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Injustice - New Character Reveal to Drop on Monday


Man of Tomorrow
wahh? you didnt like UTRH? it was amazing imo
It was the usual "this only happens in the Bat Universe" things that bug me.

When Todd first fights Bruce in that plant, he blows up a car and Bruce gives chase on an awning only for the car to explode and destroy the awning right in front of Bruce, that ridiculous. How can any person calculate like that?

When they flash back to Todd's first glimpse into being "bad" as Robin, he bursts through the door and runs straight at a dude with a machine gun that he says "fires 80 rounds per second" or something to that effect but they still can't hit him. Every spark is outside the door frame.

There's more but I can't remember them right now.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
It was the usual "this only happens in the Bat Universe" things that bug me.

When Todd first fights Bruce in that plant, he blows up a car and Bruce gives chase on an awning only for the car to explode and destroy the awning right in front of Bruce, that ridiculous. How can any person calculate like that?

When they flash back to Todd's first glimpse into being "bad" as Robin, he bursts through the door and runs straight at a dude with a machine gun that he says "fires 80 rounds per second" or something to that effect but they still can't hit him. Every spark is outside the door frame.

There's more but I can't remember them right now.
ah true but that comes with the bat territory i mean a preteen fighting gun weilding thugs and psychos for years without being gravely injured or killed isnt realistic at all or a psycho who's murdered hundreds of people keeps going to the same asylum and getting free with no one ever killing him isnt either but thats batman


Man of Tomorrow
ah true but that comes with the bat territory i mean a preteen fighting gun weilding thugs and psychos for years without being gravely injured or killed isnt realistic at all or a psycho who's murdered hundreds of people keeps going to the same asylum and getting free with no one ever killing him isnt either but thats batman

Which also bugs me, it's pretty ridiculous.

BTW, the character "Robin" destroys the mythos of Batman from the start.


I am Arkham
ah true but that comes with the bat territory i mean a preteen fighting gun weilding thugs and psychos for years without being gravely injured or killed isnt realistic at all or a psycho who's murdered hundreds of people keeps going to the same asylum and getting free with no one ever killing him isnt either but thats batman
What's the point of saying "that's Batman"? That's superheroes and comics in general. Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Spider-man, Avengers, X-men...you name it. They all have convenient over the top action moments that aren't meant to be seen as realistic or plausible. It's for entertainment. You kind of suspend disbelief when you accept someone can run 13 trillion times the speed of light, phase through things, turn back time, x-ray vision, fly, invulnerable skin(unless a magical green rock is near), teleportation, healing factor, bitten by a spider to receive it's powers, being brought back to life etc. etc. etc.

The whole "it's Batman" is a ridiculous statement. It comes with the territory of storytelling, especially superheroes. It's not exclusive to comics either, show me an over the top action shoot 'em up where the hero doesn't conveniently dodge bullets, bad guys are horrible shots(while heroes are great shots), and they manage to expertly set traps that work out just right. It's all for the sake of entertainment and to tell a story.


What's the point of saying "that's Batman"? That's superheroes and comics in general. Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Spider-man, Avengers, X-men...you name it. They all have convenient over the top action moments that aren't meant to be seen as realistic or plausible. It's for entertainment. You kind of suspend disbelief when you accept someone can run 13 trillion times the speed of light, phase through things, turn back time, x-ray vision, fly, invulnerable skin(unless a magical green rock is near), teleportation, healing factor, bitten by a spider to receive it's powers, being brought back to life etc. etc. etc.

The whole "it's Batman" is a ridiculous statement. It comes with the territory of storytelling, especially superheroes. It's not exclusive to comics either, show me an over the top action shoot 'em up where the hero doesn't conveniently dodge bullets, bad guys are horrible shots(while heroes are great shots), and they manage to expertly set traps that work out just right. It's all for the sake of entertainment and to tell a story.
Because unlike Batman, these people you mentioned actually have powers that could possibly allow them to do this. Batman is supposed to be just a man but we see him pull off ridiculous shit such as killing 4 white martians by himself. (who are supposed to be on par if not stronger than the Martian Manhunter) Then he allows a man who has killed his adopted son, paralyzed his pseudo-daughter, killed his best friends wife, and generally is a murdering psycho run around Gotham because "slippery slope I'll be just like him if I kill him." It's silly.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
What's the point of saying "that's Batman"? That's superheroes and comics in general. Superman, Flash, Green Lantern, Spider-man, Avengers, X-men...you name it. They all have convenient over the top action moments that aren't meant to be seen as realistic or plausible. It's for entertainment. You kind of suspend disbelief when you accept someone can run 13 trillion times the speed of light, phase through things, turn back time, x-ray vision, fly, invulnerable skin(unless a magical green rock is near), teleportation, healing factor, bitten by a spider to receive it's powers, being brought back to life etc. etc. etc.

