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Is Kombat Pack 2 imminent at Gamescom 2015!? - NRS announcement history and hint analysis.


Professional Procrastinator
I don't really like the guest characters but I thought Predator fit MK. I'm not getting my hopes up for a KP2, I think 1 or 2 more characters might happen but that's it.
This is honestly the most level headed statement ive seen involving more dlc. I think 2 is a good assumption. And im guessing one of them is fujin. The other one, honestly I feel is up in the air completely. I highly doubt spawn. Im guessing he is for igau 2, comics and all.
I would laugh if the reason we haven't seen any SZ related patching was Frost was DLC


Why wouldn't they though? I've gotten the vibe from them that they want to expand/produce more content. What if Injustice 2 was released closer to fall 2016?
To be completly honest with you... personally i wouldnt mind if they would push it to Summer 2050. I didnt like Inj, it felt weird to me and had too many things i didnt like.

About your question... its not jsut about releasing content but about support in general.
I dont see a company like WB spliting ressources on two fighters once inj2 is here. MKX will have made as much money as it gets for them by then. So they will go for a MKX Complete Edition, close project MKX and focus ressources to Inj2. On paper its more profitable to just focus on Inj2 and milk the new game as much as they can. How would they benefit by keeping MKX support up instead of putting the money somewhere else? So the later the better for MKX support as far as Inj2 release goes. But i´d love to get proven wrong... Inj2 released march next year and NRS still supporting MKX. But i will only believe it when i see it.

Rip Torn

To be completly honest with you... personally i wouldnt mind if they would push it to Summer 2050. I didnt like Inj, it felt weird to me and had too many things i didnt like.

About your question... its not jsut about releasing content but about support in general.
I dont see a company like WB spliting ressources on two fighters once inj2 is here. MKX will have made as much money as it gets for them by then. So they will go for a MKX Complete Edition, close project MKX and focus ressources to Inj2. On paper its more profitable to just focus on Inj2 and milk the new game as much as they can. How would they benefit by keeping MKX support up instead of putting the money somewhere else? So the later the better for MKX support as far as Inj2 release goes. But i´d love to get proven wrong... Inj2 released march next year and NRS still supporting MKX. But i will only believe it when i see it.
I don't think they will support MKX when Injustice 2 is released. What I was saying is, add a few more DLC characters to MKX while developing Injustice 2. By the time injustice 2 is released, MKX support will have basically ended.


Bo rai cho
Night wolf
Shang tsung
Jade(her mk9 ending form?)

This will complete the bottom row of the select screen.
Remove Bo Rai Cho & Nightwolf and add Skarlet and Sareena and i sign this.
Wouldnt mind Baraka gone too :p Several ppls better for that spot.

Also why do ppl keep bringing up Bo Rai Cho? Nobody can be serious and want someone like that back... even if they change stuff about him you will always have backflashes about how pathetic he was.

And to add to the Smoke/Noob hype or what you wanna call it... Pls if they are DLC make them different characters. No noob-smoke combo. Thanks.


I don't think they will support MKX when Injustice 2 is released. What I was saying is, add a few more DLC characters to MKX while developing Injustice 2. By the time injustice 2 is released, MKX support will have basically ended.
Ah ok... to that i completely agree. With the time they have they should at least make 1 more KP if not two. Costumes is easy made money for them as well.


How's that a cyborg? Looks like a bunch of smoke swirling around in one place to me. But that's beside the point... I don't care if it's human smoke, cyborg smoke, or enenra smoke. Noob/Smoke would still be cool as fuck.

obviously smoke would not get on noob's shoulders... that's ferra/torr's thing. They could just make a special move be a character swap... or have one behind the other and on certain moves and specials they both hit or the other throws a special or they move together like cage in stunt double. They could do anything with them really.
Noob smoke would be awesome no doubt. But it would make no sense at all. If Noob and smoke were tag teaming in the story mode then id see it happening for dlc. But in this timeline... nahh


Ill laugh if their announcement is they are working on their next fighter and theres just one more stage dlc with no more patches
From the looks of it, there's gonna be one more big patch where hitbox issues will be addressed and maybe other general gameplay changes. Seems like it's gonna be a last kind of patch like MK9 and Injustice had in the falls of their release year. I doubt there's gonna be any stage dlc at this point.


Myself, I really really do want Spawn in the game. I think he is one of the coolest characters in comic book history. I always thought he was. Plus McFarlane has the script written for a new movie and animated one too. I think he is really irrelevant at the moment and a lot of people probably don't give a crap about him, but he fits so well, looks so cool and might become a blockbuster again in a few years.

I would love a Mike Meyers skin for Jason too.


The picture is badass, but it's fiction. In reality Boraicho is a fat farting vomiting drunken.
Just to play the devil's advocate here but isn't Bo Rai Cho a fictional character in general meaning they can design him however they want to? Maybe this is a younger Bo Rai Cho?


Just to play the devil's advocate here but isn't Bo Rai Cho a fictional character in general meaning they can design him however they want to? Maybe this is a younger Bo Rai Cho?
There's nothing wrong with a drunken fighter, even if he's overweight. Just not gross.


Likes nerds with big ...
Oh yeah, they better add tag mode. I can't believe that stuff gets left out.
R.I.P. Tag Kombat. That was such s beautiful mode and the main reason why MK2011 had so much replayability for me. My friends and family aren't big on fighting against each other, we much prefer to be on teams. The fact it was removed basically means I won't be playing this game past the final DLC character.