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Question - Kano KANO needs some buffs?


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
You were saying?
I feel like you think people are supporting you here, but we are still at zero people who responded to your call to arms, and like 2 other Kano mains have just quoted me to disagree with new statements that I've since made that he shouldn't he be buffed. But regardless, is like to point out that this was once again sarcasm, as strength in numbers is the most stupid argument possible, especially when absolutely ZERO unbiased / impartial people have disagreed with me, and the only 2 other people or so to disagree with me have literally ADMITTED their bias, but I'll come back to that.

Also, to the rest of your nonsensical argument - why do I have to argue the validity of a bunch if changes that you are unwilling to post. Your argument is absurd, you obviously don't think the hitbox fix is a significant buff that will put him on par with the upper 5 characters, so please what is the change list that you think will? And do you know why these changes are bad? Because they make him able to contest with the top 5 and almost every single match up before this, more unbalanced.

I also want Kano to be a top 10 character.


Am I supposed to be ashamed of myself or something? Because I am not.
Yes.. I am a Kano main, so yes I want him to be on the same or near the same level playing field as other characters.

Why In the blue fuck wouldn't I want that? Nobody wants to play a character that is under matched and will consistently get beat by characters with much better kits than Kano.
This is the definition ofersonal bias, guys. You want the character you play to be buffed even though it makes more match ups less balanced than the amount of match ups it improves. He is currently the very middle of the cast and should stay as such, the only reason you want him buffed and not everyone else, has NOTHING TO DO WITH BALANCE, it's literally because you play this guy and not other characters and this is a word for word admittance of it. FYI I play a character that has a massive disadvantage going into top 10 match ups too - but I would never ask to be buffed to their level, I would ask for the OP members to be nerfed rather than throw out the balance because "dis game is too hard!". So yeah, to answer your question - basically everyone who cares about a good game wouldn't want your changes, only typical idiotic TYM players who want easy wins would feel otherwise.

Acting like Kano is just outside of the top 5 is hilarious to me by the way.
So I'm picking up that it's a pretty common thing amongst Kano players, to literally invent an argument an easy-to-argue point of view for anyone that disagrees with your stupidity, because arguing their actual statements is too hard and makes you look a little too foolish to be good for the downplay narrative you are trying to sell. Not once have I said he's top 5. About 20 times over, I've said he's the middle of the cast and extremely balanced.

Your lack of ability to respond to logic is hilarious however.

If you fix a few things with Kano, he still can't be a balanced character?
I don't get it. This isn't my argument at all, once again inventing statements, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt here just say your comprehension sucks for the sake of this argument. You can't claim you just want hitbox fixes and the like that will him just as balanced, but also claim you want him buffed to the point of competing equally with the best, most OP characters in the game. It's one or the other guys, you can't have it both ways. I'm not arguing against hitbox fixes I'm arguing against tunnel-vision tier balancing.

Your argument makes zero sense, and I don't understand why it bothers you so much that people can actually see that Kano has a few too many weaknesses In comparison to other characters.
And a few too little weaknesses in comparison to others. This is why buffing him throws out as many match ups as it fixes, and when we have one of the cast members in a REALLY good spot, the spot where the majority of people want to see the entirety of the cast sitting at in terms of power level, your logic for throwing this out is so one-sided and bias that to be honest, it would be beneficial if the three of you still arguing this just stopped posting entirely. It's never going to happen, you guys are willing to completely shoot and destroy your own credibility over and over in your eternal quest for easy mode, but until it does I'm going to keep exposing the flaws in your arguments and pointing holes in your one sided statements, to make sure you never get one :)

I have a valid reason for why I would like to see Kano get a little love.
Correction - you have a REASON. Personal bias is not a valid one for changes ow ever.

You, your just trying to argue that Kano is "balanced" and we don't need anymore "broken" characters.
The fact that you guys think that this is a bad thing is what makes this thread so adorable.

That I, and others, should just accept the unbalanced nature of it all and find solace in knowing that Kano is a well balanced character, its ok that we are at a great disadvantage In a lot of these match ups, but its ok, Kano Is balanced.


