I think Superman loses to Darkseid for sure. Superman gets obliterated in the zoning/lame game unless he gets a good meterburn roll. Darkseid just has to run away, shoot beams, get trait, and it's party time. Superman's only saving grace is up close I guess, but Darkseid has fast normals. Darkseid mains want to act like he's Bane and can't do shit against f23 pressure.
Imo Superman loses to Catwoman, Deadshot, Darkseid, Cyborg and slightly to Black Adam. Every other match up is even or advantage Superman imo.
Senpai Theo agrees with me about Cyborg so I feel like I don't need to explain, but his zoning is just weird for Superman. It's like the perfect storm of moves that turns Superman into a pure rushdown character. It's not like Arrow or Beetle where you can fish for trades and outzone. I don't think Superman is this amazing character when he has to do nothing but rushdown. He does nothing that kills you on block and his mix ups are either corner dependent or yolo asf. If characters like Cyborg and Darkseid are really patient and play off of breath instead of f23 trait, they're losing match ups imo.
I'm sure I don't need to explain Catwoman or Deadshot. Every Superman knows about those.
Black Adam outlames Superman, has stronger pressure with his trait plus frames, risk/reward is in his favor at all times. Not a hard match up for any crazy specific reason, I just think Adam beats him slightly overall.