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Question - Kano KANO needs some buffs?


In Zoning We Trust
Cyber Kano will definitely need some adjustments moving forward.

Better priority on ball specials, b23, etc.

I believed Saltshaker talked about increasing pushback on block with some of his attacks. I'd agree with that.

I had an idea, but it might be unreasonable. You can tell me if it is.

Would giving MB Knives pushback on block be a problem?

I feel like this would improve his keep out game, but i don't know everything.
EX Knives have as little pushback as a projectile can have. If it had a little more, but still kept them in B1 pressure range that would be pretty cool. We still need it for pressuring though since they have to either block or armor up close after it and we don't have the mixup options some characters have. I would hope that the regular knives had a slight pushback adjustment but I won't even ask because we know that isn't happening lol.

I think fixing Ball priority would go a long way in keeping them out since upball knocks them pretty far and straight ball hard knockdowns.


It's true that you get nothing guaranteed off mb knives. However, characters armoring through + frames happens a lot in this game, period. I'm not a fan.

I'm not sure what the answer is though, as you can't make MB Knives too ridiculously + on block.
They should be + 8-9 so you can at least get a true grab mixup


In Zoning We Trust
They should be + 8-9 so you can at least get a true grab mixup
I agree with this and actually have it in my suggestions. At distance it is already a good trap and a few frames more won't be much of a difference at all when zoning.

Where as up close it would allow Kano to cleanly use his pressure without having Kung Jin EX Bo you between your EX Knives and B1, giving you the poor mans mixup of more pressure/grab/backdash. Which is fine for a character like Cyber Kano. People are beginning to make reads and armor after EX Knives pressure lately which I haven't found an answer for yet.


Cutthroat Truther
It's true that you get nothing guaranteed off mb knives. However, characters armoring through + frames happens a lot in this game, period. I'm not a fan.

I'm not sure what the answer is though, as you can't make MB Knives too ridiculously + on block.
You absolutely can. Well wait. What's the data on Tempest Lao's Orbital hat? It's fucking +27 on block. If that's allowed, Cyber Kano is allowed at least +15 on MB knife


You will serve me in The Netherrealm
You absolutely can. Well wait.arno's the data on Tempest Lao's Orbital hat? It's fucking +27 on block. If that's allowed, Cyber Kano is allowed at least +15 on MB knife
That's only if lao spends meter. Regular hat i think is -3. Plus, can't you armor between the string and the hat cancel?

Anyway, i didn't ask for a specific amount of + frames because i wasn't sure what was appropriate.


Cutthroat Truther
That's only if lao spends meter. Regular hat i think is -3. Plus, can't you armor between the string and the hat cancel?

Anyway, i didn't ask for a specific amount of + frames because i wasn't sure what was appropriate.
I'm advocating that MB knives be a similar amount of plus on block. Lao also has High 30%+ combos from those hats If I recall. What can Cyber get from it? I'm going to lab it and see..

Also, I should apologize as I didn't see so many posts behind yours.

Edit: I do see a flaw in plus 20 MB knives in Zoning, which is why I said +15. You can't lock them down forever with MB knives though.


On The Grind
Lets be honest, Kano does need a little tweaking if he is ever going to be a viable option in the competitive scene.

Yes a lot of these other characters could use a Nerf but that doesn't mean Kano shouldn't get a little love though.

Some things In his game are worthless, some things in his kit are extremely inconsistent. A lot of those things are important things In his kit.

I'm not saying he needs a kenshi rework but he does need a little love.

I'm not biased either way, I'm being realistic. Anyone that thinks he is perfect as is, is trying to be Kano tough, there is nothing wrong with a little love to make him viable in the competitive scene.


On The Grind
There is a reason why guys like Coach Steve dropped him in competitive play.

I'm just saying..

*side note


Kuff Bano
Been playing more commando lately and I feel that being a character that really relies on reads his punishes are too weak. Like I can make a good read and get 19-20% slightly more if I do an ex ball. Just feels a bit weak. The lack of juggles and strong tick setups affect his damage output and you have to make so many more reads than your opponents, especially if they're playing someone like scorp


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
EX Knives have as little pushback as a projectile can have. If it had a little more, but still kept them in B1 pressure range that would be pretty cool. We still need it for pressuring though since they have to either block or armor up close after it and we don't have the mixup options some characters have. I would hope that the regular knives had a slight pushback adjustment but I won't even ask because we know that isn't happening lol.

I think fixing Ball priority would go a long way in keeping them out since upball knocks them pretty far and straight ball hard knockdowns.
somewhat unrelated, but
My favorite thing to do in pressure is ex knives into B1 or 1 cancelled into our armored ex ball, then cancelled into combo this option beats their armor in a sweet double armor trade hit, and on block you can sometimes space in a way where ball cancel becomes difficult to punish.
on the topic of buffs--
better air laser is all I might want, up ball should not be a better anti-air.


PSN: playakid700. Local name: BFGC MonkeyBizness
Been playing more commando lately and I feel that being a character that really relies on reads his punishes are too weak. Like I can make a good read and get 19-20% slightly more if I do an ex ball. Just feels a bit weak. The lack of juggles and strong tick setups affect his damage output and you have to make so many more reads than your opponents, especially if they're playing someone like scorp
do your counters count as reads?
cause those are 17%, iirc.
he's not entirely offense, he'sa little bit anti-offense too, right?


RIP Ex Smash
1. Make his overhead have enough range so that after ex knives it will connect.
2. His buff takes away too much of his life, 8-10% is more reasonable.
3. You can make his f21 0 on block, but that would be a luxury buff along with anything else.

1. Give b1 it's old recovery frames back, it can stay at -2.
2. Ex knives=Backdash city. Give them more advantage on block for true mixups.
3. Making b2 better would be a luxury buff, he does enough damage, and he for sure doesn't need an overhead if he gets the above buffs.

Commando: Needs lots of work...
1. Make choke at least -2 on block and plus on hit
2. He needs real tick throws off strings like b13, b31, etc.
3. Make his grabs recover faster or advance forward a bit
4. Maybe give him a better d1 since this is his grappler variation.

If he gets the above buffs then all his variations will be totally viable without being too crazy. Sorry for any errors, on mobile.

EDIT: And also fix his frame data, a ton it's wrong. Also make his upball work please.


Positive Poster!
At this moment I don't think he needs buffs. Having an unblockable untechable command grab off of safe options means that you can just walk straight ahead into the enemy and block string them into guaranteed damage.