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Invastion Mode : Season 2 Chat


You need +1 Recharge two total "extra charges". Like if you add 2 charges, you need the 3 recharge speed thing, as that is a total of 3 charges, not 2. I like to make my talismans have 10 charges. That way you can practically spam them and even if you use 3 a round, which you won't once the damage is high enough, it will recharge to full before it runs out mid tower.

The only annoying thing is that I only know one place to buy damage tokens. On the 2nd Hub. The Festival. You can only buy 3 at a time, so it takes a lot. Each adds 10% so you need like 30 to get to 300%. If anyone is starting out.. do yourself a favour and start buying these as much as possible so you have a mass of them for end game.

I noticed that the hourly towers seem to drop consumable things that effect the next encounter, like scopes, or potions. The Weekly seem to drop Artefacts and the Daily drops components. The +50% resistance dragon egg and the syringes are the best drops form the towers.

As for the warhorn. I do not like that one. The noise is anoying. You get just as good results with pretty much any of them once you forge them. Like the chainsaw bever or the blood meteors and stuff.
Yea i understand that the recharges should be an odd number... thats why i stated +3 recharges. I am also aware that you can spam the talismans, but i prefer pushing it once or as few times as possible.

The reason i suggest +3 recharges and 4 total charges is mainly so you can add as much damage as you want afterwards with reforging. This is cuz you can only buy 30% damage an hour via shop (which is something you defended earlier in our conversation btw) so making a big dmg talisman at the start of the tower grind is not possible.

Recharges, charges and projectile add way more rarity to the talisman than damage or activation speed. And once the talisman is legendary you cant reforge it anymore. So you want to avoid rarity items early on.

If you want to go as high as possible you would want to craft the talisman with 990% dmg (you can only hold 99 dmg items at a time) 1recharge and 2 charges with 10 projectiles. Than you keep adding dmg until it turn epic (purple), when its purple you add a 5th stat that you want + more dmg without making it legendary. Now on you next forgeing the item gets legendary so this is your final upgrade. Here you just pump as much projectiles, charges and recharges as you want into it an +990% more dmg.

All this is totally unnecessary thought. I started with a talisman that had 990% dmg, 15 projectiles 4 charges and recharges total and it cleared everything till way past level 100 with 1 activation. (I stopped after that but the talisman could still keep going)

The talisman i suggested to make with 300%dmg and 4 charges/recharges total and 10projectiles is more than enough for everything until you can add like another ~200dmg which in turn is enough for everything you need to max out all characters. Adding more damage after that is just convenience so you can guarabtee to kill everything with 1 activation instead of 2 and for clearing speed.

Also the ~300%dmg start is an estimate as this is an amount i know that works. I didnt try it with lower but i am confident that 150-200 might do the trick to start off as well. Besides you can use the Windbreaker talisman from invasions until you get to level 30+ no problem.

And while making sure to avoid rarity early on in forging is at the end of the day semi irrelevant for War Horn, for other talismans that require damage its not as it allows you to make them "i win" buttons over time as well even though they arent nearly in the same dimensiln as War Horn. It will also be good for future seasons cuz the new "legendary cant be uograded" feature is probably not going away.

The tower rewards are pathetic. The consumables should be available in the shop and towers should give proper rewards. Having to do a tower just to get a random consumable that might help you next fight is laughable. Not to mention that you can only hold 5 consumables.

I agree on the War Horn sounds but you can just mute it. I am not using it cuz its my favorite thing but cuz it cleares everything in 1-3 seconds. I prefer the meteor and the squirrel for example its a shame that there isnt a reason to use them except for fun for a couple of matches. But these are nowhere near as powerful as War Horn. They arent even close to Windbreaker. Saying that you get similar results with that is just lying to yourself. Its like saying your toyota yaris is as fast as a ferrari just cuz they can both get from A to B. The time and effort to make strong talismans is immense and no place to use them by the time you can create them beside the challenge tower. And for that tower nothing has similar results as War Horn. They are all slower, do less damage, are less reliable and dont delete everything immediately. Windbreaker is the only one that can compete at the start but falls of more and more as you go (and you will hate yourself if you made a stronger version and it glitches out during finish him and you have to sit there for 2minutes until the fart disappears).


