So I'm just now watching Pig of the Hut's stream and he stated that Kotal Kahn is bottom 5.
I'm asking because I am playing Takeda and I needed a secondary and I enjoyed War God Kotal Kahn. Now Takeda, according to many, is also bottom 5 and I have a really bad track record of picking bottom tiers in NRS games.
Anyone care to elaborate on why he would say Kotal is bottom 5?
This is one of the problem with variations. Now when someone talks about a character, there is a degree of ambiguity in their statement if they aren't specific. If he meant Sun/Blood God, I might agree with him. But War God? I don't know about that. If you want a pro's opinion to cancel out pigs, I've heard CD JR say War God might be top 10. Pnut, who made top 8 at Texas Showdown with Kotal, thinks war god is mid tier as I recall.
Sun and blood god aren't very good because they lack safety on the better footsie strings, they have no mixups, poor wakeup options, the throw damage is low for sun god, one of the totems for blood god doesn't work, slow combo starting normals, and Kotal is also one of the easiest characters in the game to zone.
War god brings to the table some of what those variations lack: Safety, Wakeups, and Mixups. Even then, his safe special can be armored through. War God at least is tournament viable. Maybe not top tier, but certainly decent. The others could use some help, though.