Some midscreen combos for 44u as an anti-air, hitting someone standing doesn't seem to do much. I spent a lot of time trying to get HT to work but I just can't do much with it I suppose.
For FA,
44u (anti-air), run (or RC), 4 xx UpR, RC, 4 xx Gstrike -- 33%, 34% (if EXGstrike), 35% (if EXUpR, this combo is also considerably easier).
For Shotgun,
44u (anti-air), run (or RC), 12 xx Dust, run, 33 xx GStrike -- 30%.
You can hit f2, u2, 2+4 with HT, but I couldn't connect a run 12 xx Gstrike after. I'm pretty sure hitting the 44u as an anti-air sets up an OTG AGS though, which is pretty neat.
Do you guys think 44u is any good as an anti-air? I actually haven't tried it in game yet, was just looking for what you can connect after, I'm going to play some now.
Anyway, read up on how rockets whiff on Mileena which sucks. Hope it's just her, she seems to be the smallest.