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League of Legends Thread

Katarina is just no fun in general. She kills one person in a team fight and suddenly everyone is dead and she got a Quad.
If I am actually playing as Draven, I wait for her to teleport in and mash that R.

Once she does, I throw an interrupt and slow at her.

Otherwise yeah, she can be pretty annoying if she gets fed and your team clumps up in team fights.


Plays too much Civ
Yeah Kat isn't bad, especially if you have the right mid champion. I've learned that the hard way. (Zyra - Kat 3-7 MU :()


Elder God
NetherRealm Studios
League of Draven and Rumble have been my two favorite guys to play next to Viktor.
I'm starting to play AD Sion again with the new items. He might actually be viable now.

AP Tankplank is the best top laner in the game. Nothing compares to those massive heals.
ap tankplank is legit in season 3

liandry's is core on any variation of ap gp, maybe even moreso than lich bane


EX Ovi should launch
Does anyone play support anymore?

Last few games where i have played where Janna gets picked before i can click her (bastards) they have been trying an AD build, feeding, and costing us bottom lane.


MortySeinfeld, Zed works more like Talon than any traditional jungler (sustained clear, etc.) so you should mostly see him Top and Mid. He's quite a monster in lane, team fights though he can only kill one guy before he has to leave.


Top: Pantheon, Shen, Kayle, Vlad
Mid: Vlad, Ahri, Lux
ADC: Ashe, Varus, Ezreal
Support: Shen, Leona, Lux
Jungle: Diana, Skarner(haven't seen him in new jungle yet), and maybe Jungle Yi this season.

Name: Grolarbears

I play several other champs, too, but some of mine are just booboo. :p


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
We actually got PL to play 1 game as Shen, that shit was hilarious lolol
This dude probably tried to go HAM and rush shit.

PL should be going with Lee Sin. Totally fits his vibe.


This dude probably tried to go HAM and rush shit.

PL should be going with Lee Sin. Totally fits his vibe.
Nah he just didnt really know what to do, But yea he would probably be a GDLK jungler or top lane player if he ever tries it again lol.


Mortal Kombat is NOT dead.
man, I've been playing the crap out of this game, it's stupidly fun and additive. I seem to be drawn to everything related to the void lol. I played Kassadin first ( since he was free ) then bought Cho'gath, and now I'm playing malzahar. I'm Ultimately working my way towards Nocturne thought <3


I'll play, I dabble in LoLz from time to time. Prefer Support (Taric/Occasional Blitz) and I play a tiny bit of Jungle. (Shaco, Nocturn, etc)


Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
if anyone wants to play some add me up, I play all lanes equally well with sup prob being the best. Sick of being on shitty teams and would like some normal people to play with and have some fun win or lose.

IGN: Sutter Pain


It's Subzerosmokerain on League. That freaking "n" has caused me more problems than it's worth.