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Injustice - New Character Reveal to Drop on Monday

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I can't see Doomsday being all that much different I mean Lex is sorta a Brawler, Grudy is a grappler and Bane seems like a combination of both. How much different can they really make Doomsday?
you're forgetting this is Netherrealm the kings of palette swaps they can make any characters different enough but he will be another powerhouse/grapple type so do not want

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Why do people want Doomsday unplayable ? It's a monster who f*cking KILLED Superman ! How can you not want to play as a freaking Superman killer ?
because he really has nothing to him, "he killed superman" is his whole appeal he's just a mindless brute with no character depth, i dont even see what special moves or character trait he could have tbh


I can't see Doomsday being all that much different I mean Lex is sorta a Brawler, Grudy is a grappler and Bane seems like a combination of both. How much different can they really make Doomsday?
Lex punches and kicks like everyone in the basics but he's not a brawler at all, i even noticed he used many
weapons instead and some fire repulsors in his hands like Iron Man.
We'll just have to wait and see. I will point out something though. The last time they introduced a character through the Battle Arena, we got another character reveal that week. We could get the same thing here. I seriously doubt it, but it could happen.


If Doomsday was playable they would have given him bigger spikes at the size of Wolverine,
than it was a different story ofcourse but they're too small and he doesn't really look designed enough.
I can't see Doomsday being all that much different I mean Lex is sorta a Brawler, Grudy is a grappler and Bane seems like a combination of both. How much different can they really make Doomsday?
because he really has nothing to him, "he killed superman" is his whole appeal he's just a mindless brute with no character depth, i dont even see what special moves or character trait he could have tbh
Some might not know, but Doomsday is actually extremely fast, so that could be one of his trademarks.

1) Make him faster than Bane and Grundy, but still balance it out of course, since being fast and trade a lot of damage? Too much,
2) Let him send shock waves in front of himself with punches against the ground,
3) Let him grab and throw opponents away,
4) Give him the ability to leap a good distance,
5) He should be able to shoot his bones (spikes),
6) Maybe doing it so that his special ability makes it so that you can't attack him with the same attacks over and over again, because he adapts to the way he gets killed, so you can't kill him the same way twice (for example, if he uses the ability and has a 10 seconds buff and then Batman comes along with a easy combo-loop, the combo would basically not do any damage at all, after the first loop is over),
7) For his super either let him punch the opponent to the core of the Earth, or let him smack the opponent into the ground and then jump and stomp them into the ground over and over again, shattering everything around during the process,
8) Let him shout as loud as he can and therefore pushing enemies back and maybe stunning them for a moment, if he does the EX-version (then he could leap to them),


Skarlet who ?
because he really has nothing to him, "he killed superman" is his whole appeal he's just a mindless brute with no character depth, i dont even see what special moves or character trait he could have tbh
I think you have never read a comic book about Doomsday.


Since the Doomsday fans are in defense, i'm going out on a limb with we'll see tomorrow but if he's not
fighting Superman he wont be playable in the game otherwise they would not back this fight up.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I think you have never read a comic book about Doomsday.
you're right but "he killed superman" is the only thing i ever hear about him so i usually respond that way, i am extremely biased i just think he'd make a great goro type, we have enough playable powerhouse/grapple characters (Supes, Luthor, Grundy, Bane, Shazam)


Man of Tomorrow
you're right but "he killed superman" is the only thing i ever hear about him so i usually respond that way, i am extremely biased i just think he'd make a great goro type, we have enough playable powerhouse/grapple characters (Supes, Luthor, Grundy, Bane, Shazam)

Every go to thing for Bane is "he broke the Bat".
Reactions: RYX


Skarlet who ?
you're right but "he killed superman" is the only thing i ever hear about him so i usually respond that way, i am extremely biased i just think he'd make a great goro type, we have enough playable powerhouse/grapple characters (Supes, Luthor, Grundy, Bane, Shazam)
Shoutouts to people who can admit they're saying shit because they're biased :)


Man of Tomorrow
that and TDKR :p
but at least he was intelligent, had a plan, figured out batmans identity and all that

Yeah, but it's always "he broke the Bat" at the end of the day. Once you do something so mind blowing then it's hard for people to see anything beyond that. "Killing Superman" is such a thing, you don't need to say more than that. I could talk about his speed and how he doesn't know how to hold back but it will always come down to "killing Superman" just like Bane will always come down to "broke the Bat."


