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Green Lantern Corps.
I always pick one button in pumped up and just tap at a rhythm, you don't need to go nuts but i find when i mix buttons the animations can sometimes mean my mindless tapping loses me a punch.

The Slaj Jazz

TIckle my sweet salty nips
Trying to get used to not pressing down immediately after inputting bf :( thats my main prob with trying his midscreens


Green Lantern Corps.
The command grab you have to time the buttons as they hit the ground, if you're on about the last hit for the 1% I do about 4 hits as quick as possible.


Green Lantern Corps.
Trying to get used to not pressing down immediately after inputting bf :( thats my main prob with trying his midscreens
His Midscreens are tough! took me a long while to get it around the 60-70% mark I must spend a few hours a day improving my execution and break down that overhead to run timing. If you get these down consistently though the damage this guy will have will be so scary.


There is a specific timing that works and if you can 'dial' it out including the run, you can hit it consistently. Right after the dashpunch overhead, run, and I'm talking about just a split second after you glow from the ex manueaver and then immediately attack with your f21 you should hit it. Just mess around in practice mode.
haven't posted in a few weeks i still can't seem to get jax down. is there any better collections of his combos what can be linked. im not very good at watching videos let alone finding videos for jax. i'm about to pick mk x up again i sprained my wrist in boxing so i couldn't even move my hand for quite awhile. i'm concerned with mastering his mid screens because im sure once i do get them down any other character i use i can use the run cancels
guys how do you puniah with jax,lets say scorp tele or sub slide?
The thing is, those attacks come out VERY fast. So the real thing you should work on is anticipating when they will use those moves. The punish is simple, block and immediately follow up with a string/combo that is faster than his ability to block. Try it in practice mode, you can have the AI spam those moves and test it out.

i'm concerned with mastering his mid screens because im sure once i do get them down any other character i use i can use the run cancels
Don't be concerned with his midscreen as much. You can pressure someone into a corner with just F21,d12,f21,11 mixups. Once they're in the corner it's very hard for them to get out when facing Jax. Master the corner first. The best/easiest midscreen combo would be f21, ex bf2d, runxx, f3, bf2/gotcha(in pumped up).


The future of law enforcement.
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Premium Supporter
Wow, I just realized his Gotcha Grab leaves them standing...
thanks guy's i'll give it go i'm not sure how i can pressure. im still new to fighters and mk x i haven't played since like april 16th

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
In Wrestler, I found a way to get a command grab 100% of the time of a blockstring. Basically input Gotcha Grab and then press forward. Lot's of pain and sorrow alleviated.
In Wrestler, I found a way to get a command grab 100% of the time of a blockstring. Basically input Gotcha Grab and then press forward. Lot's of pain and sorrow alleviated.
That is exactly what you are suppose to do... am i misisng something? The quad grab is dbf1.........??? I'm confused why you are pointing this out.

Sutter Pain

Your mothers main.
Is anyone hitting the mid screen bnb off of 123~expunch~f21 etc... on female cast? I can get it on males but have had no luck on the ladies. I just got this string on PC sorry if it has been answered already.

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
That is exactly what you are suppose to do... am i misisng something? The quad grab is dbf1.........??? I'm confused why you are pointing this out.
The notation is DBF1. I'm saying you can do DB1, hold the 1, the press F. A lot more easier to do.

Northern Slasher

Heads or Tails X
So what essentially makes people call jax top 5? Other than his corner game which Raiden can do just as well, what are people in saying about Jax over the rest of the cast?

We have jack shit mid screen that isnt nearly impossible to confirm online and our corner damage Is matched by quite a bit of the cast.


So what essentially makes people call jax top 5? Other than his corner game which Raiden can do just as well, what are people in saying about Jax over the rest of the cast?

We have jack shit mid screen that isnt nearly impossible to confirm online and our corner damage Is matched by quite a bit of the cast.
Mostly his normals and strings are all pretty beastly being safe for pressure which gives him an extremely good pressure game.


Capital Punishment
Ive just come to say that Im officialy dropping this shitty online character his execution online is wayyyy to strict to keep pressure going, hes shit in midscreen, punish combos are straight plain shitty, his b43 is too predictable, his overhead range sucks and overhead combos are wack, his d12 is useless and unsafe, His best normals are f21 and 1,1. His zoning game is weak, subzero DESTROYS this character. The only thing hes got going for him is his corner game. Do I sound salty or do I sound SALLTYYYY. Im official going to the darkside and saying F it , Quan Chi summoner here I come baby.