No man.. Not ok.
Actually dude... When there is broken / OP Characters, the definition of ok IS having a disadvantage against them. Making another character wh the rest of the game has a disadvantage against, just because you wanted this one to compete with the broken ones, is the definition of "not ok" and making a bad change. I've said it before and I'll say it again, the ONLY reason you think buffing a single character to this level is balanced, is because you play that single character. Those characters need to be nerfed, or like just under 20 other characters need significant buffs to be on huge it level, do you see how ridiculous doing it your way is?

That being said, you seem like the type of player who just blames all his losses on balance instead of mistakes anyway.

You guys gonna be on the salt report 2 weeks in a row if you keep this up :D


but who's broken

kano can't really be on the level that the top tiers are because he functions completely differently. not arguing for/against but js he has to be 'balanced' a little differently


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
but who's broken

kano can't really be on the level that the top tiers are because he functions completely differently. not arguing for/against but js he has to be 'balanced' a little differently
I agree with that, I'm just replying to the statement that he SHOULD be


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
I've been thinking about this a lot.

Here are my ideas for Cyber Kano buffs. Note, i do not want them all. This is just a wishlist to choose from.

-Uplaser needs to be made practical. Make it faster, improve its hitbox, make it launch with meter, something. At least one of these things.

-Fix the priority on Up Ball and Kano ball. Getting jabbed out of Kano Ball or jump kicked out of Up Ball is the worst.

-Fix the priority and speed of b23.

-Return b1 to prepatch recovery but keep it - on block.

-Slightly increase the damage and chip of knives. As it is, Tanya's fireballs, Quan Chi skull and runes, and Kenshi spirit moves all deal better damage.

-Increase the + frames on mb knives. Not too much, but enough that the opponent has to think twice before derp armoring out.

-If knife damage remains the same, give either the MB Projectile or the regular more pushback on block. Either this or damage, not both.

I think this is a fair list and it doesn't include an overhead launcher.


Zoning Master
This is the definition ofersonal bias, guys. You want the character you play to be buffed even though it makes more match ups less balanced than the amount of match ups it improves. He is currently the very middle of the cast and should stay as such, the only reason you want him buffed and not everyone else, has NOTHING TO DO WITH BALANCE, it's literally because you play this guy and not other characters and this is a word for word admittance of it. FYI I play a character that has a massive disadvantage going into top 10 match ups too - but I would never ask to be buffed to their level, I would ask for the OP members to be nerfed rather than throw out the balance because "dis game is too hard!". So yeah, to answer your question - basically everyone who cares about a good game wouldn't want your changes, only typical idiotic TYM players who want easy wins would feel otherwise.
Speaking of personal bias, Kano being mid tier is your opinion. Several Kano players who do more than theory fight on TYM perceive the character to be ranked lower.

You know absolutely nothing about fighting game balance. The balance process is by nature filled with personal biases and depends on major factors such as how the developers want the game to be played, which strategies should be effective and which ones should not be, and which gameplay design each character should have, etc. For example, answer the following question rationally. Why does Quan Chi have excellent zoning and one of the best vortexes in the game while Kitana has above average zoning and no vortex? There is no legitimate rationale. The developers simply chose to design the two characters in such a manner.

My mentality (and yes hence my personal bias and view) is the more top tier characters the better. I would not only buff Kano. I would buff every character, particularly the low tier ones who are clearly disadvantaged like Kitana.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Speaking of personal bias, Kano being mid tier is your opinion. Several Kano players who do more than theory fight on TYM perceive the character to be ranked lower.
Well, then there is an argument to whether he is or not, which most sensible people will agree he is. Also, there is a difference between bias an opinion, I have no reason to want Kano any lower than the rest of the cast, there is no bias here, I am talking with a neutral eye. However, it's irrelevant, as this was never a statement I was making on anyone elses behalf, because the main person I'm talking to, Salt Shaker, has literally placed Kano himself directly in the middle of the cast a few pages back in this thread, and most Kano mains even in this ridiculous thread, have agreed with him. This is not me putting words in anyone's mouth, I'm capable of delivering a solid argument without needing to do that unlike the majority people in here, what I'm responding to was literally stated and agreed on by most Kano players


Resolution through knowledge and resolve.

Those were just examples.

Against most characters he struggles, one way or another.

Kano has blatent flaws in his game that keeps him from being a viable threat in most matchups.

