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Injustice Kryptonite Council Podcast Episode 3 Feat: Tom Brady, Reo, Pig of the Hut, M2dave


bad at things
I believe in Zod,
the Father Almighty,
Creator of Heaven and earth;
and in Pre-patch Scorpion, His only Son, Our Lord,
Who was conceived by the Holy Sanchez,
born of the Virgin EdBoon,
suffered under TYM postings,
was crucified, died, and was buried.
He descended into Hell.
The third patch He arose again from the dead;
He ascended into Heaven,
sitteth at the right hand of Zod, the Father Almighty;
from thence He shall come to judge the living and the dead.
I believe in the 5 frame j1,
the holy +10 flipkick,
the unstoppable MB tele,
the forgiveness of sins,
the resurrection of the original cast's d2s,
and the life everlasting. Amen.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
i think most WW players know that the corner otg should probably go. her corner game is still one of the best without it. 95% of posts on the WW forum are either tech sharing or Q&A. i dont know how its considered a bad forum when tons of other characters have 30 page threads about soap opera topics 'why does bane have to be a bad character' or that psycho dude posting flash tech every other day only to have it insta-confirmed as known since day 1 and useless

Why should WW lose her only OTG which only works in the corner, when other characters have them that work anywhere?


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I just want to point out a little irony regarding this community and the name of this "Top Player" podcast called, "the Kryptonian Council."

The Kryptonian's destroyed themselves with bad decisions and poor judgment, which led to much infighting and the ultimate destruction of their world. They chose to show no humility and thus play god, and that led to their demise. While I don't think any on this "Kryptonian Council" want to play god, there is a lot of disrespect, lack of humility, immaturity, as well as bad decisions and poor judgement being thrown around here.

Pig, Reo, Tom, Dave...you guys need to check yourselves before there another monumental shift in the community with you guys at the proverbial helm. There are too many people in the MKC/IGAUC who will blindly follow along and not say much, only to be ultimately lead to a place they never intended to go. People fall off and get back on the community bandwagon all the time, so by catering to the whiners, the people who truly have no passion for the game, or those who are only here as it is the cool thing to do for now, it will only serve to hurt the community at in the long run.

I understand that Evo/VXG is coming up and that that is where the top player's focus is (which it should be if you intend to do well), but so many people aren't going, who never intended to go, but are the main ones still complaining, bitching, and moaning about things that ultimately will never affect them. I'm not going to Evo or VXG, which is why I can't/won't complain about things being "to cheap" or unfair as how I feel/see things ultimately don't mean much. This game is going to go to hell in a hand basket if the arm-chair designers, sideline heroes, flavor of the month players, or lets just bottom-line it - the children - get to run the show.


Death is my business
Why should WW lose her only OTG which only works in the corner, when other characters have them that work anywhere?
Because very few characters still have OTGs and certain ones like Supes are actually unsafe if blocked where WW gets frame advantage or if she MB she gets combos and she's still safe on block.

Nonetheless i'd remove all the characters OTGs and leave interactables covering the OTG setups of the game.

And WW isn't top 5 material because corner OTG ( that's her "cheap" factor ) everyone with basic knowledge of the character knows that she won't leave the top 5 with the removal of her OTG

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
Because very few characters still have OTGs and certain ones like Supes are actually unsafe if blocked where WW gets frame advantage or if she MB she gets combos and she's still safe on block.

Nonetheless i'd remove all the characters OTGs and leave interactables covering the OTG setups of the game.

And WW isn't top 5 material because corner OTG ( that's her "cheap" factor ) everyone with basic knowledge of the character knows that she won't leave the top 5 with the removal of her OTG
MB divepunch on block isnt safe if you duck the second part.

The divepunch isnt the cheap factor, if you really want to wreck the opponents wakeup game in the corner you'd abuse the shit out of her F3.

If you took away the divepunch OTG, she would have absolutely NO reason to ever do that move, so you might aswell just take away the command for it. Theres no use for it midscreen, at all, so either leave it as it is, or get rid of it.

