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Kombat league: I'm tired of this shit

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Oh idc lol. I still play it just to play it. He is whining but he’s right imo. But I see what you’re saying as well.
To each its own I guess.
To each there own is fair.

But I'd still disagree on the "he's right" statement. He's right on what?

He (I assume) seems to both think the game is trash and doesn't want to take it seriously but also wants to unlock every single cosmetic - but doesn't want to have to play other people to do it.

That seems like a very specific way he wants the game to be given (maybe not the right word.. catered?) to him - which I really don't think is reasonable.


Administrator and Community Engineer
Lol at people saying they can't rank up due to lag.

I don't dispute that online games have lag (it's unavoidable). And I don't dispute that some players have bad connections (it's also a fact of life of online games).

But if you're saying you have trouble getting KL skins you want, that's entirely on you. I haven't had any problem ranking up just because I sometimes run into a laggy player. If the vast majority of your matches are uplayably laggy, you should probably check your own connection first.
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Edenian Empress
Don’t the brutalities return as rewards in the ToT? I’ve unlocked several that way.

I was burnt out early on, so I stopped playing MK11 and missed 4 KL seasons, only to start playing again recently and discover that I missed out on the only two skins I love for Kitana (human revenants), not knowing whether or not I’ll ever be able to obtain them again. Knowing I would’ve been able to earn them with ease if I had played just frustrates me even more.

Locking cosmetics/skins—especially human versions of the ugly-as-sin revenant costumes—behind a flawed and stressful online mode when this game already has an underwhelming, lacklustre and blatantly lazy array of awful recolours and skin designs (4 skins and a bunch of shaders, REALLY?) is a JOKE.


I'm shit at the game and I have no problem ranking up for the skins.
If you want an easier time getting the skins, play casuals until there's only 8-6 days of KL left (make sure you get the dumb daily thing before that tho) and then rank up to grandmaster ez mode and to demi god if you can maintain about a 50% win rate.

Only reason why I'm playing right now is to get my nuts kicked in by players better than me. Yesterday I had the fine experience of getting myself molested by VideoGamezYo.


The Ignore Button Is Free
To each there own is fair.

But I'd still disagree on the "he's right" statement. He's right on what?

He (I assume) seems to both think the game is trash and doesn't want to take it seriously but also wants to unlock every single cosmetic - but doesn't want to have to play other people to do it.

That seems like a very specific way he wants the game to be given (maybe not the right word.. catered?) to him - which I really don't think is reasonable.
My whole thing is (which I hope he’s saying) the fact that KL is a mess. We all know this. If I was a casual player, but truly loved a character and everything about them, why do I have to play a rank mode against other players to get the cosmetics for those characters? I mean, we have the shrine, Kollector and Character Towers for a reason. Being locked behind a online rank mode makes no sense.

I’ve been playing FGs since birth and I don’t think I’ve heard of a FG doing something like that. It’s kinda weird. Granted I still play it because idc but I see where people who hate it are coming from.

Maybe have another alternative to get the cosmetics? Like let us be able to buy them for a huge amount of coins or something rather than play a messy game mode for it.


Am I the only one who thinks it's cool to get exclusive rewards for playing other people in a fighting game?
I dunno what the problem is.
I agree with this too. What would ranked be without rewards. Just bragging rights. And it's not like it's hard to get. You literally have to play only 5 sets per day for 10 days and you'll unlock all the season objectives and easily finish in Champion for which you get 3/4 skins.


Edenian Empress
I’d be fine with timed exclusives à la Overwatch and its annual BlizzCon skins, which are available for purchase for a short period of time and exclusive to those who made said purchase for a year before being released again. Same with their seasonal event skins, I believe.

Earning rewards is cool, but there is nothing cool about one-time exclusive rewards and people being excluded from the chance of unlocking some of the best cosmetics for their favourite characters because their circumstances in life just weren’t favourable, whether it be lack of skill, travelling for either work or pleasure, residing in a smaller region where games aren’t easy to find, or simply not wishing to suffer against Geras/Liu abusers and WiFi Sub-Zeros.

I am completely okay with rewarding those who put in the time and effort, but I don’t think locking great cosmetics behind a one-time grind is the way to go, especially in a game that is extremely lacking in that department.


Lol at people saying they can't rank up due to lag.

I don't dispute that online games have lag (it's unavoidable). And I don't dispute that some players have bad connections (it's also a fact of life of online games). I'm annoyed that ranks reset every season.

But if you're saying you have trouble getting KL skins you want, that's entirely on you. I haven't had any problem ranking up just because I sometimes run into a laggy player. If the vast majority of your matches are uplayably laggy, you need to check your own connection first.
Well I would suggest people use every cheap tactic they can. :D

At a certain point people will notice how grindy it is when they happen to lose a fight, or win a fight against a lower rank.


