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Is Kombat Pack 2 imminent at Gamescom 2015!? - NRS announcement history and hint analysis.

I dont want any more guest characters :(. I dont want Freddy. All tho he was cool. I'd rather have MK characters.

Rain wasnt popular before but I think he looks quite nice in MKX. Quite agile, what I like. Sneaky and agile.
I could dig it. But I dont care if Rain doesnt make it. I just want some bad ass characters.

I will be sad if they dont put any cyborg. What they probably wont.

Sindel would be cool. She's quite unique.

Not sure if Noob can make it. He's very cool tho. Smoke could tho.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
LOL good one. If you look around, never mind TYM for one thing, but Twitter (or wherever people are posting) Fujin is more popular than Smoke/Enenra. Even on Eventhubs lmao. Rain might be a contender I dunno but it doesn't matter because he's already been DLC so he's most likely not going to be in unless they do a Story Pack. L O L if you think 1/20 say Fujin. Fujin and Bo Rai Cho together obviously isn't going to be a highly requested DLC bunch but there is a large following for Fujin whether you realise it or not. That's like saying 1/20 people would ask for Smoke and Rain, obviously a stupid thing to say because it's not true.
TYM does not represent the masses. Sorry to burst your bubble but in the realms of MK (and hell, irl too probably) ninjas will always be more popular than second rate Raidens and fat characters that fart as a moveset.

I actually wouldn't mind Fujin. But if Bo Rai Cho makes it in over Noob or Smoke... or even the Cyborgs, that's just fucking blasphemy.

But no MK Characters in Injustice, and we saw how that happened
Didn't follow much about injustice.

Interesting... guess he doesn't just troll, but straight up lies! So... guess that means the dlc pack will be

Hsu Hao

Have fun with that. lol :p


Clearly you're just salty about Fujin so I'm not going to dignify your obvious bias and falsities with an argument that's actually formed with facts instead of the things you make up lol. And trying to insinuate I'm "calling out" Noob fans even though I said I'd be fine with Noob/Smoke being in? Really? You need to be more observant...

Lol you think Smoke isn't Enenra?

LOL good one. If you look around, never mind TYM for one thing, but Twitter (or wherever people are posting) Fujin is more popular than Smoke/Enenra. Even on Eventhubs lmao. Rain might be a contender I dunno but it doesn't matter because he's already been DLC so he's most likely not going to be in unless they do a Story Pack. L O L if you think 1/20 say Fujin. Fujin and Bo Rai Cho together obviously isn't going to be a highly requested DLC bunch but there is a large following for Fujin whether you realise it or not. That's like saying 1/20 people would ask for Smoke and Rain, obviously a stupid thing to say because it's not true.
Lol dude please its starting to just look sad... 1 im just as biased as you, but i dont care to admit it, i want Noob to be in game and i care little about Fujin, but for the sake of relevance i do hope he (Fujin) makes it so we dont have to see him again next game... 2. None of the stuff i wrote is False or things i made up, if you took a bit of time to actually research your shit you would know that what i wrote not only is MK mythos fact but Actual World Facts, Enenras are based on Japanese Mythos, and they are exacly what i wrote so plz do yourself a favor and stop replying to my posts cause neither did you gave any counter argument (cause you have none to give) but your just making yourself look even less knowledgeable about MK history than i previously thought "Lol you think Smoke isn't Enenra?" Seriously??? this proves all of my points... Smoke is not Enenra, he is AN ENENRA, those are 2 complitly diferent things... Here ill help you out:

Enenras are what the Japanese call Yonkais or Mythological Creatures, Made of Smoke. They are explained by being Creatures of Smoke that come out off Bonfires. in the MK mythology their description was slightly changed to Creatures of Smoke that can come out of the Bodies of Slain Warriors and can return to physical form at will ( Similarly Immortal or Unkillable ) In the case of the Story relating to Thomas Vrbada he was a boy that was kidnapped by a fanatic cult to be sacrifised to a Demon, by being Burned to death, While he was being burned he was possessed/turned into an Enenra killing his kidnappers moments after. After that the Enenra Returned to his physical form But because Thomas was still alive he could not fully control the body and thus Thomas was himself only losing his memory in the process... Sometime later he joins the Lin Kuei and due to his unnatural Ability much like Sub Zero he was codenamed Smoke. In MK9 Thomas dies and the Enenra takes full control of Thomas dead body Becaming An Enenra Able to move from Formless to physical at will... in MKX while fighting Johnny he refers to himself as Enenra because Johnny is trying to call Thomas out and the Enenra Stops Johnny in his tracks by saying: Smoke(Thomas) is dead, i am Enenra. Meaning Thomas is dead and the Demon is now in control of the body. But the body the Enenra is controlling is still that of Thomas meaning his designation is still Smoke, if the Enenra where to move to another body then it would be a different story...


