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Invastion Mode : Season 2 Chat


You can max out a character that fast? Oh snap I think I'm ready to do towers mmhmmm
I have been grinding in invasions I'm getting a pitiful 200xp per run and to make it less unfun I am going from start of invasions to end hitting anything I haven't on my initial run through S2 Invasions Mode, I was hitting Triple Threat on Season 1 and I got 1200-1400xp every time with Flawless and Brutality which was 3 uppercuts. It was nice getting resources and skins for Kameos and Fighters. Honestly 98% of Invasions is so braindead easy you might as well hit the same thing.
Only things that are challenging are Survives to me but that's because I hardly have Consumables for them.

They better not nerf this, I'll FN revolt. I am super pissed about getting 1/3 the XP from invasions Mode. I swear I hate WB, I know this is them trying to encourage monetary purchases.
NRS I don't think would make things like this grindy. I remember before WB it was easy to get costumes and IGC.

Is there any place to know what exclusive Skins are in Towers/KL/Invasions?
I just stated 50min as a random number. You can do it waaaayyy faster than that with the right setup. It start with about 1 character/h and goes up to like 1 character/10min at the end. Maxing everything takes like less time than finishing invasion mode.

Here is the setup...

  1. Make a War Horn talisman with ~300%dmg, 4 charges, 3 recharges and 10+ projectiles.
  2. Go farm Nitara boss back to back a couole of times to make a bit of shop money
  3. Go to seasomal tower and climb to and increase tower levels.
  4. Use 1-2 war horn activations to clear the fight. Dont use fatalities or long brutalities till lvl 40ish to save time. Exp is not worth it. After that you can go for flaw-brut finisher. War Horn lets you easily get Flawless Brutality cuz you can easily combo into after the enemy dies with most of the cast. (Best are long range or projecrile brutis)
  5. Every full hour go buy forge items for talisman charges, talisman recharges, damage and extra projecriles
  6. Keep upgrading the talisman with damage every now and then to make things evem faster. Charges, recharges, projectiles can be added as you see fit. But dont make the talisman legendary! You cant upgrade anymore if you make it legendary.
Now you can do 2 things...
Option 1
Stop at level56. This level has only 1 health bar opponents and easy modifiers. Fight exp are: flaw-brut 11k/fight flaw-fata 9,5k/fight

This option is if you dont want to ugrade War Horn Talisman after the first time or if you want to use the Fart Talisman you get from invasion (although the fart talisman is a lot slower and takes more effoet)

Option 2
Keep upgrading your War Horn talisman and keep climbing. A talisman with like 500-600%dmg, ~15projecrile, 4-8 charges and 3-7 recharges will kill everything for as long as you want to climb.

Here some exp number for flawless brutality
Lvl56 is 11k / fight
Lvl75 is somethibg like 25k /fight
Lvl100 is 54k / fight

Every hp bar will be deleted in a few seconds tops. At about lvl70ish you need ~2 towers to max a character. At ~85+ barely more than 1. But you should be almost maxed out by that time.

This sounds like a lot somehow buts its not.... make talisman, climb tower,, upgrade talisman a bit more, keep climbing till done.

Its dull but its not as boring as invasions was.

Compared to this the s1 farmspot is a joke... i am glad i didnt do more than the last few levels of my main with triple threat.
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Do you get a lot of seasonal coins from the towers? I’m about finished with Invasions (working on last two Blood Fangs areas) and have about 75k seasonal kredits. Everything in the store costs roughly $250k. I was able to buy everything from season 1 with no issue at all, did they scale back the kredits you receive this season?
For coins, seasonal coins and any type of exp do seasonal tower... you end up getting thousands per fights after awhile. Faster and more effixient than anything else.


Did anyone manage to defeat the order of darkness sub zero boss thats a secret fight after nitara final boss? And if yes what were the rewards.

