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Combo List - Jacqui Briggs Jacqui 'Bae' Briggs Combo Science Thread



Some midscreen combos for 44u as an anti-air, hitting someone standing doesn't seem to do much. I spent a lot of time trying to get HT to work but I just can't do much with it I suppose.

For FA,
44u (anti-air), run (or RC), 4 xx UpR, RC, 4 xx Gstrike -- 33%, 34% (if EXGstrike), 35% (if EXUpR, this combo is also considerably easier).

For Shotgun,
44u (anti-air), run (or RC), 12 xx Dust, run, 33 xx GStrike -- 30%.

You can hit f2, u2, 2+4 with HT, but I couldn't connect a run 12 xx Gstrike after. I'm pretty sure hitting the 44u as an anti-air sets up an OTG AGS though, which is pretty neat.

Do you guys think 44u is any good as an anti-air? I actually haven't tried it in game yet, was just looking for what you can connect after, I'm going to play some now.

Anyway, read up on how rockets whiff on Mileena which sucks. Hope it's just her, she seems to be the smallest.


In Zoning We Trust

Some midscreen combos for 44u as an anti-air, hitting someone standing doesn't seem to do much. I spent a lot of time trying to get HT to work but I just can't do much with it I suppose.

For FA,
44u (anti-air), run (or RC), 4 xx UpR, RC, 4 xx Gstrike -- 33%, 34% (if EXGstrike), 35% (if EXUpR, this combo is also considerably easier).

For Shotgun,
44u (anti-air), run (or RC), 12 xx Dust, run, 33 xx GStrike -- 30%.

You can hit f2, u2, 2+4 with HT, but I couldn't connect a run 12 xx Gstrike after. I'm pretty sure hitting the 44u as an anti-air sets up an OTG AGS though, which is pretty neat.

Do you guys think 44u is any good as an anti-air? I actually haven't tried it in game yet, was just looking for what you can connect after, I'm going to play some now.

Anyway, read up on how rockets whiff on Mileena which sucks. Hope it's just her, she seems to be the smallest.
Good stuff man.

That's a lot of damage for a meterless anti-air. Going to see if I can program myself to get used to using this and see how it works the next few days.

Deleted member 5032

Found out the damn b2-mb.db2 also whiffs on crouching Liu Kang.


MKX Jacqui Briggs "HIGH TECH" Combo Tutorial
I'd hate to be that guy, but this was posted on p19 by the guy himself. Maybe I could put together a playlist of all combo videos posted here and the OP can put it on the front page so we can avoid this in the future or something. This thread is pretty long.


The rose that grew from concrete
212 isn't a hard knockdown but it does leave them down for quite a bit
What the...this is what I get for trying to type at 5am lol my bad, I did mean 212!

The FA OH Rocket issue is total BS - hopefully it'll get sorted out!

Happy to add things to the OP - I definitely want to focus on optimizing now so it needs to be realistic stuff that's well thought out!


AUS FGC represent!
Mmk, just thoroughly tested b2~db2(ex) [full auto] against the entire cast. Be prepared, it's a bit of a mindfuck. Shit seems hella arbitrary and depends on whether they are crouching, blocking, not blocking, etc.

b2~db2(ex) always whiffs on the following opponents from all ranges if they are crouching, regardless of whether or not they are blocking:

b2~ db2(ex) will whiff on the following opponents from the respective ranges if they are crouching without blocking

(Far/Max range)
Liu Kang

b2~db2(ex) will whiff on the following characters from the respective ranges if they are crouching and blocking
Liu Kang

(Far/Max range)

b2~db2(ex) will always connect against the following characters:
Kung Lao
Sub Zero
Kung Jin
Johnny Cage
Erron Black
Kotal Khan
Quan Chi
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In Zoning We Trust
Mmk, just thoroughly tested b2~db2(ex) [full auto] against the entire cast. Be prepared, it's a bit of a mindfuck. Shit seems hella arbitrary and depends on whether they are crouching, blocking, not blocking, etc. Haven't tested Goro or Jason yet.

b2~db2(ex) always whiffs on the following opponents from all ranges if they are crouching, regardless of whether or not they are blocking:

b2~ db2(ex) will whiff on the following opponents from the respective ranges if they are crouching without blocking

(Far/Max range)
Liu Kang

b2~db2(ex) will whiff on the following characters from the respective ranges if they are crouching and blocking
Liu Kang

(Far/Max range)

b2~db2(ex) will always connect against the following characters:
Kung Lao
Sub Zero
Kung Jin
Johnny Cage
Erron Black
Kotal Khan
Quan Chi
I just. I. Sigh.