I got to, and defeated, Nitara last night. Used Mileena and one of the Buzzsaw Talismans, no Relic since I keep getting server errors every time I try to equip one. Wasn't a hard battle for me.

I'm now slowly going through each Mesa to 100% them.

For this fabled Order Of Darkness Sub-Zero battle, since it appears next Season will be Sub-Zero's, I expect this is a hoax.

For the "grind," you have an entire month to go through the Mode and Invasions isn't too long. Even my finance, who mostly button mashes, is getting through things and taking her time. Space things out instead of sitting their for hours.

For the "grind" on currency and character mastery and such, as @Jynks said, all this stuff comes in time through regular play. If you are truly grinding things, that's something you're choosing to do, not something you have to do.

If you don't like Invasions at all, that's cool: do not play it. It's a completely optional mode (as they all are) that awards cosmetic items that don't affect actual gameplay at all. It's not worth forcing yourself to play something you don't like simply to play "dress up" with characters. By not playing it, you're sending a better message to the development team than by forcing yourself to do something you despise.


Dojo Trainee
I got to, and defeated, Nitara last night. Used Mileena and one of the Buzzsaw Talismans, no Relic since I keep getting server errors every time I try to equip one. Wasn't a hard battle for me.

I'm now slowly going through each Mesa to 100% them.

For this fabled Order Of Darkness Sub-Zero battle, since it appears next Season will be Sub-Zero's, I expect this is a hoax.

For the "grind," you have an entire month to go through the Mode and Invasions isn't too long. Even my finance, who mostly button mashes, is getting through things and taking her time. Space things out instead of sitting their for hours.

For the "grind" on currency and character mastery and such, as @Jynks said, all this stuff comes in time through regular play. If you are truly grinding things, that's something you're choosing to do, not something you have to do.

If you don't like Invasions at all, that's cool: do not play it. It's a completely optional mode (as they all are) that awards cosmetic items that don't affect actual gameplay at all. It's not worth forcing yourself to play something you don't like simply to play "dress up" with characters. By not playing it, you're sending a better message to the development team than by forcing yourself to do something you despise.
A hoax?
english is not my first language but are you implying there is no secret fight and im lying?

lol,you can look up on youtube and see others have got the fight too.

im still not sure what the requierments are,all i know is that the setup was as i stated above,i used sub and sareena,and did a fatality on her,the reward for the secret fight i got was a legendary srynge wit permanent 15% dark damage resistance i think or 15% dark damage dealt,and that was on time run out,i dont think its actually possible to beat him.


Titan Shao just glitched out on me, went into finish him mode, dropped on the ground and I couldnt do anything but restart the battle.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
If your having trouble with the titan just graft 10 meat onto your talisman.. it will now give you 100% health on activation. This will allow you to get through the survive thing if you are not already immune. You can buy it near the End Boss or at the Festival, I forget witch.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
A hoax? lol,you can look up on youtube and see others have got the fight too.
I have tried a lot to trigger it, and can not seem to work it out. I have tried "luck" potions and trinkets, even stacking them. I have tried using Sub to fight her... does anyone know the trigger?


A hoax?
english is not my first language but are you implying there is no secret fight and im lying?
A hoax means something that is not true; it's fabricated and fake. The Mortal Kombat franchise has had a lot of hoaxes throughout it's life span.

I am suggesting there may be no secret fight, though not that you are lying.

Do not believe everything you see on YouTube or social media.

Having said all that, I could be incorrect and the fight could be real. Thus why I say I expect it's a hoax, not that it definitively is one. No one here has been able to encounter it in-person yet, though, lending credit to my expectation.


MK fan from India
Pyramid Mesa is up in invasions and there is a Titan General Shao boss fight available as well as the Baraka one too if you somehow missed it in season 1. Defeat both bosses a total of 6 times to get all their order of darkness skins.


Dojo Trainee
A hoax means something that is not true; it's fabricated and fake. The Mortal Kombat franchise has had a lot of hoaxes throughout it's life span.

I am suggesting there may be no secret fight, though not that you are lying.

Do not believe everything you see on YouTube or social media.

