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League of Legends Thread


My eyes! The goggles do nothing!
I'm Kill3r Tofuuu
only been playing for 2.5 months.. level 28, former dota player. prefer jungle (xin) / top (ap kayle, garen)


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Azureyo be mah summoner name. I barely play, though, since my normal crew is the definition of salt and if you knew how this impacted me outside of the game, you'd fully understand lol. BookBurning does...


Yo how do i ward?

The only role I know how to play is support. I won one game with brand though. That game where we just teleported.


Alfred Hitchcock reincarnated.
I've recently started playing lol but I play Top (Shen, TF) Mid (Karthus) and ADC (TF). I play Top mostly though.


"The smart stuff"
I've been playing a lot lately. Mainly Ezreal bot and Cho/Noc in the jungle. Sometimes I support Lulu but supporting just isn't as fun for me.


Coward Character User
Yo why don't we have mk 5v5? Draft pick style. Anyone who picks me last I'm gonna grief them.
Legit that sounds good :)

Oh yeah and these are my champs for everyone else to see:

Twisted Fate (Mid)
Zed (Top, Jungle and i can mid him too obvi)
Nocturne (Jungle)
Taric (bot supp)
Ali (supp)
Vayne (adc)

So yeah i can play pretty much anywhere, tag is xSMoKEx1 (thats a one at the end)


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
maybe its just because you suck at learning and/or you're asking for too much info on advanced strats when it's better to learn with the flow as a beginner :>

#howdoishotward Insuperable