The few fixes that he needs would still keep him balanced, his kit would still be below the top tier characters right now, but at least he would have a chance to beat other characters with player skill involved.

Right now I'm losing to people, offline and online that I know I am better than. I switch characters that I have spent far less time with and beat them handedly.

That is all the proof I need, I'm not suggesting he be reworked so that he is broken. I'm suggesting a few things be fixed that would help establish a viable defense against these characters that are way over powered.

Those characters would still have the advantage, right now, as is, that advantage is far to great.

All I'm saying.
Well, I was bustin' heads with Commando Kano - and I only practiced with him for about a half-hour. I was beating guys who were more skilled than me.

So, here we are - at an impasse - because I think he's great - and you think he sucks.

Now, I play Commando Kano strictly to win. I'm not worried about anyone's feelings on the matter. I'm not trying to put on an exhibition either. However I think gets it done becomes my path.


Cutthroat Truther
Well, I was bustin' heads with Commando Kano - and I only practiced with him for about a half-hour. I was beating guys who were more skilled than me.

So, here we are - at an impasse - because I think he's great - and you think he sucks.

Now, I play Commando Kano strictly to win. I'm not worried about anyone's feelings on the matter. I'm not trying to put on an exhibition either. However I think gets it done becomes my path.
This is pretty far from an impasse. Mainly because It's hard totake your posts seriously. especially looking at your earlier posts in the thread, where you were trying to troll(and likely still are). Also, I could say the same thing about Goro. Doesn't make it any less true that he needs buffs.


In Zoning We Trust

I feel like you think people are supporting you here
My suggestions are within this thread and others. The Kano community already knows it. So am I "unwilling to post" what I think or are you "unwilling to read"? Don't answer, because you are about to get bodied Hall of Fame levels right now. You are right I do think that. Though I have no idea why I assume people are supporting me and my ideas... Weird. Oh wait. I got it! Just maybe it's because of this-

Look in the Kano discussion thread, where Salt Shaker brought up this.
If we're being serious here...

I agree with Saltshaker's ideas.
Shhhhh stop spreading these logical responses.
This is why I come back to this thread. You speak the truth and your right.

Forget the fact he's mid or low or whatever. He. Needs. Work. Even I joined in because Kano IS ok but he doe's need some help. He needs a up grade in his arsenal. Weather but I like it or not Kano's problems are known.

I appologize @SaltShaker for using your post like this. I just wanted to add my opinion and got a bit carried away.
Awesome stuff @SaltShaker looking forward to a well organized list sometime!
@SaltShaker, I'm glad we have ya in this community bud. That list is perfect :)

Edit: @X-xAvOk-X, you might wanna copy/paste SaltShaker's list to the OP. Those are the most reasonable "fixes/buffs" this character needs and it would be nice if NRS did give this thread a look and recognized them without having to cycle through pages of nonsense.
Everything i would say, Saltshaker is saying it for me.

Carry on.
It doesn't take a FG genius to realize he's outclassed for all the reasons sited by our most out spoken reps, and they are not wrong. Keep up the good work boys!
You cannot convince ignorant fools.
I also want Kano to be a top 10 character.

Dude.. Him being tweaked to contend with other characters isn't a big deal.

There are WAY more people contesting your argument, then people who are for your argument

Most of us can see he needs a little love, I, along with many others are not asking for a fucking rework of the character, just some minor tweaks to make him viable.

Yes.. I am a Kano main, so yes I want him to be on the same or near the same level playing field as other characters.

If you fix a few things with Kano, he still can't be a balanced character?

Your argument makes zero sense, and I don't understand why it bothers you so much that people can actually see that Kano has a few too many weaknesses In comparison to other characters.

I have a valid reason for why I would like to see Kano get a little love.

You, your just trying to argue that Kano is "balanced" and we don't need anymore "broken" characters.

That I, and others, should just accept the unbalanced nature of it all and find solace in knowing that Kano is a well balanced character, its ok that we are at a great disadvantage In a lot of these match ups, but its ok, Kano Is balanced.


