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PSN: JerzeyReign
I'm struggling with the air fake out after the f2u2. Is there a shortcut in there or I have to speed up the inputs of the entire thing?


Miley Cyrax®
I input it quickly. Just make sure none of your button inputs overlap each other.i also have input shortcuts and all that nonsense turned off in my controller settings. Just takes practice and muscle memory.


I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
So is High Tech's general gameplan to level up the gauntlets and push the opponent to the corner where you can murder the shit outta them?


In Zoning We Trust
So is High Tech's general gameplan to level up the gauntlets and push the opponent to the corner where you can murder the shit outta them?
HT can beast damn near anyone when she gets in. Mainly it's to get inside your opponents range since all opponents have either superior or far superior range, dominate the pressure game with great frames and high damage, finish them off in the corner (if they're still alive to make it there).

Gauntlets are definitely a plus and activate when you can, but don't give up too much damage and/or pressure in the process. If you have the meter sometimes it's better to just EX directly into the final stage of them.


I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
HT can beast damn near anyone when she gets in. Mainly it's to get inside your opponents range since all opponents have either superior or far superior range, dominate the pressure game with great frames and high damage, finish them off in the corner (if they're still alive to make it there).

Gauntlets are definitely a plus and activate when you can, but don't give up too much damage and/or pressure in the process. If you have the meter sometimes it's better to just EX directly into the final stage of them.
I was thinking the same thing with the EX part. Her corner game with that OTG is straight ridiculus


In Zoning We Trust
I was thinking the same thing with the EX part. Her corner game with that OTG is straight ridiculus
Yea her corner game is bonkers. Elite level corner lockdown imo. So many options, so many tools, so few drawbacks once trapping them there.


AUS FGC represent!
So is High Tech's general gameplan to level up the gauntlets and push the opponent to the corner where you can murder the shit outta them?
Yeah kinda. You really just want to get in some how. After that you just try and apply pressure with plus frames into decent damage.


Damn vro, hadda mess with yo auntie
I need serious help with the Jacqui MU. I play Johnny cage (Stunt Double and A-List) and Kenshi (all variations) and I have no idea what to do against Full Auto and Shotgun. The ground pound is unpunishable due to the speed of my normals, her S1 strings essentially frame trap me, the zoning in Full Auto is really strong, the shotgun resets are incredibly annoying and I always guess wrong, and many other things. I fight @scarsunseen sometimes and it's a pain in the ass fighting jacqui. If you guys can offer advice on the MU I would greatly appreciate it.


Damn vro, hadda mess with yo auntie
D4, how did I forget about my best normal. I feel so stupid. Thanks guys. Is there anything I should know for shotgun?
SG can say something about your D4. And that is exLow. So don't just throw them mindlessly when she has meter. You can almost safely backdash all of her pressure. As for Kenshi - well, the best advice is probably "Pick Cage".


I guess I play Necromancer now.. PSN: ArmedCalf
I'm still learning the MU's and stuff, but it seems like Johnny can d4 after EX nut punch against Johnny:p she almost has no answer. I've been throwing as a punish to EX nut punch because it seens like I can't do anything else. Does 1212 work?


Plus on block.
Just found something interesting. In the corner with Shotgun, if you hit ex-low shotgun and follow up with Ji2 (press the input a little early), you will not switch sides. This gives you a one-bar 49% overhead B2 combo, 51% low B33 combo, or 53% 33 combo. No Stanky Leg required.

Oh shit I didn't know about this.

No matter its faults I can never drop Shotgun and its feast-or-famine momentum dependent nature.


Miley Cyrax®
On hit, D4 guarantees a run in standing 4-DF2, which is safe on block. You can also attempt D4, run, 1212 instead but 1 can be ducked and punished.
Actually, to clarify, in between 4 and DF2, there is a gap, but it tiny. Ending any string with DF2 is safe on block though. I also like doing D2 right into DF2 or DB2, but the latter is unsafe on block.

If you're playing High Tech though, D4 (on hit), RC, 4, DF2 is all safe on block because DF2 hits mid in HT. DF2 hits high in Shotgun and FA.


Plus on block.
You know, on one hand I wish EXBF2 wasn't completely practically useless, but on the other hand that fucking brutality is like my favorite one in the game.