It's advantage at its lowest point, but for each type of divepunch set up you do, there are drawbacks if the opponent reads it coming, just like most things in this game.

Its not about it being OTG anyway, its about it stopping the opponent from waking up, and if you say very few characters can do that, you'd be wrong.


Death is my business
MB divepunch on block isnt safe if you duck the second part.

The divepunch isnt the cheap factor, if you really want to wreck the opponents wakeup game in the corner you'd abuse the shit out of her F3.

If you took away the divepunch OTG, she would have absolutely NO reason to ever do that move, so you might aswell just take away the command for it. Theres no use for it midscreen, at all, so either leave it as it is, or get rid of it.

It's advantage at its lowest point, but for each type of divepunch set up you do, there are drawbacks if the opponent reads it coming, just like most things in this game.

Its not about it being OTG anyway, its about it stopping the opponent from waking up, and if you say very few characters can do that, you'd be wrong.
I can't duck the second part of MB Divepunch with Ares , can't tell if it's character specific but i've had it whiff occasionally when the Divepunch connected only at max range.

Wrecking the wakeup game with F3 is indeed a good option but a handful of characters can deal with that , wheter it be autocorrecting wakeups /traits or making a read to wakeup correctly.

The cheap factor isn't the Divepunch itself , it's the mix between the lazo throw hit advantage+hard knockdown + DP OTG crossup / no crossup at least +6 on block + b2 , 33 , b11 options post OTG.

I do agree however that without the OTG the DP wouldn't have a solid use other than for shanenigans , however a whole bunch of characters have moves that just aren't useful ( WW itself has plenty of them ).

In the corner there's very few things to do against the DP OTG other than first block correctly then either make a read to blow up b2 / 33 / b11 / air dash / wait and try to block correctly / pushblock the DP OTG.

Yeah it's not about the OTG , it's about denying wakeups wich other characters can do even midscreen but that usually sacrifices damage and costs a bar to reset them or involves meaty projectiles / normals / hard knockdowns and are matchup specific since they can still wakeup.
God damn... REO is a little bitch. Haha

He was the only non-scrub scorpion at CEO, reaction to 15 frame KF slide is unreasonable but being able to punish a 7 frame teleport makes the character yolo, and remember if you win with 1.05 Flash it's not you, it's Barry Allen.


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
Alright I just finished watching the podcast bit by bit.

Thanks Pig. Just remember how many times I had the Kenshi forums' back when everyone wanted Kenshi banned for supposedly being an insta 7-3 at the very bare minimum against everyone not named Kabal and KL and those who refused to give you respect for using a "game-breaking easy-mode character". #Kappa


Zoning Master
m2dave basically said fuck comeptitive play, my character got nerfed so nerf everybody to hell with it, and that's a really toxic attitude.

the cast was just one big bummer to listen to
My point is, why should I apologize to anybody?

Did anybody apologize to all the Aquaman players when low scoop was normalized (two days prior to a major tournament)?

Did anybody apologize to all the Deathstroke players when low gunshots were normalized (two days prior to a major tournament)?

Of course not. Everybody said shut up and play or pick another character or quit the game.

A F0xy Grampa

Problem X Promotions
I'm honestly disappointed in myself that I even took any of these guys seriously as "leaders" of this community.

"Fuck Scorpion" ? "Fuck Scorpion Players" ?

Some of us actually like the fact that an MK character is in the game, and the hate for Scorpion, not because he was too good but because he is an MK character, is immature and ridiculous. And it is coming from top down, from within the community and out.

Day after day it seems like MK is becoming more and more of a leper in it's own community, and this is bullshit. I came/come to TYM because of MK; I play Injustice out of a wanting to support NRS and thus MK (even though I do find the game fun). But fuck me and what I enjoy just so you can feel better about yourself and your decisions.

Bottom-line is Scorpion DIDN'T break the game, Scorpion WASN'T broken, and people DID jump the gun and get butt-hurt because they didn't know the match up. Top players (not just the ones on the podcast) riled up the community and backed the whiners, and are now proud to say that they did.