No man.. Not ok. Your argument continues to make ZERO sense.
That was a quick skim through the thread while eating, I'm sure I missed some. That's a lot of "support" in just one thread of 15 pages if you ask me. I didn't even go to the Cybernetic discussion thread or the General. But wait, let's see the support you have been getting for your argument and your character because maybe I'm wrong.

@I GOT HANDS THIS RIGHT HERE!!!! Look, stop your useless trolling because you honestly don't agree with any reason or logic we have. You don't have any respect towards us and are only here to troll the thread and don't understand where we are coming from because you obviously dont play the character and haven't dissected him in and out like the rest of us have. Now that being said, kindly get lost.

Also I got hands fuck off if you're not going to contribute any more then calling us whiners because we're talking about our character . If we invaded otther threads and did it like the kitanas you could be frustrated but this is our character forum and we'll discuss what we want. Most of us don't even think he needs anything major.
Wow. That was unexpected. I thought we had equal support in this thread. The more you know huh? But just when you thought it couldn't get any worse-

Regardless, I agree with the hitbox changes. Thats a bug or just bad game design, and should be fixed.
why do I have to give reasoning to support a bunch of statements I'm not making? I already said, I agree that the hitbox should be fixed, and there's no harm with finding the right way to make his choke useful. When did I ever say this would make him OP?

I'm responding to the other statements that some of you guys are making, that he needs to be significantly buffed and should be able to trade games with the crazy OP members of the cast
I didn't disagree with barely any of the proposed fixes and individual buff proposals I saw.
Followed by-

Your argument is absurd, you obviously don't think the hitbox fix is a significant buff that will put him on par with the upper 5 characters, so please what is the change list that you think will?
Wait what? What?? So which is it? Does the hitbox need to be changed because it is "bad game design", and it won't "make him OP", or will that sole move "put him on par with the upper 5 characters"??? Hahaha man thanks for the comedy. You have made a fool of youself like few others would be capable of doing. Though I regret to inform you that I can no longer entertain your idiocy. You see, this post was so destructive to your credibility that there is no way you could respond to it with any sort of rationale or quality worth adressing. I shall leave on top. Having obliterated you. Farewell. Just remember this. Saltshaker didn't screw I Got Hands, I Got Hands screwed I Got Hands.



Cutthroat Truther

My suggestions are within this thread and others. The Kano community already knows it. So am I "unwilling to post" what I think or are you "unwilling to read"? Don't answer, because you are about to get bodied Hall of Fame levels right now. You are right I do think that. Though I have no idea why I assume people are supporting me and my ideas... Weird. Oh wait. I got it! Just maybe it's because of this-

That was a quick skim through the thread while eating, I'm sure I missed some. That's a lot of "support" in just one thread of 15 pages if you ask me. I didn't even go to the Cybernetic discussion thread or the General. But wait, let's see the support you have been getting for your argument and your character because maybe I'm wrong.

Wow. That was unexpected. I thought we had equal support in this thread. The more you know huh? But just when you thought it couldn't get any worse-

Followed by-

Wait what? What?? So which is it? Does the hitbox need to be changed because it is "bad game design", and it won't "make him OP", or will that sole move "put him on par with the upper 5 characters"??? Hahaha man thanks for the comedy. You have made a fool of youself like few others would be capable of doing. Though I regret to inform you that I can no longer entertain your idiocy. You see, this post was so destructive to your credibility that there is no way you could respond to it with any sort of rationale or quality worth adressing. I shall leave on top. Having obliterated you. Farewell. Just remember this. Saltshaker didn't screw I Got Hands, I Got Hands screwed I Got Hands.

If there was a Triple H award for best burial, you'd win it. So let's make it official. Salt Shaker is the winner of the Golden Shovel Award.


Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
Ok I have a bunch of blowups that need to be made (and a few agreements) so sit back and enjoy this next post guys. First of all anyone suggesting that any of the buffs suggested by the Kano mains in here would make him overpowered or on par with the top 10 are idiots, simple as that. As it is Kano is mid tierish whether you like it or not so bend over and hold the Cybernetic mid hitting knives while avoiding his Cutthroat B1 because the hitbox on it is shit.
Lets be honest, Kano does need a little tweaking if he is ever going to be a viable option in the competitive scene.

Yes a lot of these other characters could use a Nerf but that doesn't mean Kano shouldn't get a little love though.