The whole "it's Batman" is a ridiculous statement. It comes with the territory of storytelling, especially superheroes. It's not exclusive to comics either, show me an over the top action shoot 'em up where the hero doesn't conveniently dodge bullets, bad guys are horrible shots(while heroes are great shots), and they manage to expertly set traps that work out just right. It's all for the sake of entertainment and to tell a story.
you called my statement ridiculous then justified it? -__- how about, " that's comics" as opposed to "thats batman" :)


Fujin and Ermac for MK 11
Please be doomsday :) why would people be disappointed? He's a badass. Either him or MMH please, I'll be happy lol. Just please NOT Robin...that would suck lol


I am Arkham
Because unlike Batman, these people you mentioned actually have powers that could possibly allow them to do this. Batman is supposed to be just a man but we see him pull off ridiculous shit such as killing 4 white martians by himself. (who are supposed to be on par if not stronger than the Martian Manhunter) Then he allows a man who has killed his adopted son, paralyzed his pseudo-daughter, killed his best friends wife, and generally is a murdering psycho run around Gotham because "slippery slope I'll be just like him if I kill him." It's silly.

Once again, it's entertainment, it's storytelling. How many movies are there with the exact same things? You read/watch them to be entertained. To go on an adventure. Not to be limited to reality. That's stupid. How boring/uninteresting/crappy would comics be if the bad guys were just locked away and that was that. Or they were just killed off and stayed dead.

Besides, who the heck says Batman is just supposed to be a normal guy? He's not. His "superpower" is his intellect, and his determination. He has never been "realistic". He's more grounded in reality, yes, but that doesn't mean he's supposed to be "real" or "normal". What fun would that be?!

All those reasons you listed towards the end, are exactly why I LOVE BAtman. He has rules, morals, values, and he struggles to stick to them, but ultimately does. He is tested at every turn to stick to what he believes in, and he does. That fine line he walks is why he is such an interesting character. The psychological aspect behind him and his villains, as well as his supporting characters, is simply fantastic.

To think it's any more "ridiculous" in his world than anybody elses, is an ignorant thought process. It's complete double standard. "It's ok for others because they have super powers". No, super powers in general are the most "unrealistic" and "convenient" plot devices in comics altogether.

In the end, it's all for fun and entertainment. To sit there and say "hey, that's unrealistic for a teenager to dodge bullets!", "How can Batman stop 4 white martians, no way is that plausible?!", "Why doesn't Batman just kill them all instead of letting them torment him?!", or "How do these guys keep escaping prison?!", one has to wonder why you even read comics in the first place. It's suppose to be an adventure. An escape from reality. Just because Batman's world is supposed to be more grounded with less actual special super powers, doesn't mean it should receive less suspension of disbelief for the sake of the story and thrill of the chase. Sheesh.


I am Arkham
^ Superman comics are more realistic than Batman comics.
Yep, can't tell you how many times I saw an alien baby(that looks exactly like our typical race) sent here from a planet being destroyed by another race. A baby that has:
-Heat Vision
-Ice breath
-Invulnerable skin
-Super speed
-X-ray vision
-Super hearing

Only upon adulthood throwing on a pair of glasses and that automatically acts as a concrete disguise that nobody can tell Clark Kent and Superman are one in the same. Love to get me a pair of those.

This alien can also fly around the world so fast, it turns back time, conveniently when the situation calls for it of course. Because you know, flying around the world effects time somehow.

Oh, did I mention this alien gets it's strength from the sun? Yeah...