I ran out of time when fighting him,at phase 2,then the victory screen happend and i got a dark syrnge consumable.
Beat her countless times amd neverseen that fight... what are the requirements?

If you just want to beat him no matter what i suggest using War Horn Talisman if youvare struggling.
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Dojo Trainee
Other farming techniques..

1. On the Rampart mesa, go to Wrong Way (I think it’s like 1-2 nodes over from the shop). Apply the blood meteor talisman and the scalp relic. When match starts, activate talisman and keep uppercutting to get the triple flawless/brutality. I’ve yet to have to recharge the talisman. Nets a good amount of exp per match (went from level 15 to 16 for havik in like 3 or 4 matches).

Or… if you have a turbo controller

Just find a high level (28-30) node with an opponent that is weak to your character, for example I’m trying to max out havik so I found a level 29 Kitana node. Set the controller to spam, and let it do its thing. This is slower than the season 1 hack but it’s working…


Dojo Trainee
Beat her countless times amd neverseen that fight... what are the requirements?

If you just want to beat him no matter what i suggest using War Horn Talisman if youvare struggling.
not sure what the requierments are,i played and beat the final stage only once,i used subzero and sareena kameo,had a green rarity talisman and had no relics equipped.i beat her and then the secret fight screen appeared and it was merciless sub zero wearing his order of darkness skin(the one you will unlock in season 3 once you beat it).it was very short time left and i got to phase 2 and then it said victory and i got a dark srynge consumable.

im not that crazy about beating him just wondering if there is any special reward if you do fully beat him,but looks like not many people got the secret fight haha.
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Dojo Trainee
How do you find this "secret boss"?
it might be as simple as just using sub zero,try that.as for the setup,its as i said,no relics no konsumable,i was lvl30 and i used a green rarity talisman,sareena kameo was used.

the talisman was the magic saw blades and i had it infused with a bunch of stuff,and siphon health,it had 8 charges so when i needed i would use it to heal.


Is the war horn talisman better than windbreaker? I haven't played the season 2 tower but season 1 was a joke with it.


Is the war horn talisman better than windbreaker? I haven't played the season 2 tower but season 1 was a joke with it.
War Horn is in a whole other dimension than windbreaker. Its an i win button, literally. If the enemy had 100k hp and 5 healthbars it would still die very fast with 0 effort required. Just activate talisman and watch yourself win.

It feels like winning ranked matches is the fastest way to rank up now. RIP single player.
Its not, seasonal tower is... by a landslide.

Unless you mean while actually doing something enjoyable... in that case you are right.


not sure what the requierments are,i played and beat the final stage only once,i used subzero and sareena kameo,had a green rarity talisman and had no relics equipped.i beat her and then the secret fight screen appeared and it was merciless sub zero wearing his order of darkness skin(the one you will unlock in season 3 once you beat it).it was very short time left and i got to phase 2 and then it said victory and i got a dark srynge consumable.

im not that crazy about beating him just wondering if there is any special reward if you do fully beat him,but looks like not many people got the secret fight haha.
Thanks! I will try that just to check if there is a reward for fully beating it.


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
You can buy a common verison of the warhorn at the Kollector. From the stores you can get +dmg (10% at a time) +charges and +Recharge time. I am not sure if you have to stop editing it once it becomes legendary... so I am holding out. The Goal is to make a high dmg horn (prob not 3000% lol, over kill) with a couple of charges that will recharge once every few rounds.. so you can use it like a infinate without needing the item. Also adding 10 Gain health gives you 100% health on use.
I cannot see this Warhorn in the Kollector shops. How else can one get it?

Also, i purchased a relic for 10k coins, as it allowed for no combo damage scaling. Imagine my surprise when using it that i could not do any normals whatsoever! It said "your fstyles disabled". I had no idea what that meant. Why the hell would anyone spend 10k coins for no combo damage scaling when you cant do normals, which are integral to combos?!! Am i missing something here?


I cannot see this Warhorn in the Kollector shops. How else can one get it?