Skarlet who ?
Smoke doesn't have to be a cyborg to be Noob/Smoke:

This versions of smoke looks a lot like an "enenra" type smoke. Minus the weird ass helmet lol


Have you not seen ferra/torr? They have a variation where ferra doesn't do anything. They couldn't do that with Noob/Smoke?

Smoke Only Variation
Noob Only Variation
Duo Variation

Plus they would be getting two characters in that are highly requested with only one character slot being used. So, why not?
And ? That is still cyborg Smoke, not human. Yay, FT are both on the screen in duo variation but do you suggest Smoke getting on Noob shoulders ? Or just staying behind all round, or just appearing during duo specials ? As I said, there is no cs button. So that means you can only implement duo variation via duo specials ( shuriken throw, double punch move, etc...) and I don't really see the point in that. Other duo specials like teleports just swapped them into combat. I don't really see NS coming back. We'll probably get another shit head like Fujin or Reiko.
Lol dude please its starting to just look sad... 1 im just as biased as you, but i dont care to admit it, i want Noob to be in game and i care little about Fujin, but for the sake of relevance i do hope he (Fujin) makes it so we dont have to see him again next game... 2. None of the stuff i wrote is False or things i made up, if you took a bit of time to actually research your shit you would know that what i wrote not only is MK mythos fact but Actual World Facts, Enenras are based on Japanese Mythos, and they are exacly what i wrote so plz do yourself a favor and stop replying to my posts cause neither did you gave any counter argument (cause you have none to give) but your just making yourself look even less knowledgeable about MK history than i previously thought "Lol you think Smoke isn't Enenra?" Seriously??? this proves all of my points... Smoke is not Enenra, he is AN ENENRA, those are 2 complitly diferent things... Here ill help you out:

Enenras are what the Japanese call Yonkais or Mythological Creatures, Made of Smoke. They are explained by being Creatures of Smoke that come out off Bonfires. in the MK mythology their description was slightly changed to Creatures of Smoke that can come out of the Bodies of Slain Warriors and can return to physical form at will ( Similarly Immortal or Unkillable ) In the case of the Story relating to Thomas Vrbada he was a boy that was kidnapped by a fanatic cult to be sacrifised to a Demon, by being Burned to death, While he was being burned he was possessed/turned into an Enenra killing his kidnappers moments after. After that the Enenra Returned to his physical form But because Thomas was still alive he could not fully control the body and thus Thomas was himself only losing his memory in the process... Sometime later he joins the Lin Kuei and due to his unnatural Ability much like Sub Zero he was codenamed Smoke. In MK9 Thomas dies and the Enenra takes full control of Thomas dead body Becaming An Enenra Able to move from Formless to physical at will... in MKX while fighting Johnny he refers to himself as Enenra because Johnny is trying to call Thomas out and the Enenra Stops Johnny in his tracks by saying: Smoke(Thomas) is dead, i am Enenra. Meaning Thomas is dead and the Demon is now in control of the body. But the body the Enenra is controlling is still that of Thomas meaning his designation is still Smoke, if the Enenra where to move to another body then it would be a different story...
lol dude why even bother trying to explain it to him over and over? Youph will never budge, regardless if you're right. (not trying to knock you youph, just sayin lol)

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
This comes as a surprise to you guys? Why wouldn't WB and NRS release these additional characters as DLC?

Rain (on disc currently)
Baraka (on disc currently. What a horrible generic character though. How can they give him 3 variations? Baraka is incredibly generic.)
Smoke (makes cameo in the story mode)
Bo Rai Cho (makes cameo in the story mode)
Fujin (makes a heavy cameo in the story mode - it's safe to say that Fujin will be DLC)
Sindel (makes cameo)
Noob (does not make cameo but predator and jason are in the stinking game. Noob being a smoke variation is highly likely at least.)
Shang Tsung (he's in what...at least 4 of the character endings?)
Sareena (makes cameo)
Frost (makes cameo)
Cyrax and Sektor (where the fuck are these guys?! Cyrax has nets, bombs, and saws. Sektor has flamethrowers, missiles, and bombs. Pretty easy to give these damn characters 3 variations.)