It's/his only weakness is a glowing green rock. Bullets, missles, nuclear bombs, the sun itself...none of it harms him. But oh jeeze, watch out for that shiny rock!

Lex and the rest of Superman's villains manage to keep escaping just like Batman's and everybody elses's. Hmmm...there seems to be a trend here...

Realistic? Yeah, I don't think so...

Superman is just as ridiculous and unrealistic as the rest. It's all unrealistic. That's the point. Trying to measure how realistic subject A is to subject B, is pointless. It's a petty argument.

you called my statement ridiculous then justified it? -__- how about, " that's comics" as opposed to "thats batman" :)
That's fine. It's beyond just comics though, that's storytelling. Be it kids fairytales, disney adventures, action movies like Terminator, Rambo etc. to horror films like Friday the 13th or Halloween etc. It's all unrealistic and ranges in unplausibility.

To say "that's Batman" as if it's some sort of knock on his universe as if it's just absolutely ridiculous, and "silly", is a double standard at play. His is no different from the rest. It's all part of the fun.


That's stupid. How boring/uninteresting/crappy would comics be if the bad guys were just locked away and that was that. Or they were just killed off and stayed dead.
Plenty interesting because plenty of comics already do this. Granted a few of them aren't cape but that's moot. Things like Lucifer, Hellblazer, Starman and plenty of other books from Vertigo do this and they can remain interesting for 100+ issues.

Besides, who the heck says Batman is just supposed to be a normal guy? He's not. His "superpower" is his intellect, and his determination.
The guy who created him. His superpower also is not intellect, someone with that as a power would be someone like Braniac-5 or Reed Richards who are literal super genius'.

All those reasons you listed towards the end, are exactly why I LOVE BAtman. He has rules, morals, values, and he struggles to stick to them, but ultimately does. He is tested at every turn to stick to what he believes in, and he does. That fine line he walks is why he is such an interesting character. The psychological aspect behind him and his villains, as well as his supporting characters, is simply fantastic.
I'd agree with you if it weren't for the fact that this high moral ground has caused him to have 2 family members killed and god knows how many citizens of Gotham killed. Next to Hub city, Gotham is one of the biggest shit holes in America.

To think it's any more "ridiculous" in his world than anybody elses, is an ignorant thought process. It's complete double standard. "It's ok for others because they have super powers". No, super powers in general are the most "unrealistic" and "convenient" plot devices in comics altogether.
When someone is solicited as a normal man deciding to take up the fight against crime, I don't expect him to be in space killing aliens that are far stronger than him/can kill him with a thought. It breaks the immersion and all around deteriorates the story. You don't see Question doing this stuff yet he's pretty much on par with Batman in general martial arts and detective work.


Man of Tomorrow
Once again, it's entertainment, it's storytelling. How many movies are there with the exact same things? You read/watch them to be entertained. To go on an adventure. Not to be limited to reality. That's stupid. How boring/uninteresting/crappy would comics be if the bad guys were just locked away and that was that. Or they were just killed off and stayed dead.

Yes, it is entertainment, however the stuff he does and things that happen in Batman comics is not logical to the way he's portrayed and that devalues the entertainment.

Besides, who the heck says Batman is just supposed to be a normal guy? He's not. His "superpower" is his intellect, and his determination. He has never been "realistic". He's more grounded in reality, yes, but that doesn't mean he's supposed to be "real" or "normal". What fun would that be?!
Then why does every always bring up that they like Batman because he's "a normal guy that's not indestructible and uses his smarts and resources to beat people"? Batman is a "normal" guy at the peak of physical ability, versed in many hand to hand combat styles and very intelligent. That's who Batman is, how can you deny that?

All those reasons you listed towards the end, are exactly why I LOVE BAtman. He has rules, morals, values, and he struggles to stick to them, but ultimately does. He is tested at every turn to stick to what he believes in, and he does. That fine line he walks is why he is such an interesting character. The psychological aspect behind him and his villains, as well as his supporting characters, is simply fantastic.

All heroes do, why don't you love other heroes? Superman is the same way except the insane people he deals with turn into the damn president of the United States and still want to make his life hell. Batman is no more "tested" than any other hero and they all walk that line.