Some things In his game are worthless, some things in his kit are extremely inconsistent. A lot of those things are important things In his kit.

I'm not saying he needs a kenshi rework but he does need a little love.

I'm not biased either way, I'm being realistic. Anyone that thinks he is perfect as is, is trying to be Kano tough, there is nothing wrong with a little love to make him viable in the competitive scene.
Saying he's unviable is a huge amount of downplaying. He is most definitely viable in the tournament scene. Him getting buffs would be good and all but he's fine as it is. If other characters keep getting buffed and he's left as is then he may fall in tier slightly but he'll always be more than viable.

What moves does he have that are worthless? (Besides up laser). What's extremely inconsistent?

By the way you're describing him you're making him sound like one of the worst characters in the game which just isn't true.
3. You can make his f21 0 on block, but that would be a luxury buff along with anything else.

1. Give b1 it's old recovery frames back, it can stay at -2.

If he gets the above buffs then all his variations will be totally viable without being too crazy. Sorry for any errors, on mobile.

EDIT: And also fix his frame data, a ton it's wrong. Also make his upball work please.
If I've edited it out of the quote I agree with what you've said in those cases.

F21 used to be -1 I'm pretty sure, I've no idea why they changed it to -6. It'd be good to have that safe hit confirmable string back like many others have.

They probably can't give him the old recovery frames back, that's what they had to do to get around the bug that made it +2.

I mean all his variations are viable, I think Commando would be totally viable if he had more tick throw setups. I say it should have the same amount if not more than Erron Black. I mean look at this shit:

Erron Black (rushdown/mixup character)- 11, 11B3, (2 or 211 first hit I can't remember which one), 211, 21122, D1, D3 (AND on hit), F12(?)
Kano (command grab character) - D3, D4, J3, J4, F33

Kano's strings are mostly unsafe
Have you actually read his frame data?! Jesus christ...
Kano's footsies are great but are still lacking against characters like Ermac

Ok you're done.
I'm Australian and Kano is my mate for sure, but for your guys sake I hope he gets nerfed next patch, if it happens I will laugh, and will once again be a believer in karma

this community is the epitome of the things that I hate about TYM. I can understand Kitana players asking for buffs, I can even understand Reptile players asking for it, but Kano?! Seriously?!!

I love how in your "completely impartial" opinion, the only people allowed to have any authority on the matter should be the people with the most reason to downplay, lie, misdirect conversation, and blatantly ignore stronger reasoning concerning the matter.... who then proceed to do exactly that. Lol. Why is the entire rest of the communities opinions here worthless? I have no reason or bias to say your character is any weaker than any of the other ones, and I'd love to see a balanced game so if he was below the rest, buffs would definitely be in order.

However, WE ALL KNOW that is not the case what so ever. Salt Shaker, keep back-pedaling, if I have to go back a couple of pages and quote the posts of you saying Kano is at the middle of the cast and at a fine spot right now, and that the only reason you want buffs is for a meta 3-5 patches away from now where you predict he will be low tier, I will. This argument is so ridiculously stupid and short-sighted all I'm reading is "NRS, turn on easy mode for my multiplayer experience please!"
YOU are also done. You actually think Kano needs NERFS?! Someone's salty about online Cybernetic zoning...


Cutthroat Truther
What moves does he have that are worthless? (Besides up laser).
Well, his commando choke is right up there with up laser. I think his MB Air ball is going places(south) as it's being stuffed by normals more and more often. His B1/Buff/EXBuff aren't worthless, but they're not really valuable yet. each move is way too flawed at this stage to be in the regular rotation(b1 Aside).


Cybernetic is not viable in the tournament scene. It's that simple. Idk about the other variations. I think he would have been much better if they gave him an overhead instead of a low. And Made his mb knives a true respectable frame trap


Kung Lao is a non 50/50 character done right. Good stagger strings. Awsomr over head to blow up those waiting to poke. True frame trap wjth grab mixup.. That's where im going


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
YOU are also done. You actually think Kano needs NERFS?! Someone's salty about online Cybernetic zoning...
You've misread. I said he needs to be left alone, aside from improving the hitbox, and making choke useful. So if anything, I'm saying he needs buffs. I just don't think he should be buffed to competing with Raiden level, word for word whats been asked for, just because these whingers can't handle being midtier
Reactions: GAV


Cutthroat Truther
You've misread. I said he needs to be left alone, aside from improving the hitbox, and making choke useful. So if anything, I'm saying he needs buffs. I just don't think he should be buffed to competing with Raiden level, word for word whats been asked for, just because these whingers can't handle being midtier
Why shouldn't he, and everyone else be buffed to compete with the Quan Chi's and Raidens of the world again? I don't think ANYONE should just settle on their character being mid tier. Don't ever settle for Solomon Grundy.


