Mid Tier
Dude, her jump kick move stuffs the shit outta almost anything Arrow can do in the air, and when she wins an air to air trade the damage vs Arrow winning one is laughable.Gunshots are low reward. Eventually she'll get read and hit on an air to air and lose. It's not hard to block so Arrow kan more than make up the damage he lost on chip. J3 also has ridiculous range and her shitty AA is not going to get that.
Green Arrow doesn't primarily rely on his strings. He relies on his D1 which is long range. Wiff punishing only works if he actually wiffs which with long range and mix ups off of D1, there's not much reason to fail.
Not saying she kicks the shit outta us, but I def stand by her having advantage in this match up. I used to think Arrow beat her, then I Played a good Harley, and the truth was laid at my feet.