To think it's any more "ridiculous" in his world than anybody elses, is an ignorant thought process. It's complete double standard. "It's ok for others because they have super powers". No, super powers in general are the most "unrealistic" and "convenient" plot devices in comics altogether.
It is absolutely ridiculous that all villains can have perfect aim against a Superman or WW, who can survive or block a gunshot, but can't fire an automatic weapon 15 feet from a Batman or Robin and hit them. It is ridiculous that he is basically taking out four Martian Manhunters. Batman is pretty ridiculous.

In the end, it's all for fun and entertainment. To sit there and say "hey, that's unrealistic for a teenager to dodge bullets!", "How can Batman stop 4 white martians, no way is that plausible?!", "Why doesn't Batman just kill them all instead of letting them torment him?!", or "How do these guys keep escaping prison?!", one has to wonder why you even read comics in the first place. It's suppose to be an adventure. An escape from reality. Just because Batman's world is supposed to be more grounded with less actual special super powers, doesn't mean it should receive less suspension of disbelief for the sake of the story and thrill of the chase. Sheesh.

When reading a comic, book, what have you, I want to immerse myself in that World. But Batman has so many "WTF, why?" moments that I find it hard. So while it is for entertainment I just do find Batman entertaining. Now, there are exceptions are I enjoyed the Night of the Owls storyline recently but it highlights many of my problems with Batman as a whole. Batman's World is not less "fantasy" than anyone else when you have a Clayface or Ivy running around but Batman IS portrayed as a man, just a man, and he simply is not.


I am Arkham
And if you want to go down that road of arguing "what's more realistic?" as if it matters...

Show me some crazy over powered super alien babies, and spider-bitten teenagers who gain the features of that spider...

Because there's at least a history of people dodging bullets, fighting crime, smart detectives, great fighters that can pinpoint their opponent's weaknesses, rich billionares.

As well as crazy seriel killers who manage to escape the police, people who like to toy with and outsmart the police using clues and calling cards, people with split/multiple personalities, jewel thieves/cat burglers...and there's been plenty of people who have broken out of prison/jail, several times.

Batman's world has the conveniency of storytelling and entertainment that requires you to suspend disbelief to believe he can stay alive for so long, as well as his sidekicks etc. But it's a far more plausible world that does exist to a less extreme degree. Much moreso than Superman's. Making it more realistic, in my opinion of course.

And that's all it's ever going to come down to. Opinions. I really don't care to argue for 4 pages about this like some people on here love to do just to get others to see it their way(which rarely happens). You don't have to agree with my opinion. I just wanted to share mine.


Man of Tomorrow
"Realistic" and "grounded in realism" are different, a "Batman" is not realistic but his Universe is "grounded in realism".

Edit: Again I ask, why do people like Batman and not Green Arrow?


I am Arkham
"Realistic" and "grounded in realism" are different, a "Batman" is not realistic but his Universe is "grounded in realism".

Edit: Again I ask, why do people like Batman and not Green Arrow?
That's my point. None of them are realistic.

So to say "that's Batman" as if he's the only one who has these elements where things are convenient to his survival or to continue the story is outrageous. That's just a biased/double standard hypocritical train of thought. Do people that feel that way go to see Die Hard and say "that's diehard" when the hero survives all the ridiculous mayhem. He's just a normal guy. This can be applied to hundreds of thousands of movies, as well as books, comics, video games etc. It's just how it is. Why is Batman being singled out? You think Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Lantern, X-men, Spider-man, Iron Man, Cap etc. haven't had the same convenient unrealistic elements in their stories over the past 70years?

It's all unrealistic. It's just supposed to be fun and entertaining. Nobody said "Batman is closer to what we perceive as a normal human being, so everything he encounters and all of the elements and situations he gets in and how they are handled, have to be 100% realistic.".

KiD INsAnitY

Z of The Leaf -Team R.A.N
At the end of the day they are COMIC book characters. Rules will be broken, shit will be exaggerated, logic will be bent. That's the whole point of them. Batman Is 1 of the most famous superheroes in the world so of course their gonna exaggerate his character and its sometimes necessary when you look at who his colleagues are WW, Superman, Flash, MM
He basically fights along side gods so he has to sometimes be portrayed as a little more then just a man.
Yep, can't tell you how many times I saw an alien baby(that looks exactly like our typical race) sent here from a planet being destroyed by another race.
Man, you don't want to challenge me to a comic debate :-7

A baby that has:
-Heat Vision
-Ice breath
-Invulnerable skin
-Super speed
-X-ray vision
-Super hearing
That Baby has more powers.