My question is, why the hell would they stop at the 2nd pack? Killer Instinct isn't doing this. KI just put Rash from Battle Toads in the game which is completely unrelated but awesome. SF4 didn't do this. Frankly, it's stupid for them not to pump out more characters because people will buy them. NRS/WB can just pump out more DLC and the occasional patch to keep the game relevant while generating a good deal of money in the process of making MK11. Making the additional characters at this stage isn't difficult. The game is already made.

I still want Ash in the game and maybe that's actually possible now as it's becoming a TV series now. That guest character would have 3 variations that'd be interesting and Bruce Campbell could voice him which would be even better. My point is, why stop making more characters and costumes? It keeps the game alive indefinitely. SF4 is STILL alive.
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GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
Because DLC sales alone won't keep NRS afloat.
Of course not but I think we can all presume that they're making a 2nd Injustice. It'd keep them afloat for now while making that. I wouldn't be surprised if that sold better than MK9 did.

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
And ? That is still cyborg Smoke, not human. Yay, FT are both on the screen in duo variation but do you suggest Smoke getting on Noob shoulders ? Or just staying behind all round, or just appearing during duo specials ? As I said, there is no cs button. So that means you can only implement duo variation via duo specials ( shuriken throw, double punch move, etc...) and I don't really see the point in that. Other duo specials like teleports just swapped them into combat. I don't really see NS coming back. We'll probably get another shit head like Fujin or Reiko.
How's that a cyborg? Looks like a bunch of smoke swirling around in one place to me. But that's beside the point... I don't care if it's human smoke, cyborg smoke, or enenra smoke. Noob/Smoke would still be cool as fuck.

obviously smoke would not get on noob's shoulders... that's ferra/torr's thing. They could just make a special move be a character swap... or have one behind the other and on certain moves and specials they both hit or the other throws a special or they move together like cage in stunt double. They could do anything with them really.


bye felicia
Of course not but I think we can all presume that they're making a 2nd Injustice. It'd keep them afloat for now while making that. I wouldn't be surprised if that sold better than MK9 did.
WB decided at what point NRS would be shifting their focus to a new project long before MKX was even released, probably before it even had a release date. There is no amount of DLC sales that would make them rethink that decision.

Acid Hand

The Acid Hand
I would like to get Baraka. He's unique...

I'm just hoping we get more cool characters. No Sindels or Sheevas because they're very uncool characters, IMO.
It would be awesome to see Baraka back. They could easily make three variations. Some ideas: he could have extra chip damage with his blades, one variation could have him use his teeth/fangs to bite viciously (call this variation Javeling Fangz), another variation where he has more reach because of his blades (in MK9 his d1 was visually upgraded to include his blade coming out but the hitbox for it stopped at his fist), a variation where his blade spin causes you to spin around like Kabal's run, or maybe a variation where he gets more strings and a damage buff?

Either, they should #BringBarakaBack :)

give me TAG, please!
Tag would be Klassic...<3

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
WB decided at what point NRS would be shifting their focus to a new project long before MKX was even released, probably before it even had a release date. There is no amount of DLC sales that would make them rethink that decision.
Who knows. They might've expanded their team after the higher sales of MKX. I don't think we can outright simply outweigh it. They may be keeping a few people just on creating characters, patches, and stages for MKX. MK9 didn't sell very well and it was their first game...which was frankly largely a disaster on every level as a modern competitive fighting game.

GNG Iniquity

#bufftaquito #punchwalk #whiffycage
It would be awesome to see Baraka back. They could easily make three variations.
I mean...Roo Kang, Kung Jim, and Kung Lao have three variations...you're probably right here. Those guys are very generic too. Jackie and Jax too...lol....

STB Sgt Reed

Online Warrior
Who knows. They might've expanded their team after the higher sales of MKX. I don't think we can outright simply outweigh it. They may be keeping a few people just on creating characters, patches, and stages for MKX. MK9 didn't sell very well and it was their first game...which was frankly largely a disaster on every level as a modern competitive fighting game.
Um... WHAT?

MK9 was the most successful game (sales wise) in the Mortal Kombat series before MKX. lol


Filled with determination
Who knows. They might've expanded their team after the higher sales of MKX. I don't think we can outright simply outweigh it. They may be keeping a few people just on creating characters, patches, and stages for MKX. MK9 didn't sell very well and it was their first game...which was frankly largely a disaster on every level as a modern competitive fighting game.
Lolwut MK9 sold super well