Scary Bat
Upon further examination I think Doomsday might not be revealed, It's true that the only picture we have of him is on the same stage where he is featured in the background. We've all accepted that in the Arkham stage Riddler, Killer Croc and Penguin aren't playable because they are in the background.

Again, I wouldn't hate it if he was in, but I am beginning to doubt the evidence for his being a confirmed character, as he appears to have been accepted as such on most lists.

Maybe Hawkgirl is a hazard too? Her bit in the trailer does seem to be on the same stage where Atom and Giganta are fighting, which I now strongly suspect is outside the Hall of Justice.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
Upon further examination I think Doomsday might not be revealed, It's true that the only picture we have of him is on the same stage where he is featured in the background. We've all accepted that in the Arkham stage Riddler, Killer Croc and Penguin aren't playable because they are in the background.

Again, I wouldn't hate it if he was in, but I am beginning to doubt the evidence for his being a confirmed character, as he appears to have been accepted as such on most lists.

Maybe Hawkgirl is a hazard too? Her bit in the trailer does seem to be on the same stage where Atom and Giganta are fighting, which I now strongly suspect is outside the Hall of Justice.
i wish, but Doomsday isnt a stage interaction, we've seen the ones from the fortress of solitude and joker is doing his supermove to him
Maybe Hawkgirl is a hazard too? Her bit in the trailer does seem to be on the same stage where Atom and Giganta are fighting, which I now strongly suspect is outside the Hall of Justice.
Expect her to be playable.
Her character design (even though we didn't see it fully) is way too good for a simple background-character. She has a NRS feel to her and she is very, very, very, very likely playable.


bye felicia
With a shitty enough attitude, you can boil any character down to one sentence or one gimmick, doesn't change the fact that there are an infinite number of ways of expressing any archetype or playstyle through game design.

MK9 has like 12 characters that literally evolved from one of three sets of sprites with no more distinction than this one is green and this one is blue.

Fred Marvel

It's actually Freddy Marvel
I really hope they throw at least a few obscure characters in there. :(
they probably wont announce them, they have to announce the big names for promotional and sales purposes, im sure the "just for the fans" characters will be there too though
remember the game (most likely) will have 26+ initially released + DLC so dont give up hope yet :)


they probably wont announce them, they have to announce the big names for promotional and sales purposes, im sure the "just for the fans" characters will be there too though
remember the game (most likely) will have 26+ initially released + DLC so dont give up hope yet :)
why wouldn't they announce them? it'd make a lot more hype than the obvious picks


Justice 4 Firestorm
I doubt they'd put Doomsday in the Battle Arena teaser if he wasn't going to be in the Battle Arena and he wasn't going to be playable.

why wouldn't they announce them? it'd make a lot more hype than the obvious picks
Because there is a difference, if you get to see a character you've never heard of, since then you're like: "Oh, uhm ... okay, cool I guess."; but when you see someone you actually know to some degree, you're instantly much more interested and show it to your friends: "Hey man, remember Red Hood from that amazing DC animated movie? Look here, he looks damn amazing in this game here!"




Because there is a difference, if you get to see a character you've never heard of, since then you're like: "Oh, uhm ... okay, cool I guess."; but when you see someone you actually know to some degree, you're instantly much more interested and show it to your friends: "Hey man, remember Red Hood from that amazing DC animated movie? Look here, he looks damn amazing in this game here!"


really because when I saw Batman I was like "oh what a surprise, cool man" when I saw Bane i was disappointed. :(

if I saw Martian Manhunter or Raven, i'd lose my fucking mind. Scarecrow? i'd pre-order the collector's edition

never seen the animated movie lol

you're right to an extent though, I thought some of the characters I know were osum