Only upon adulthood throwing on a pair of glasses and that automatically acts as a concrete disguise that nobody can tell Clark Kent and Superman are one in the same. Love to get me a pair of those.

In all seriousness though, as I already stated it ... he has more powers and I really hope for you that you're not basing your Superman knowledge off of the Superman movies.


^ That's the reason why no one realizes that he is Clark Kent. It's hypnotism.
Just the way large ass objects don't collapse under their own weight, when he carries them around. One could say that he telekinetically holds them together, without even realizing it (also mentioned in the comics).

This alien can also fly around the world so fast, it turns back time, conveniently when the situation calls for it of course. Because you know, flying around the world effects time somehow.
Movie feat, so not canon to Superman comics, the only actual thing that matters.
And the funny thing is ...

... Batman got somewhat killed / but not really, so he got sent back in time, where he traveled through as a pirate, knight, cavemen and so on, and others had to stop him, because he was kinda becoming a living bomb with the power to destroy the entire universe, if he enters the regular timestream again, or some shit like that, I don't even know... Batman sucks.

Oh, did I mention this alien gets it's strength from the sun? Yeah...
Plants get their "strenght" from the sun :confused:

It's/his only weakness is a glowing green rock. Bullets, missles, nuclear bombs, the sun itself...none of it harms him. But oh jeeze, watch out for that shiny rock!
Guess what. Batman does not have a weakness to a green rock. Batman actually doesn't have a weakness to anything.
Superman on the other hand has a weakness to a radioactive rock, which starts poisoning him instantly.

Lex and the rest of Superman's villains manage to keep escaping just like Batman's and everybody elses's. Hmmm...there seems to be a trend here...
With the difference, that Superman is an all powerful ubermensch, who could destroy the entire planet by simply flying through it. If he would simply grab Lex Luthor and kill him, it would be game over for his reputation overall and people would be scared as hell from him, something he doesn't want.
Also, if Superman would kill Luthor, he would do more harm than good, because Luthor is still a famous business man who runs companies and offers people jobs.
Most of the stuff Luthor does, stays under ground, because he has the money to achieve that.

On the other hand, you have Batman a self-made god, who doesn't have as much influence as Superman and does questionable things to so many and he decides not to get rid of people like the Joker who are only there to kill "innocents".

Realistic? Yeah, I don't think so...
Superman is just as ridiculous and unrealistic as the rest. It's all unrealistic. That's the point. Trying to measure how realistic subject A is to subject B, is pointless. It's a petty argument.
That's the point. Superman is a character in comic books who is over the top. Obviously he is unrealistic, but he is still more human and believable than Batgod is.
Superman has to deal with actual problems and responsibility, while Batman on the other hand ... you know what they say about him: He is the god damn Batman, he always wins.

Batman even managed to take out the entire Justice League and he would be able to do it again, if he was up to it and no one would be able to stop him, if he had time to make the first move.

And now we're talking about your so called "peak human, training bla bla, gadgets, intellect, money blabla" who competes with people like the Flash who could affect the entire world in 2-3 seconds.


I am Arkham
At the end of the day they are COMIC book characters. Rules will be broken, shit will be exaggerated, logic will be bent. That's the whole point of them. Batman Is 1 of the most famous superheroes in the world so of course their gonna exaggerate his character and its sometimes necessary when you look at who his colleagues are WW, Superman, Flash, MM
He basically fights along side gods so he has to sometimes be portrayed as a little more then just a man.
Yep. Same reason Green Arrow, Hawkeye, and Black Widow etc. aren't all killed immediately. It just seems like Batman gets singled out because the more popular and beloved a character gets amongst mainstream audiences, the more people start to try and highlight flaws or single them out for reasons that aren't even unique to that character.