It's just...so disrespectful, on multiple levels.

P.S. I know that corner combo wasn't "optimized", but IMO it's brutalities > maximized damage.


Plus on block.
Posted by someone in a reddit thread regarding the discovery of hidden two-part brutalities(like Erron Black shooting the crow):

I think I've figured out something, not the brutality itself but something else.

If you do a brutality using Erron and get a flawless victory, the commentator says --> "Brutality. Erron Black wins *~2 second pause* Flawless victory". The important bit here is the pause, it happens with all his brutalities even though there's probably just that one 2-stage brutality with the grab/crow, this is probably where you put the input.

Now what's interesting about this is that I tested it with every single other character and only 2 others had the ~2sec pause between "xx wins" and "flawless victory", and they were Cassie and Jacqui, which leads me to believe that they also have a 2-stage brutality which needs to be input in that the pause time.
Guess we should start digging, Jacqui squad...


Miley Cyrax®
So I was messing around in practice mode. Jacqui's D4 jails into 1212 if you can manage to hit then with "1" at max distance, otherwise they can duck it.


Sindel where are you
I really needed to see some vs Kotal play. You did me a solid here. Thanks for sharing man!
I have problems with Kotal 2, if your guys have tips would be appreciated. Counter poking isn't working b'cus of her hitbox. Her long range moves are slower dan his. On the other hand don't know when to hit him when he is in her face. A cool video would help :). It's a pain playing against a good Kotal.


In Zoning We Trust
I have problems with Kotal 2, if your guys have tips would be appreciated. Counter poking isn't working b'cus of her hitbox. Her long range moves are slower dan his. On the other hand don't know when to hit him when he is in her face. A cool video would help :). It's a pain playing against a good Kotal.
Yea this MU is rough for me. Maybe the worst. I have watched that Kotal fight a few times over in that vid. @stosn seems like has the MU down so maybe he can throw some pointers your way. I'm stumped lol.


@geogeolivero @SaltShaker
I think we do not mean Sun God and Blood God? For High Tech its free, because Blood has no armor, so in the corner its death for him. Sun have armor, but its easy to bait him in the corner with good backwalk speed or njk.

Vs War God its more difficult MU, but we can punish all his swords ( Low, exLow, Oh and exOh ), but you need to pratice these ( simple with bf1 and hard with run 1212, but it's real ). So in Full Auto combo from 1212~exDb2... for 41% on mid screen ( 1 bar ) and 12(1)~db3... ( i forgot how much % it is ) for each time Kothal took the wrong decision.
Yea, he have good pokes ( d1 ), but at a certain distance you can counterpoke him. d4 on block is -10, so you can punish it with s2 if you close to him and easily countrepoke with d4.
In conclusion, to win this MU you need to punish all his unsafes, use all his gaps, and whiff punish his b122 string.
In my opinion its hard MU, but not bad. Yes, you need pratice it, but the result will be. Gl with Jacqui ;)
I'm sorry for the mistakes, english is not my native language :p

Rip Torn

@geogeolivero @SaltShaker
I think we do not mean Sun God and Blood God? For High Tech its free, because Blood has no armor, so in the corner its death for him. Sun have armor, but its easy to bait him in the corner with good backwalk speed or njk.

Vs War God its more difficult MU, but we can punish all his swords ( Low, exLow, Oh and exOh ), but you need to pratice these ( simple with bf1 and hard with run 1212, but it's real ). So in Full Auto combo from 1212~exDb2... for 41% on mid screen ( 1 bar ) and 12(1)~db3... ( i forgot how much % it is ) for each time Kothal took the wrong decision.
Yea, he have good pokes ( d1 ), but at a certain distance you can counterpoke him. d4 on block is -10, so you can punish it with s2 if you close to him and easily countrepoke with d4.
In conclusion, to win this MU you need to punish all his unsafes, use all his gaps, and whiff punish his b122 string.
In my opinion its hard MU, but not bad. Yes, you need pratice it, but the result will be. Gl with Jacqui ;)
This. Plus don't forget you can low profile his pizza toss (even the ex version) in Sun God and Blood God with a d3. That thing does massive chip and gives a ton of plus frames.