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Yea this MU is rough for me. Maybe the worst. I have watched that Kotal fight a few times over in that vid. @stosn seems like has the MU down so maybe he can throw some pointers your way. I'm stumped lol.
I wouldn't go by that video, that kotal has no idea how to play the Jacqui matchup. Count how many times he is just jumping in at full auto and giving her a free db2.

It's not an easy matchup as she gets heavily outfootsied, but his lack of wakeups means she can really abuse him on knockdown. Be wary about trying to counterpoke d4 from further ranges as he can walk back out of our d4 range and punish us with f2/f1b2 for a full combo.

It's important to always try and low profile expizza as it's so + on block. Might help to learn where his gaps are as he has a few strings into expizza that have gaps and he has a lot of strings into war god specials that can be backdashed and then easily whiff punished!

Anything in particular you're struggling with?


Plus on block.
We got any game plan or hopes for KP2's round of patching?

As I pointed out in the thread about it, her being in the enhanced online beta is somewhat good news as people will be more inclined to use her with there being only 4 characters initially. Eyes on Jacqui and her faults is good no matter what.

What I really hope gets stressed to NRS is that they need to give the girl some slide on some of her normals and a d3 equal to the rest of the more rushdown-centric characters in the game.

Slide is not that hard a fix, as they don't really need to change animations, just add some more forward momentum in the obvious areas like 3, and b3, 2, and 1(which, while not notable, moves her backwards slightly, so it has negative range).

The only animation they need to change is d1, because wow.

While they fixed most of her combo inconsistencies b2 into low shot is still inconsistent with its midscreen restand.

1,2,1,2 still can't combo into BF2.

And EX BF2 is still aggressively useless.

4u4 is still a needlessly demanding command for something that another character(Liu Kang) already has as u4.
I think they will be sold separately, but later. Like Goro
Color one is Scorps and Color 2 is Khrome for whatever fuckin reason lol.
Cassie's is Sub and Ermac.

I want a legit skin fuck this horseshit, Jacqui is like the most un-ninja character why is she wearing a ninja costume? -____-
Nah it's smoke plus they look really cool, I'm sure we're gonna get something else as well. "Cosplay pack"


Plus on block.
That's a little too shiny for Smoke.

Not gonna lie, I'm kind of okay with this.

Also, those clever bastards.

They weren't going to build MKX from the ground up after the net code beta.

It was for MKXL all along, this way they don't have come up with a monster patch(if that would have even been possible)
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Plus on block.
Stanky leg Is 3 frames(don't if this is legit though cos it kinda feels the same) and 2,3 is now a low. That's what I've found out so far in the beta
3 frames seems fucking ridiculous but i'm not complaining. Did they actually make the command sane so that we can get it off with consistency?

And 2, 3 being low wasn't really needed but having move lows and overheads in strings is always a good thing. Is the combo window for 2,3,3,4 in the corner more lenient or is it still tight? Because there are definitely some healthy combos off of that thing, and it being a low just adds to Jacqui's corner game.

Is EX BF2 still useless? Are BF2 combos any easier? Is df1 in shotgun still high? is EX DF1 in shotgun still useless?
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Miley Cyrax®
I'm in beta now on PS4, using Shotgun. Yes, it says SL is 3 on startup, doesn't feel like it. 2,3 being low is completely unnecessary. I wish I could choose my opponent to test some things out.

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Plus on block.
I2,3 being low is completely unnecessary.
It's still better than it not being a low.

A shame we don't have an overhead special make the most of it though.

Almost seems like a fix more than a buff, because the 3 in that string is clearly kicking low anyway, maybe it was supposed to be a low and got mislabeled? I don't know.


Miley Cyrax®
It's still better than it not being a low.

A shame we don't have an overhead special make the most of it though.

Almost seems like a fix more than a buff, because the 3 in that string is clearly kicking low anyway, maybe it was supposed to be a low and got mislabeled? I don't know.
Yea that's what I think also. The kick in 2,3 always looked like a low anyway, so maybe it was a fix. (?)
If stanky leg is actually 3 frames this is gonna be pretty huge especially when it comes to punishishing things she can't with her 11/12 strings and actually having a super fast mid. I really want to try this offline, just got to wait and see.


If stanky leg is actually 3 frames this is gonna be pretty huge especially when it comes to punishishing things she can't with her 11/12 strings and actually having a super fast mid. I really want to try this offline, just got to wait and see.
Do not be crazy, its framedata of 4u4 plus startup of s4, so its 8+3=11fr. It was the same framedata before the septembers patch ( s4 11fr, so 4up4 is 11+3=14fr )