Also, i purchased a relic for 10k coins, as it allowed for no combo damage scaling. Imagine my surprise when using it that i could not do any normals whatsoever! It said "your fstyles disabled". I had no idea what that meant. Why the hell would anyone spend 10k coins for no combo damage scaling when you cant do normals, which are integral to combos?!! Am i missing something here?
Didnt you hear... its part of the fun not to use game mechanics. So cleary this relic is supposed to give us extra fun. :D

The War Horn Talisman should be in the shop starting with Living Forest i think, at least for me. But i also was allowed to keep the one from last season... Check the shop on the last map, if its not there maybe you need to collect the free one from invasions first.
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some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Didnt you hear... its part of the fun not to use game mechanics. So cleary this relic is supposed to give us extra fun. :D
exactly. Many of the relics are basically modifiers to allow you to try diffrent play styles. There are a few OP ones for people that want to just autowin, but most of the really fun relics are more weird, like the reflect one or instant death when fall over one and stuff.
exactly. Many of the relics are basically modifiers to allow you to try diffrent play styles. There are a few OP ones for people that want to just autowin, but most of the really fun relics are more weird, like the reflect one or instant death when fall over one and stuff.
Well the one I specifically purchased, for 10,000 coins to not he able to any normals makes no sense to me, and certainly isn't enjoyable. Why would anyone spend 10k for that?

Surely there must be some reward or something for accomplished something with it?

Art Lean

Got the challenge tower up to level 55, the big bucks and waves of XP are now rolling in, also cleared out the seasonal store now. Was a goddamn slog I'll admit, but now the big rewards are coming in will use it to finally level 35 everyone this season (most are around 20). Already had a couple under my belt (Ashrah and Scorpion), but have now also level 35'd Sindel, Nitara, Smoke and Reiko all tonight, currently working on Sub Zero next. Once I've done that will finish the last two kameos (Stryker and Darius) with my mains to level them up easily. The War Horn I use for the fights I know the CPU will be a grind with, which are usually Nitara (even though she can't fight), Geras and Reiko, as well as saving it for Liu, Shao and Raiden if they turn up in the early 2 round fights with large health bars. Makes them an absolute breeze and over in seconds!


some heroes are born, some made, some wondrous
Make a War Horn talisman with ~300%dmg, 4 charges, 3 recharges and 10+ projectiles.
You need +1 Recharge two total "extra charges". Like if you add 2 charges, you need the 3 recharge speed thing, as that is a total of 3 charges, not 2. I like to make my talismans have 10 charges. That way you can practically spam them and even if you use 3 a round, which you won't once the damage is high enough, it will recharge to full before it runs out mid tower.

The only annoying thing is that I only know one place to buy damage tokens. On the 2nd Hub. The Festival. You can only buy 3 at a time, so it takes a lot. Each adds 10% so you need like 30 to get to 300%. If anyone is starting out.. do yourself a favour and start buying these as much as possible so you have a mass of them for end game.

I noticed that the hourly towers seem to drop consumable things that effect the next encounter, like scopes, or potions. The Weekly seem to drop Artefacts and the Daily drops components. The +50% resistance dragon egg and the syringes are the best drops form the towers.

As for the warhorn. I do not like that one. The noise is anoying. You get just as good results with pretty much any of them once you forge them. Like the chainsaw bever or the blood meteors and stuff.


exactly. Many of the relics are basically modifiers to allow you to try diffrent play styles. There are a few OP ones for people that want to just autowin, but most of the really fun relics are more weird, like the reflect one or instant death when fall over one and stuff.
I was being sarcastic ;)

Well the one I specifically purchased, for 10,000 coins to not he able to any normals makes no sense to me, and certainly isn't enjoyable. Why would anyone spend 10k for that?

Surely there must be some reward or something for accomplished something with it?
There isnt a reward to any of it. Its just there to facepalm and move on.