NRS please add stability. Please.


Some midscreen combos for 44u as an anti-air, hitting someone standing doesn't seem to do much. I spent a lot of time trying to get HT to work but I just can't do much with it I suppose.

For FA,
44u (anti-air), run (or RC), 4 xx UpR, RC, 4 xx Gstrike -- 33%, 34% (if EXGstrike), 35% (if EXUpR, this combo is also considerably easier).

For Shotgun,
44u (anti-air), run (or RC), 12 xx Dust, run, 33 xx GStrike -- 30%.

You can hit f2, u2, 2+4 with HT, but I couldn't connect a run 12 xx Gstrike after. I'm pretty sure hitting the 44u as an anti-air sets up an OTG AGS though, which is pretty neat.

Do you guys think 44u is any good as an anti-air? I actually haven't tried it in game yet, was just looking for what you can connect after, I'm going to play some now.

Anyway, read up on how rockets whiff on Mileena which sucks. Hope it's just her, she seems to be the smallest.
Where the hell the that move come from :eek:
F122+4 NJP D2 (switches sides) D3~DB2, RC JIP 33~BF4 34%

Can anyone help me with this one? The D3 almost never hits. Any timing cues to watch for?


AUS FGC represent!
F122+4 NJP D2 (switches sides) D3~DB2, RC JIP 33~BF4 34%

Can anyone help me with this one? The D3 almost never hits. Any timing cues to watch for?
You have to hit your d2 really early in order for the d3 to connect. Basically, njp as quickly as possible after f122+4 then d2 as soon as you hit the ground. It shouldn't be too hard to connect after that.
You have to hit your d2 really early in order for the d3 to connect. Basically, njp as quickly as possible after f122+4 then d2 as soon as you hit the ground. It shouldn't be too hard to connect after that.
Okay you rock. The last part is not happening though. I don't see what running accomplishes since the JIP whiffs. Like you can't hit them on the way up.


I ain't got time to bleed.
I was reading back to some of the combos listed (I didn't go through all of the posts so if this was mentioned before sorry) but after you do any low, high or mid starter into mb up rocket, you can dash forward to njp then RC 33~bf4. This way it leaves you with another run cancel if you are successful on Oki.

So for example: b33~mb db2, dash, njp, RC, 33~bf4.

Edit: for full auto Jacqui


AUS FGC represent!
Okay you rock. The last part is not happening though. I don't see what running accomplishes since the JIP whiffs. Like you can't hit them on the way up.
I leave out the jip and just go run 33 etc.

Tbh, I don't really play shotgun much since I prefer full auto. You might find it better to go for RUN~114~db2 into standing reset which you can now do for a while since you've got them midscreen again.


Squeezing every percent out of SG:


[33% meter-less] f122+4, run (deepish), 1, 4xx db2, JIP, 33xx bf4

[21%] 44u (grounded), df2.MB

[31%] 44u (grounded), db2.MB, run, 33xx bf2, run 12xxbf4
*can be done with no meter if the 44u hits at MAX range


AUS FGC represent!
New High Tech corner combos:

All with level 2 gauntlet charge. The njdd4 cannot be avoided by wakeup, tech rolling, armouring through, backdash, etc.

121~QBRC, 33~bf2, f2u22+4, 212, njdd4 (37%+13%) [50%]
b33~QBRC, 33~bf2, f2u22+4, 212, njdd4 (40%+13%) [53%]
f1~QBRC, 121~bf2, f2u22+4, 212, njdd4 (34%+13%) [47%]
33~QBRC, 121~bf2, f2u22+4, 212, njdd4 (38%+13) [51%]
b2~bf2, f2u22+4, 212, njdd4 (34%+13%) [47%]

Midscreen damage is given no charge, lv.1, lv.2
121~QBRC, 33~bf2, RUN~12~bf4 (29%/32%/34%)
b33~QBRC, 33~bf2, RUN~12~bf4 (34%/35%/36%)
33~QBRC, 121~bf2, RUN~12~bf4 (31%/33%/35%)

You can substitute 33 for 121 after the QBRC for easier execution but less damage.
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Gunslinger since pre patch (sh/out to The Farmer)
You want an xray combo?
HT2: F2U22+4, F2U22+4, RC~12~Xray is 51% lol. 121~QBRC, F2U22+4 starter is actually less damage.

Cassandra Cage

Black Siren
A 40% I worked on xD probably already found like every combo known to man in MK

Jip 2, b33, db3, run cancel, 12, db2 ex, run cancel, 12, bf4 = 40 over head low mixup. 39% with out JIP and 41% with 33 starter no jump in full auto