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Liu Kang Video Critic Thread (Matches)


To Achieve, You must Believe
hey guys got another tournament videos for you...For my rival the kitana... i did bad that whole set... any ideas on what to overcome Kitanas retarded d+1 should i stay away and zone her the whole game? keep block when hes close... there is absolutely no way to over that poke when mid range... and thats the best use for it... here are the videos...

MK matches start at 38:00

Wow no one has posted here since October. Had trouble finding this thread, didn't realize it had fallen to the second page. Anyways I got a few matches from Winter Brawl, looking for some pro tipz 'n trickz to apply to my game so I can hopefully do a little better at Final Round.

vs zaf: http://www.twitch.tv/kombatnetwork/b/309004075 @ 42:00
I think I played this pretty well. I mean you don't learn as much from your victories as you do from your losses, but I think for the most part I played this matchup correctly.

vs CD Jr: http://www.twitch.tv/kombatnetwork/b/309004075 @ 1:02:00
Had trouble figuring out the poking game here. All these d1s should be full punishes on block but I kept missing it. The d4s are the more annoying poke, not sure what to do about that. You can jump over them I guess but CD Jr's anti air is so good that it's a scary proposition to leave the ground. There's an ill advised wake up flying kick in this match, that wasn't a great idea; it's a full combo punish if you ever whiff a flying kick against Smoke and it'll whiff if he low pokes as oki which obviously he's gonna do every time. I also blocked low at one point, not sure what the heck I was thinking with that.

vs PimpUigi: http://www.twitch.tv/kombatnetwork/b/309004075 @ 1:44:00
I didn't play this matchup right at all. You're supposed to zone against Scorpion in my opinion but I kept trying to rush him down. I dunno, I was feeling myself and thought I could just go in and push buttons. Wake up low fireball got me in a ton of trouble here. It's really only a good wake up for beating meaty low pokes, but I kept doing it when he was at jump distance. Obviously he's not gonna meaty low poke me from that range, he's just gonna jump and full combo punish. Pretty stupid of me. Also lost a lot of air to air battles here. Probably should have just tried to bait his jumps and anti air them, but I wasn't thinking about it. The thing I always forget is that if I'm at the range where I can jump, so is the other guy.

Anyways those are my thoughts on those matches, if you saw something I missed that'd help me out. Thanks.


To Achieve, You must Believe
Hey man, I gotta say props to you sticking wit kang to the end!! Here are my thoughts on your gameplay.

MK peanuts vs cd jr
You did very well mixing up f+12, and f+121, i noticed you didnt do many jump in kicks to avoid his standing 2. Fly kicks are very risky but hey!! you gotta check em sometime.. other than that, there were many opportunities where you could have baited his d+1 and punish real hard. b+312 beats smoke bomb, kang will hit him before the ball comes out, since the move takes awhile. I saw some anti airs where you couldve stand 2 him out of the air. Pretty sure you were hesitant whether he was going to beat it with something else. And his wake up game, he caught you with teleports earlier in the match... you caught on pretty late, but it could have been game changing. Other those problems man, you did very will mixing it with f+121 strings, and did no fireballs lol.

@vs Scorpion
IMO you were doing well at the start of the match, until i saw you did not utilize the instant air fireball, this is a great tool to evade the spear, and if he teleports, you will recover in time. His vortex is very aggrevating, but im sure you saw some holes when he did d+3 you could have punished with a fast 213 or b+312. Since most of his moves are standing, another one would be anticipating his d+1. Again IMO it is very crucial to bait out d+1, why, because it is very bad on block and Kang has an answer to fully punish it. Also on to maximizing your damamge output when you block a teleport and they flip in the air. You can do Dragon Stance 1, NJP, Dragon stance 1, b+312 into 2,4 bicycle kick. 39%.

Also I saw that you did not end your f+3,4 into bicycle kick.. I did not know if you were trying to get them close, but a b+4 is a better answer or f+121 bicycle is really good to build some meter and stay close, because they cant tech roll.

You did very well man!! we all have flaws in our gameplay, I am sure i do. But communicating and understanding our flaws and losses will make us a better player! Hopefully my critics dont sound horrible or douchebaggish. Just pointing out some key elements in your game play that in my opinion are crucial to your loss.
Naw man not anymore. Ever since I saw he was the 2nd worst character in the game I decided to drop him. Since I can't make up my mind on my own, I let the tier list effect my decisions on who I'm going to play. I just hope they don't change them in a week or two cuz then I'll have to pick a new main again.
Hey man, I gotta say props to you sticking wit kang to the end!! Here are my thoughts on your gameplay.
Thanks for the advice.

Jump kicks to beat Smoke's stand 2 is a good idea, I didn't even think of that. I don't play a lot of people who can consistently anti air with standing jabs so it didn't occur to me. Punishing low pokes is something I got to get better at, I also should have been able to punish some of those smoke bombs, I was certainly trying to but I just wasn't fast enough.