Im not pissed because there are some that dont agree with me. Im just fed up with every time you say something here aome kid comes and try to look cool to others posting gifs or despising somebody. This is obviously a kid.

And listen, this subject ia way more serious than you guys think. This tatctic to lock this behind modes that they want has a potential to become a trend in the industry.
And honestly guys, a big company is receiving a lot of money to give us a product. I should not be locked on what they want me to do. This is obvious and pernicious.

Im a mk fan and I like the lore and finish moves....you locking brutals behind that shit....the kl is the shittiest shit on the shitty shit...a fucking mess of a mode....this is stupid.

And yeah man im pissed. I bought this game and they fucked it up with this agressive malevolent plan.

It seems like "ow yeah we cant introduce microtransactions right? Hahahah...take this you fuckers "....and you see people defending it.....I T I S A M A Z I N G.


This is obviously a kid.
I'm the only one here who posted a gif. I'm 33 though.
Also, I posted it at someone else's response to you, not at you, yet you took offense by it for some reason. And another point, I did not once disagree with you or said anything despised at you or anyone else in here. And I'm definitely not defending how NRS are handling these things either. Not a word about any of that.

You're angry. And apparently that blinded you to any fact posted by anyone in here, and instead started projecting your issues at everyone else.

Check yourself. Maybe once you've cooled down and are more sensible, then we can talk.


Im not pissed because there are some that dont agree with me. Im just fed up with every time you say something here aome kid comes and try to look cool to others posting gifs or despising somebody. This is obviously a kid.

And listen, this subject ia way more serious than you guys think. This tatctic to lock this behind modes that they want has a potential to become a trend in the industry.
And honestly guys, a big company is receiving a lot of money to give us a product. I should not be locked on what they want me to do. This is obvious and pernicious.

Im a mk fan and I like the lore and finish moves....you locking brutals behind that shit....the kl is the shittiest shit on the shitty shit...a fucking mess of a mode....this is stupid.

And yeah man im pissed. I bought this game and they fucked it up with this agressive malevolent plan.

It seems like "ow yeah we cant introduce microtransactions right? Hahahah...take this you fuckers "....and you see people defending it.....I T I S A M A Z I N G.
Yea your right we should probably alert the attorney general this is straight up criminal.


Am I the only one who thinks it's cool to get exclusive rewards for playing other people in a fighting game?
I dunno what the problem is.
The problem is that you are looking to yourself and not thinking that there are people who work, who have other obligations in life beyond beating people in a game.
If it is your coup of tea, good....but it is still ridiculous. Think about people who dont want that....

This is still....a game. I can enjoy mk11 aa a game....flawed game. But fircing me to compete to get brutals....holy shit man this is inexcusable.


I'm the only one here who posted a gif. I'm 33 though.
Also, I posted it at someone else's response to you, not at you, yet you took offense by it for some reason. And another point, I did not once disagree with you or said anything despised at you or anyone else in here. And I'm definitely not defending how NRS are handling these things either. Not a word about any of that.

You're angry. And apparently that blinded you to any fact posted by anyone in here, and instead started projecting your issues at everyone else.

Check yourself. Maybe once you've cooled down and are more sensible, then we can talk.
I did not say that was you. It is not one guy....you know what im talking about. Read what I said, I think it does not apply to you.


No one is forcing you get get these brutalities or cosmetics. Your character isn't any worse.
Also, the fact that they are rarer actually make them more valuable AKA coole

It doesn't change the game in any way. You're not getting a special move that obliterates everyone. You just get a new ender.

If they didn't have that as prizes for each level, then what are you left with? Skins that people don't give a shit about? Time crystals that people say are stupid? Koins which most people don't need anymore and they're just piling up?

So you're left with fancy card and a listing on your record to say i made it to God level in KL Season X.

And honestly guys, a big company is receiving a lot of money to give us a product. I should not be locked on what they want me to do.
This is the product and part of the game. It's something to work towards. Have they not had characters locked until you finish certain things in previous games?

While i'm sure there's many people that would love absolutely everything unlocked, there's a lot that appreciate being rewarded for doing something.

And isn't that what the store is for, to get things with some time crystals?


That is what im talking about.
Dude the issue is that you come at people like they are attacking you for simply disagreeing with you and accuse them of "despising" you and take any bit of humor as an attack.
Quite simply you have no ability to engage in simple discourse. In your view people either agree with you or they are assholes. This is why people come at you with sarcasm and jokes. @Vslayer simply gave you a very sound piece of advice and you clapped back at her in a really uncalled for way.
You are not forced in anyway to play the modes you don't like in this game. Without those brutalities or skins you want but don't have you are in no way impeded from playing the game modes you don't like and for F*CKS SAKE if you have a hard enough time winning enough matches to get those things over the course of a month maybe you just suck really bad at the game which is where your true frustration probably comes from.
I play like 3 hours a week due to being a single father, who works and has other interests and I have zero problem getting to demi - god and God some seasons.
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