Yep. Same reason Green Arrow, Hawkeye, and Black Widow etc. aren't all killed immediately. It just seems like Batman gets singled out because the more popular and beloved a character gets amongst mainstream audiences, the more people start to try and highlight flaws or single them out for reasons that aren't even unique to that character.
Batman gets singled out because he's the worst offender of this stuff. Hawkeye, GA and Black Widow all know when shit gets down and dirty and it's kill or be killed, they'll pull the trigger. Batman would rather kill himself and his city than see his beloved husband Joker be killed.


Man of Tomorrow
That's my point. None of them are realistic.

So to say "that's Batman" as if he's the only one who has these elements where things are convenient to his survival or to continue the story is outrageous. That's just a biased/double standard hypocritical train of thought. Do people that feel that way go to see Die Hard and say "that's diehard" when the hero survives all the ridiculous mayhem. He's just a normal guy. This can be applied to hundreds of thousands of movies, as well as books, comics, video games etc. It's just how it is. Why is Batman being singled out? You think Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Lantern, X-men, Spider-man, Iron Man, Cap etc. haven't had the same convenient unrealistic elements in their stories over the past 70years?

It's all unrealistic. It's just supposed to be fun and entertaining. Nobody said "Batman is closer to what we perceive as a normal human being, so everything he encounters and all of the elements and situations he gets in and how they are handled, have to be 100% realistic.".
I've never said "that's Batman" so this is lost on me. Comic book logic is not created equal but the logic behind Batman is SO out there I feel it's not enjoyable. Let me give you an example.

You said Batman has his morals and would never kill, so on and so forth. Why don't the cops? Why doesn't the state? Why is Joker not on death row? Once Joker is in the police's hands it's out of Batman's hands but every Judge, whenever he's caught, just marks the hundreds of deaths as "not guilty by reason of insanity" and he gets sent to Arkham? Comic's require a suspension of disbelief that will allow you to believe a man can fly, it's not suppose to make you throw logic out the window and that's what Batman does at times.

For Die Hard and other action movies: These people survive these events and then it's months or years later before another event happens. For Batman it's later that week or month and he's back with no ill effects from the last event and that's just ridiculous to me.

Why is Batman singled out? Simple, because he's popular. That's why a lot of people attack him as opposed to, like, a Green Arrow which is basically Batman or even Batman proteges like Nightwing. But why is Batman popular? Is it not because he's "just a man" among all the Supermen and yet is still hanging with them? Even though Batman is just as inhuman as anyone else he is singled out in adoration because he's "just a man".

Fun and entertaining does not mean "take your brain out and accept these things", suspending your disbelief is one thing, just accepting it just because is another.

At the end of the day they are COMIC book characters. Rules will be broken, shit will be exaggerated, logic will be bent. That's the whole point of them. Batman Is 1 of the most famous superheroes in the world so of course their gonna exaggerate his character and its sometimes necessary when you look at who his colleagues are WW, Superman, Flash, MM
He basically fights along side gods so he has to sometimes be portrayed as a little more then just a man.

You can only exaggerate "just a man" so much until people think it's ridiculous. There are points were people become too powerful and it's just ridiculous but that's usually for a run or an arc, it's rooted in who Batman is BECAUSE he has to compete with these superpowered beings. And for "just a man" to be able to do things even superpowered beings can't with relative ease because he's "smart" is ridiculous.


I am Arkham
It's not that I don't want to debate comics, I just simply don't care if you agree with me or not.

I saw you go several pages, throughout several different topics, arguing about Red Hood. As well as picking apart and dismissing other's desires such as Teen Titans. It's a case of someone buying into their own opinion as if it holds a higher importance than the rest. A "what I want is justified and smart, what you say is stupid and unimportant" type of argument. Which makes my desire to debate anything non-existent. Because that's how many people operate on forum boards. I've been going to Mortal Kombat boards since 2001. I think I can count the times where arguments/debates actually ended with a mutual understanding and respect, with someone seeing the other person's opinion better off than before, on 1 hand. It's not worth it.

I don't need to force my opinion on others, and then turn around and insult what they like if they don't agree with my opinion. That's an immature form of social interaction.

There's some of you that feel the unrealistic nature is one Batman has, but others don't, to a degree you feel the need to point it out and single him out to say "that's just Batman". And there's some that realize it's all fiction. It's all unrealistic. We all stated our reasonings. What's left to debate?