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Breakthrough Killer Frost normalized into Jade 2.0

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Part-Time Kano Hostage
He's trolling you fools. LOL

She's still incredible. Taking away the reset with the daggers that did hella damage and the broken OTG slide setups that stuff wakeups isn't going to make her horrible

If this thread is good for anything, it's good to show how fast everyone could believe a character got nerfed to death because someone notable said they are.

JK though she is really bad. Please sleep on her.

Vulcan Hades

NRS has gone overboard with these nerfs. this coming from KF's no.1 hater.
These guys lol.

She still has her vortex she just has less opportunities to get it going and it deals less damage. Which is good because she did like 60% with trait before. Now it's more like 40-50% so you're still dead if you guess wrong twice.

Also her slide wasn't touched which is good. If it was made unsafe on top of all the other changes then she would probably drop to mid tier.


Part-Time Kano Hostage
These nerfs are just as bad as Superman's nomralized damage from the first patch

She's ruined!!!!!


Zoning Master
The ice maiden has been normalized by Paulo. We're doomed.

It is now easier for a human to do a wakeup attack after a hard knockdown. This means her slide doesn't OTG after sweep, u+3 or command grab and dash up slide/f+3 is no longer a ridiculous 50/50 after those moves.

Also the hit advantage on daggers has been significantly reduced, only a handful of frames of advantage now. You can easily blow her up for trying to do f+3, b+1 or slide after the daggers. Her most damaging standing reset into 50/50 is gone.

Discuss these nerfs.
You still have 1,1,1 xx trait and slide, so do not even start with the Jade comparisons.

What is Killer Frost's staple reset combo now?


This was such a baby nerf its ridiculous. I hate this character so much. Whatever i didnt expect her to get nerfed at all this time around so I guess i shouldn't complain too much. But shes still sooooo friggin good
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