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
My suggestions are within this thread and others. The Kano community already knows it. So am I "unwilling to post" what I think or are you "unwilling to read"? Don't answer, because you are about to get bodied Hall of Fame levels right now. You are right I do think that. Though I have no idea why I assume people are supporting me and my ideas... Weird. Oh wait. I got it! Just maybe it's because of this-

[...insert posturing...
That was a quick skim through the thread while eating, I'm sure I missed some. That's a lot of "support" in just one thread of 15 pages if you ask me. I didn't even go to the Cybernetic discussion thread or the General. But wait, let's see the support you have been getting for your argument and your character because maybe I'm wrong.
Son. I'm gonna go through and explain this to you thoroughly. Cause damn, either English aint your first language, or you need to go show some love to some comprehension classes.

I made a statement, and then you made a post, saying

Everyone, I want you all to read this post. Then I want everyone to reference my posts in this thread and othe Kano forum. People on both sides of the discussion that have talked with me. If have shown to be the "epotime" of what's wrong with TYM, "lied", or of all things "misdirect conversation", let me know how I did so and I'll drop Kano today for Erron Black.

That's how confident I am that you are on an island with that perspective of me, and to a greater extent the community.

So you made this big ass call to arms, trying to get people to let you know if you did something or didn't.

Then, while people have responded to ME about Kano balancing, comments made on balancing Kano, not a single person gave a fuck about your "call to arms" or made any comment on you, or even then ones I made about the Kano community being whingers. So I made a post sarcastically responding about how nobody but a couple of Kano main's gonna give any fucks, and even they didn't give a shit about your Horn of Gondor, dude

Yeah, because the entirety of TYM is your dispute counsel who will come in and weigh in on this for you

Regardless, fairly sure that aside from the Kano mains (aka most of the people still reading this downright ridiculous thread that somehow made it to 12 pages), the majority of MKX players think Kano is one of the most balanced characters in the game at the moment
Apparently I needed to include an eyeroll or something, but damn that is some grade A blatant ass sarcasm I'm not quite sure how it can fly over your head. Then you went ahead and made this post, in response to the sarcasm, completely missing the point

So your logic why no one would agree with the statements you made about me, on either side of the discussion, is because the entire TYM blindly follows me??
Followed by a bunch more nonsense posts such as this

So in other words, no one on either side of the argument agrees with your earlier statement about me and you have no idea why that is the case. Got it.
still propagating the narrative that you have invented, while I keep trying to explain how language structuring works to someone who can't have even made it into middle school. Nobody agreed OR disagreed with it dude. Only you gave a shit, it backfired horribly, and now you are trying so hard to save face but failing harder than you did on your 6th grade English exams :D

But yet... all I had been was proved right. Not a single person gave a fuck about "defending your honour" like you are pretending they did, YOU JUST WENT AND QUOTED A BUNCH OF PEOPLE TALKING KANO BALANCING, DATING BACK BEFORE THE COMMENT WAS EVEN POSTED, AND USED THAT AS YOUR SUBSTITUTE. hell You just quoted the same people over and over again, you quoted one guy in that list 3 damn times LOL !