That one combo against Scorpion that I didn't end with bicycle kicks, that wasn't actually intentional, I just flubbed the input for it. Woops. I agree with you on the instant air fireballs, that's worked for me in the past against Scorpions so I'm not sure why I didn't try it here. Also that Dragon Stance 1 combo looks really useful for guaranteed punish situations, I'm gonna have to practice that.
Xblades do you have any new videos? if yes, please post it :p
Who cares about that guy, he's free. Let's focus on more important things, like the new video from noted Liu Kang player MK Peanuts:

Prior to this set I had only ever taken 2 rounds off Crazy Dominican across all the games I've ever played against him. With this set that's now up to 4 rounds, so, progress? There's still a lot here I don't feel great about though:

-Dropped a lot of stuff obviously, that's no good. There's some things that Beer Guy Ed said were drops that weren't, though, but there were still a lot of drops in there.
-I did a lot of close range high fireballs trying to catch him doing a f2 or something. He kept doing b1 to go under the fireball. After the first time he did it I should have stopped trying fireballs from that distance, but I never caught on.
-More low fireballs from full screen would have been good. I was scared to try low fireballs against Crazy Dominican because in the past he has jumped over them and full combo punished the whiff, but obviously from full screen he's not going to do that unless he comes up with some sort of full screen super jump which I'm pretty sure isn't even in the game although on the other hand NRS so you never know.
-I know Crazy Dominican likes to stop the 112 string short at just 11, especially off a jump in, so I was trying to d3 after 11 every time to keep him honest. That never actually worked, which is annoying cause there were times that I read it correctly but I guess I just did d3 at the wrong time or something and got hit by his next string.
-I never even tried to d4 on his wake up, I mean come on this is like day 1 anti Kitana tech that everyone knows about. I forgot about it, I guess.
-I broke 112 xx Cutter at one point, I don't know what the hell I was thinking there. Just mashing out breaker without considering the situation.

Uh I think that's about it for stuff I know I did wrong. If there's something else you think I should have done differently there let me know, especially looking to hear from XBlades here since I know he's played this matchup a lot with Shords.


To Achieve, You must Believe
Hey man, this match seems like you were trying your hardest to come up with some anti kitana strategies..and these are my opinions on the match up..

Kitana rushed in more, giving you a better advantage of of anti airs, such as 1/2 or ex bicycle kick
Kitana did not do much instant air fans.
Kitana did allot of 21 pressure strings from mid screen, which can allow you to jump over, and punish her with b+1 low fireball or b+312.
After your pressure string, he did d3, which can be stuffed by b+312 IF he follows up with combo string.
You did very well getting f+121, and mixing in throws in there.
Kitana rush down was on point, and during kangs wake up game it was horrible. (i feel you)
Limited doing d+1 after pressure strings, so you can punish fully.
Kept you at mid screen, where 212 is hard to punish if you blocked it.
No use of IAF to keep his rhythm in check.

This mtchup is hard when it comes to kitana jumping and getting the offense.. reason being is because her 112 cutter, and she can try to follow up with a quick 3 into something else. On the flip side, she knows she can get anti aired, so she does fans to get the hang time.

Doing forward dash into low fireball is good against her retreat with air fans. Also you can jump in on her when she does ground fans.Spacing and timing is crucial since the last fan will sometime hit on jump in attack.

In my theory of this match up, It is important to keep her in check with f+123 mix up chains, you did very great with this. With the anti airs however, doing a 1 to check her air game is necessity, if she fans, you will recover in time and can chase her with another 1/2 or b+1 depending on how far she is. Other than this whole log of notes, most of the time its all on how you approached him. You 2 are very solid players, and it seemed he got the best hand out of the match. Hopefully this will help you next time in your Kitana v Kang mtchups. Other than that Good stuff man!! keep it up!!
Who cares about that guy, he's free. Let's focus on more important things, like the new video from noted Liu Kang player MK Peanuts:

Prior to this set I had only ever taken 2 rounds off Crazy Dominican across all the games I've ever played against him. With this set that's now up to 4 rounds, so, progress? There's still a lot here I don't feel great about though:

-Dropped a lot of stuff obviously, that's no good. There's some things that Beer Guy Ed said were drops that weren't, though, but there were still a lot of drops in there.
-I did a lot of close range high fireballs trying to catch him doing a f2 or something. He kept doing b1 to go under the fireball. After the first time he did it I should have stopped trying fireballs from that distance, but I never caught on.
-More low fireballs from full screen would have been good. I was scared to try low fireballs against Crazy Dominican because in the past he has jumped over them and full combo punished the whiff, but obviously from full screen he's not going to do that unless he comes up with some sort of full screen super jump which I'm pretty sure isn't even in the game although on the other hand NRS so you never know.
-I know Crazy Dominican likes to stop the 112 string short at just 11, especially off a jump in, so I was trying to d3 after 11 every time to keep him honest. That never actually worked, which is annoying cause there were times that I read it correctly but I guess I just did d3 at the wrong time or something and got hit by his next string.
-I never even tried to d4 on his wake up, I mean come on this is like day 1 anti Kitana tech that everyone knows about. I forgot about it, I guess.
-I broke 112 xx Cutter at one point, I don't know what the hell I was thinking there. Just mashing out breaker without considering the situation.

Uh I think that's about it for stuff I know I did wrong. If there's something else you think I should have done differently there let me know, especially looking to hear from XBlades here since I know he's played this matchup a lot with Shords.

one piece of advice is i think u should variate ur pressure a little bit more after u made him respect ur full strings. liu kangs forward 4 is really good(its deceptively quick plus im certain u told me and i tested it), standing 2 into down poke and the occasionally enhanced low is really good though i feel you like to play a bit more conservative than myself by going for f121 more which is a strong i dea in that matchup.


To Achieve, You must Believe
OO man i did very horrible this tournament...im so mad at myself...and playing subzero... i find it way to hard imo...maybe i just dont like ice...

Lou Kang

it happens man..
wished u woulda survived longer tho only because ur leading the kang pack and ur the only kang i look to to improve my own, whats the next tourny/stream ull be attending


To Achieve, You must Believe
most likely Ragfest, Then NCR dont know for sure about NCR though still waiting on confirmation.


got my salty runback afterwards my horrible play in the tournament.
Good stuff, I'm gonna try to stick with Liu Kang more.
In matches I always pick Liu Kang first to see how I can do with him, but I end up switch to Jax a lot.
I know Liu Kang better than Jax, but you have better tools with Jax than Liu Kang...
Hope I can post some videos soon.