This community is a fucking joke...or maybe it's just the site...or maybe the joke is just on me and I'm just to stupid to see I don't fit here anymore.
Bottom line is.... Scorpion still does break the game, the patch may have weakened him, but his fundamental play style doesn't confirm to the rules, just because he's beatable doesn't mean he doesn't break the games general rules.
My point is, why should I apologize to anybody?

Did anybody apologize to all the Aquaman players when low scoop was normalized (two days prior to a major tournament)?

Did anybody apologize to all the Deathstroke players when low gunshots were normalized (two days prior to a major tournament)?

Of course not. Everybody said shut up and play or pick another character or quit the game.
Infinite wrongs don't make a right. You came off petulant and petty on the podcast. Admitting when their wrong is what men do, but hurf durf low gunshots QQ.

I'd honestly be embarrassed if I were you.

Bottom line is.... Scorpion still does break the game, the patch may have weakened him, but his fundamental play style doesn't confirm to the rules, just because he's beatable doesn't mean he doesn't break the games general rules.
What rules? I keep hearing about these rules. Are they in the manual or did you pull them out of a butt? Does NRS keep them on a basalt tablet at their offices?


Nori Batousai

of course every1 on the podcast is goin 2 be a depressed train wreck. sry this episode wasnt all happy happy joy joy w/ flowers.

let me breakdown these 4 individuals 4 u:

tom is lost ever since scoop nerf and withered at the fact he cant break top 8 anymore while being torn at the thought of what others say about his performances. his emotions r now at the all time high w/ evo right around the corner

m2dave has always been irrelevant in this game and is obsessed w/ claiming low gun shots nerf being the cause when he isnt great at this game period and never was. also cant admit he was wrong about scorp cuz again he is fractured by "low shots"

pig is an emotional roller coaster who couldnt stand the game but wakes up next day on the opposite side of bed cuz broke zod is released and is here 2 stay. so now everything is fine and dandy in his eyes

reo is a moron who should learn 2 think for himself instead of letting the opinions of others influence his actions and he should stop being a little salty bitch and just accept that hes a subpar player at this game this time around

thats pretty much it. these 4 have been the leading cause of all the scorp drama and have been affected by it more than others so i could see y they could be drained or very frustrated due to it. but it doesnt change the fact that they r all terrible ppl right now and rightfully a joke among all players every where. if they dont get their act together by evo then they deserve all the shit they get. pig seems 2 be the only one in the right track so far
Also, I like that ChrisG won CEO because he just learned the matchup instead of throwing his hands in the air and demanding a nerf.

Edit: The thread where everyone was threatening to quit is also hilariously shameful, it's the equivalent of a six year old holding their breath until daddy acquiesces. Jesus christ, TYM.
general m2dave, I never said pre patch scorpion went even with DS LMAO, where did you get that from? also I dnt upplay DS. You telling me I make him look top 5 when I have all his losing mus pretty much on point and all I said is he is tourney viable? come on man. You making it seem like I said "DS goes even with all the high tier and beats a bunch of characters 7 3). I laughed tho because I knew you would mention my name :p, but for real tho, I'm actually contributing to the forums and not filling it with useless information.


My GT: UncappedWheel82

I like your write up, I just want to clarify that I could care less about these guys being emo, or the episode at all. I'm more concerned about them being the "heads" of this community, and the fact that they are the conduits through which we are judged at large.

They just helped/lead the charge on crucifying a character that "they didn't download," then they admitted it (sort of), and then they went ahead and said they were proud they did it. Then, to go further, in the same breath (basically) they turned around and tried to talk shit about members of the TYM community for doing what they just did.

On that, none of them are above reproach, and I call bullshit.


Where is crossplay?
AK Pig Of The Hut Just think about what you guys do and say before you do it. Being top players, your words have a lot of influence. If new players come on this site and see it's best players doing nothing but complaining about the product, it makes it look bad. Imagine going to ESPN and they are talking about how terrible the NBA/NFL is, would you want to watch it? I'm not saying live in the clouds and pretend everything is ok. When you take on leadership roles, be responsible, that's all I'm saying