Another question would be, why the did you quote me saying that
I feel like you think people are supporting you here
instead of the full sentence
I feel like you think people are supporting you here,
but we are still at zero people who responded to your call to arms

You knew you couldn't, you had to make it sound like I'm saying something I'm not. Not once have I said "nobody would agree with you that Kano needs buffs", WE ARE IN A KANO THREAD MADE BY KANO MAINS, THE TOPIC BEING WHINGING FOR KANO BUFFS, I would eat my goddamn headset if the response was anything else lol. The only statement I made was that nobody was gonna weigh in on what I'm saying about you, you asked everyone on TYM to come support you, I said you would get a couple of Kano mains at best, BUT YOU DIDNT EVEN GET THAT. Not one person. Damn, have you done an excellent job of proving my point

Wait what? What?? So which is it? Does the hitbox need to be changed because it is "bad game design", and it won't "make him OP", or will that sole move "put him on par with the upper 5 characters"??? Hahaha man thanks for the comedy. You have made a fool of youself like few others would be capable of doing. Though I regret to inform you that I can no longer entertain your idiocy. You see, this post was so destructive to your credibility that there is no way you could respond to it with any sort of rationale or quality worth adressing. I shall leave on top. Having obliterated you. Farewell. Just remember this. Saltshaker didn't screw I Got Hands, I Got Hands screwed I Got Hands.
Oh my god dude. There is bad comprehension, there is Philippine kids who get American TV, and then there is you.

Not once did I say it will put him in the top 5 characters. I LITERALLY SAID IT WONT. This is in response, to you SAYING THAT THE ONLY CHANGES YOU WANT ARE MINOR BUFFS THAT WILL LIKELY LEAVE HIM TIER'ING THE SAME AS HE CURRENTLY IS, BUT AT THE SAME TIME SAYING YOU WANT HIM TO BE BUFFED TO TOP TIER LEVELS. Because these are two contradictory statements, which one is it? Note the question mark. Once again, to reinstate what I'm saying in terms that you might just be able to comprehend. "I agree that proposed hitbox changes are fine, so what exactly are the changes that you are asking for, if you want him to be a top tier character?"

The backpedalling, misdirection, and lieing here is next level. Like, next next level. The best part is, you don't realise how self-contradictory and hypocritical you look, because we are in a Kano thread that everybody stopped caring about aside from like 5 Kano mains who aren't even reading your posts just clicking that "like" button and nodding away with anyone still downplaying for buffs

P.S. Took notes from your delivery style and capitilised and bolded key points to help make comprehension easier on you seeing as it seems to be helping you to process information

P.P.S. Obnoxious and obnoxiously-sized picture to seal the deal

English lessons. You need em.
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Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
Why shouldn't he, and everyone else be buffed to compete with the Quan Chi's and Raidens of the world again? I don't think ANYONE should just settle on their character being mid tier. Don't ever settle for Solomon Grundy.
I agree that all characters should be on the same level, don't get me wrong. I just think it's ridiculous that the way to go about it should be each and every community individually downplaying and fighting for buffs for about 20 different characters to get on their level, rather everyone just getting the 5 or so main offenders properly normalized, and maybe toning down a couple of the stragglers up top. Because what happens if we just balance Kano out with them? Then we are left with every other character other than the broken ones, with one more completely unbalanced match up


Official Infrared Scorp wid gapless Wi-Fi pressure
I GOT HANDS....just, for the love of god.... stop.

You're not helping Kano, the game, or our brains.
Didn't come here to help Kano get buffed, came here to help keep him balanced, and cut down the nonsense about him needing serious buffs in attempts to get him Raiden level

Also, at this point nothing can help your brains, you guys are 16 pages deep into this shit, there ain't no turning back now I'm pretty sure you guys have done yourself irreversible damage


Cutthroat Truther
I'm serious Hands, I don't get it. Every community wants their character to be top tier. I don't see Reptile players saying "LEAVE OUR CHARACTER ALONE HE'S FINE". It's usually the OTHER character's communities that come in and say this. See: http://testyourmight.com/threads/kano-needs-some-buffs.53087/ But me wanting Kano to be top tier hasn't stopped me from making buff suggestions that apparently are reasonable, because nobody has directly disputed them. I pray Kano is top tier, I accept him being upper mid, and I fight to get him out of mid tier hell. Mid tier is honestly not this great place to be. You don't see NFL teams saying "Hey, we were 8-8 last year, that's right where we should be"

AND WHAT SERIOUS BUFFS? Outside of the OP, Most buffs has been reasonable. It's been "Make X safe" or "Fix Y", or even "Fix a flaw that is universal to almost every move that fits this mold". Nobody is saying "Make this normal Super plus" or "Give him a meterless vortex".