Having said all that, I could be incorrect and the fight could be real. Thus why I say I expect it's a hoax, not that it definitively is one. No one here has been able to encounter it in-person yet, though, lending credit to my expectation.
well i can assure you 100% i encountered it,before i ever knew or saw about it on youtube,i didnt even think of it as something rare ,and i pretty much immidetly asked here did anyone manage to beat it,thinking its common knowledge.

someone said here the same was i the first seaaon and tbat you could have a secret fight with this season 2 nitara,pretty sure you can find that too here and on yt,i dont know what else i could tell you.


well i can assure you 100% i encountered it,before i ever knew or saw about it on youtube,i didnt even think of it as something rare ,and i pretty much immidetly asked here did anyone manage to beat it,thinking its common knowledge.

someone said here the same was i the first seaaon and tbat you could have a secret fight with this season 2 nitara,pretty sure you can find that too here and on yt,i dont know what else i could tell you.
Ah, I must have misunderstood then. I thought you just saw the fight on YouTube, not that you actually engaged in it yourself.

Do you get the Order of Darkness skin for Sub-Zero?


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
What is the max level for the seasonal tower? Does it have one? Also, does anyone remember what level it stopped giving skins? 30 wasn't it?

Defeat both bosses a total of 6 times to get all their order of darkness skins.
Important safety tip, egon!


Dojo Trainee
Ah, I must have misunderstood then. I thought you just saw the fight on YouTube, not that you actually engaged in it yourself.

Do you get the Order of Darkness skin for Sub-Zero?
nope no skin,just the legendary dark syrnge consumable.

but i didnt fully beat him,time ran out on phase 2 and then the victory screen happened.
thats when i came here and asked if someone beat him fully and did they get anything more for it,also thinking maybe it would be a way ti get the skin early.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
There used to be a "force secret fight" item in the last season.. wish that was around.. I havn't been able to find it..

Anyway... I think I'm done with Season 2 Invasion. Unless there is a 2nd Titan messa latter on.. this one turned up pretty quick.. would be pretty hard with that 4 day window if you had not leveled up and stuff.


MK fan from India
There used to be a "force secret fight" item in the last season.. wish that was around.. I havn't been able to find it..

Anyway... I think I'm done with Season 2 Invasion. Unless there is a 2nd Titan messa latter on.. this one turned up pretty quick.. would be pretty hard with that 4 day window if you had not leveled up and stuff.
Glad that I finished invasions the first day of season 2 so this was a breeze... war horn talisman wrecked the boss in seconds. Didnt even need to press any buttons after activating it.

Only thing left for me is to grind the season tower when Tremor drops on Monday to max him out and grind the remaining season credits needed to buy the pending items from the season store.


There used to be a "force secret fight" item in the last season.. wish that was around.. I havn't been able to find it..

Anyway... I think I'm done with Season 2 Invasion. Unless there is a 2nd Titan messa latter on.. this one turned up pretty quick.. would be pretty hard with that 4 day window if you had not leveled up and stuff.
I'll need to check out the Titan Mesa, especially if it is on a 4 day turnaround again.

After that, and once I wrap up the other Mesa's to 100%, I'll likely be done as well.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Only thing left for me is to grind the season tower when Tremor drops on Monday to max him out and grind the remaining season credits needed to buy the pending items from the season store.
yeah... I only bother buying the skins for the chars I play. I always seem to have enough to buy the ones I want.


Dojo Trainee
There used to be a "force secret fight" item in the last season.. wish that was around.. I havn't been able to find it..

Anyway... I think I'm done with Season 2 Invasion. Unless there is a 2nd Titan messa latter on.. this one turned up pretty quick.. would be pretty hard with that 4 day window if you had not leveled up and stuff.
yeah too bad,idk im actualy really suprised i seem to be the only one here that got it haha i cant recall doing anyhting special in he fight i could single out that could be the trigger,except for being sub zero and doing a fatality,i definetly didnt flawless any of the phases but i may have finished one with full health due to the magic saws having siphon health and having many charges.


Did the Titan Battles. The first Order of Darkness General Shao skin unlocked simply by entering the Mesa for me as well, and his battle showed "Kompleted."

Got the different palletes for him and Baraka.