after the buff.

I got the chance to play raiden a lot since a got the DVD earlier than most of you here and thats some of the things that bothered me in general about raiden.
  • his mixups are average, other characters have better MU than him.
  • his range is average too, the biggest range on his strings is the F112, it has some range but be carful of that F1 it might whiff.
  • his projectiles are below average, he is not a zoner at all. most of his projectiles are +20 on start up, you might get punished on the DF2 even on mid range.
  • most of this load out abilities are trash, most are unsafe and u will get FCP on block except for stormcell which is -3 on block, it is punishable but im not going to say how bcoz non raiden players are reading too :) , some loadouts just replaces the abilities that raiden already has and do nothing differently so its just a waste of spot.
  • you cant teleport easily off of b11 or F4 or f2, i manage to make it work but non consistently by pressing "B11 DDDU", yes i press down arrow three times then up after the B11, i do F4 DDU as well (two downs then up), BTW: F2 (High) is useless when u have f4 (MID) and F4 has little more range.
these are the things that bother me the most about Raiden.

in general.. Raiden is an iconic MK character and has been in the game from the beginning, his gameplay and character power doesn't reflect were he should be as a Thunder God or a protecter of earthrealm, this raiden as in MKX and Injustice 2 is weak once again!
Raiden the DEMI GOD is low tier and Cassie & Jackie the mortal teenagers and the new comers to MK are high tier! that doesnt fit the common sense .

if you really want to know how powerful Raiden should be in MK11, go grab a high voltage copper cable and see what happens then ask yourself what would it feel to be struck by a lighting bolt from a "THUNDER GOD".
i dont agree at all - and i'm also raiden main since mk1 :D . raiden is a really strong defensive character, you just need the right strategy. i feel what youre saying though, i had my moments when i thought he outright sucks. but i stuck around (got the game since thursday) and got the hang of things, now i think he can compete on par with everyone - hes just different, and i want him to stay like that. also, the defensive style suits his personality well as its not so actively agressive.
so outside of his bnb combo, what is my general gameplan? zone them with the lightning? its really slow and i get punished alot if i use the lightning, or the normal < > square one
what do i do when i get rushed down, like they pressure the hell out of me?
i feel like every combo starter is so slow and unsafe, that i just get f*** all the time.
what string do i need to know besides a bnb combo?