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General/Other KILLER FROST - General Discussion Thread


.... they mostly come at night. Mostly.
by video analysis so far, KF is showing herself , in theory, as a very viable character .... her trait is insane useful, her corner combos look dat good, and she has , what seems to be, a very quick dash, both in ground and in air ..... besides, she has an ice spike move more or less like Freddy Krueger in MK9, and a Sub-Zero's slide (twice faster than Subby in MK9).

Who could imagine that the most despised character in IGAU, could possible in the end, if so, being a very good one, hum ? :D


XBL: zydrate101
by video analysis so far, KF is showing herself , in theory, as a very viable character .... her trait is insane useful, her corner combos look dat good, and she has , what seems to be, a very quick dash, both in ground and in air ..... besides, she has an ice spike move more or less like Freddy Krueger in MK9, and a Sub-Zero's slide (twice faster than Subby in MK9).

Who could imagine that the most despised character in IGAU, could possible in the end, if so, being a very good one, hum ? :D
i'm hoping we will no longer hear! uggg captain cold :( and more YEEEEAH KILLER FROST IS SO BADASS!


I'm a little disappointed that she doesn't have more "Killer Frost" stuff, but what she does have of it is pretty cool. That command grab! She has a little too much kicking and whatnot, but I do typically love characters with that fighting style! I just don't necessarily like it for Killer Frost, if that makes sense - an unstable supervillain that could freeze the world, but for some reason chooses to kick people around? I was just hoping she'd be a little bit more thematically cohesive, as Storm is in MvC3. I don't feel like this image when I see her in game:

At any rate, I think her alt looks fantastic in game! I originally liked her original costume more from seeing the render, but it seems to lack contrast and saturation in game. I can't judge that from videos, though! I'll have to wait for the game. :] I'm definitely excited to give her a try, but I'm hesitating to say that she'll be one of my mains as I previously said she would. Although I'm disappointed that she's not as thematically cohesive as I'd hoped, she still has a great moveset, with a few awesome thematic moves.

Frenchy BSM

Evil lies in the cold
I'm a little disappointed that she doesn't have more "Killer Frost" stuff, but what she does have of it is pretty cool. That command grab! She has a little too much kicking and whatnot, but I do typically love characters with that fighting style! I just don't necessarily like it for Killer Frost, if that makes sense - an unstable supervillain that could freeze the world, but for some reason chooses to kick people around? I was just hoping she'd be a little bit more thematically cohesive, as Storm is in MvC3. I don't feel like this image when I see her in game:

At any rate, I think her alt looks fantastic in game! I originally liked her original costume more from seeing the render, but it seems to lack contrast and saturation in game. I can't judge that from videos, though! I'll have to wait for the game. :] I'm definitely excited to give her a try, but I'm hesitating to say that she'll be one of my mains as I previously said she would. Although I'm disappointed that she's not as thematically cohesive as I'd hoped, she still has a great moveset, with a few awesome thematic moves.
Ye so true I was hoping for so much more moves you know but hey it's just a game if they added all her stuff I think she'd be op ;)


Get your guns on. Sheriff is back.
Dont talk about stuff that shouldn't be out yet due to leaks. I will delete it. No Linking is obvious but posting frame advantage, playstyle, mobility or any other stuff...yeah thats also gonna get removed.​
Killer Frost is not officially revealed, and the game is not officially out yet. If NRS reveals stuff themselves then you may talk about what is in whatever footage they show. NOTHING. EXTRA.​
Almost had to close your General Discussion just now between all the page 3 and 4 stuff that was talked about.​
Just have patience. We all want this character and to know more but there is a right way and a wrong way. Why kill your rep days before release by posting copyrighted information or footage? Worse yet why disrespect NRS by giving leakers attention and supporting them with all this discussion on their illegal posts of copyrighted material after all the work they put into making this game happen? You want them to continue respecting our community and site enough to continue listening to our feedback then show them you are better than this and that you deserve it.​

That is all. Sorry, but this is how it is.​
PS-She seems "cool."​


I'm glad there was new stuff in the trailer. Was that a double air dash? She has warmed up to me a little bit; I'm enjoying her gameplay a little bit more. I suppose it's just a particle thing that I'm disappointed about, as I discussed a little above.

Her ice daggers look a bit lame and unnoticeable; perhaps larger crystals, like what was hitting Flash, would be more attention-getting. Even the ice swords she uses would be better. I think just that one change would completely change her visually for me, and I would be pretty much satisfied. I also expected more of like what was on that picture I've posted a couple times for her super - more like wanting to freeze everything around her, rather than smashing people with blocks. The frost kiss idea someone had sounded awesome to me, or Shiva's ice snap.

I think it would be cool if her freeze effect wasn't the same as everyone else's in the cast - encasing people in blocks of ice would have been great; however, her trait does complicate that a little bit. The move where she grabs and freezes you would especially be more visually impressive with this ice block treatment. Overall, I would have just liked her to have more icy particles in general, while making them larger and more epic. Her slide, for example, could be "louder" visually, with frozen crystals covering the ground and whatnot. I like how she used ice crystals for her overhead smash (1:40 in the video), but even that could be much flashier.

Still excited about her, though. I love her freeze guard, ice sword specials, and trait. Plus her overall mobility options. I really enjoyed the combo at 1:14 and 1:02. Just some art/particle stuff that I think could have really made her impressive to watch, like how Storm in MvC3 is exciting and flashy with tons of mobility. Killer Frost is just missing the exciting and flashy part of that. I just want her to feel more like a maniacal supervillain with unlimited ice powers. :]


No Reason To Live, But I Like It That Way.
I really dig her a lot. Like Ares I never even heard of her before his game, but upon reading about her and seeing this video I will definitely be messing around with her, although I didn't really like her super move that much. But I love her render and her winning pose. Quan Chi swag chair ftw! :p


From what we've seen, it seems she needs to charge up her trait, almost like Tsubaki's Install from Blazblue if you've played it. Once it's charged, her attacks freeze on hit. It seems that because of this, it allows you to execute combos that were previously not possible.


XBL: zydrate101
Ah, thanks! I haven't seen that interaction before lol. The camera angle totally confused me. From what I've seen, she's definitely a gadget character then. Not really sure what Ares is, though.
she does have an air dash though. I will try her out for sure i like wonderwomans air dashes so i think id suit a character more like that.


XBL: zydrate101
From what we've seen, it seems she needs to charge up her trait, almost like Tsubaki's Install from Blazblue if you've played it. Once it's charged, her attacks freeze on hit. It seems that because of this, it allows you to execute combos that were previously not possible.
this is correct it kinda stuns then freezing so you can combo longer and stuff.


We can use these now:

Sociopathic by nature, Killer Frost’s icy exterior matches her chillingly cold interior. Militant and sadistic, she enjoys killing and feels no remorse when taking another’s life.

Crimson Cobra

The Ultimate Shadow
Most People seem to prefer ares and just brush off killer frost as a sub-zero copycat(even these guys while saying she's different than sub-zero...can only come up with "She's faster than him" then going on to praise and hype up ares)

Captain Cold Fans absolutely hate her guts and wonder why she made the cut...while hardcore comic book fans struggle to find any notable killer frost moments in DC Comics

she's a cool character(no pun intended)but it seems like the world's against her and compared to everyone else she's severely unpopular with little to no main stream appearances outside of small time roles and not much importance in the comic books

some could ask "Did NRS Themselves know about Killer Frost or did they just look at some pictures online searching for ice themed dc characters then coming to conclusion that she looked the best"