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Injustice Kryptonite Council Podcast Episode 3 Feat: Tom Brady, Reo, Pig of the Hut, M2dave

I admire the fact that you were not happy with 9th at a 200 man tournament. Interesting Mentality.
If I put in the time it took to train for a major and came in 9th, I'd be unhappy too. I imagine barely missing top 8 must is a real kick in the balls.


Vic Stone
I'm honestly disappointed in myself that I even took any of these guys seriously as "leaders" of this community.

"Fuck Scorpion" ? "Fuck Scorpion Players" ?

Some of us actually like the fact that an MK character is in the game, and the hate for Scorpion, not because he was too good but because he is an MK character, is immature and ridiculous. And it is coming from top down, from within the community and out.

Day after day it seems like MK is becoming more and more of a leper in it's own community, and this is bullshit. I came/come to TYM because of MK; I play Injustice out of a wanting to support NRS and thus MK (even though I do find the game fun). But fuck me and what I enjoy just so you can feel better about yourself and your decisions.

Bottom-line is Scorpion DIDN'T break the game, Scorpion WASN'T broken, and people DID jump the gun and get butt-hurt because they didn't know the match up. Top players (not just the ones on the podcast) riled up the community and backed the whiners, and are now proud to say that they did.

This community is a fucking joke...or maybe it's just the site...or maybe the joke is just on me and I'm just to stupid to see I don't fit here anymore.
I whole heartedly agree. I'm actually shocked at the level of whining and complaining.
I'm 32 and I still and always will play fighters. Back in the day when I used to play Tekken 4. Man I tell you Jin mopped me every tournament, but guess what? I kept coming back for more! Like Pig started you gotta have that desire and passion.
I've spend tons of money on Tekken and Soul Calibur, two communities where bitching gets you nowhere. But the thing is those games are large enough for people to be unhappy and still thrive. Injustice is the first of its kind. So unless we plan on killing the series before it even gets off the ground, tighten you jaw and just grind it out.

Pig Of The Hut

Day 0 Phenomenal Dr. Fate and Darkseid player
Lol I never stated that. I actually said you aren't reaction lifting it at like sweep distance.

Apparently, KT Smith has been reaction jumping it at sweep range.
We couldn't remember if it was u or Kt but we did mention u like to discuss characters that you haven't even downloaded


Are ya' ready for MK11 kids?!
I don't recall saying REO was scared of PL, I heard he wasn't arriving until the Saturday in the first place. I do remember this gishtezash.. whatever his name is bringing it up though, whoever he is :coffee:


Administrator and Community Engineer
Wow.. Here's what's pissing me off a bit (and let me preface this by saying, that I have respect for all these guys -- and that the reason I say this is that I want our community to be stronger than it is currently):

Why is it that people can't just lose without firing shots, and then just quiet the talking and say "you know what.. I lost -- I'm going to level up. See you guys at the next tourney".

Instead, when guys lose, we get people firing shots at everybody. Now, lately I've watched a lot of people complain about how bad "the top MK players" are with regards to attitude. And I defended our old community to the death; I said "everyone else is just as bad", made justifications for their excuses, and basically said that the MKC was a great place to be and was getting a bad rap.

But now, I'm starting to feel like people are actually right. I mean:

-) REO + Tom put Green Arrow at 16th on their Injustice Tier List - I'm saying 16th as an estimation, because on the tier list there were 15 characters ahead of him. That means he was estimated to be somewhere between 16th-21st. (out of 26 characters at that time). That's fair; but now after losing at CEO, now we turn around and blast 'TYM posters' for supposedly making GA out to be a 'Mid-Tier Character'. Really? You were the ones that told them he was approximately 16 out of 26, which is 'a mid-level character'. Now Chris G looks great and the finger of blame is pointed at everyone else instead of saying "maybe he's better than we thought".

-) Likewise people lose at a tournament, and instead of just holding the loss, they take to the intarwebs and tell everyone how "they don't care about the game". Now, I know that some people have legitimate issues with things, and that's ok. No one will agree with every design decision or patch. But right now, from the outside it looks like 50% of the top MK community loses and then badmouths the game, says they're quitting or going back to MK, they don't care etc. Would they be saying that if they were still getting 1st and 2nd place? I don't know -- but in either case, it's now justifying what other communities say about MK/former MK players.

-) Likewise.. If you said Scorpion was a broken-level character, then be willing to hold that like a man. If you're a top player, playing a character, you should be able to evaluate the character's strengths and weaknesses. So if you were wrong, just hold it instead of blaming everyone else for supposedly giving you bad info about the character you play.

In MK9 there was a time when communities of players really stuck by each other; and people were coming out with their team to level up every week. It made everyone stronger on the whole. Now guys are splitting from their teams, firing shots at everyone else, making excuses, and whining.

In light of this, I'll say that it's given me an even greater level of respect for Pig of the Hut.. Because he lost, and came forward and said "You know what? I lost -- I'm not satisfied with my performance, and I'm going to get in the lab for as long as it takes and level up". That's a champion's mentality. Pig I wish you the best of luck and success in the future.. And thanks for helping to exemplify that kind of attitude.

In closing.. I don't want to sound like I'm blasting off on people, because I respect and appreciate all these guys.. Jr., REO, (yes Tom too), etc. You guys are all terriffic players, have contributed tons to community understanding and tech of multiple games, and have given everybody a ton of memorable moments and loads of hype. I want to see you guys do well. I just hate to see our community become it's own stereotype.

Maxter said it on Twitter already and I see where he's coming from.. I love our group of guys and I don't want to see them go out this way. Anyway.. I think that's all.




TYM's Confirmed Prophet/Time-Traveler
KT Smith was the one talking about lifting slide on reaction in his living tier chart thread. I immediately called BS. Also, why are you guys throwing the KF forum under the bus? Sure some people talk about the character having issues...but they are IMMEDIATELY regulated on by the top Frost players. Like seriously immediately. You can't blow up a forum for someone posting something stupid that is immediately addressed by other people on the forum.



Where is crossplay?
I think every forum minus the harley/bane/joker forums downplays their char on some level. This is nothing new though. Go to SRK and you'll find 20 people of EVERY top tier char represented saying they are mid and are winning w/pure skill. This is a 10+ year old issue

HGTV Soapboxfan

"Always a Pleasure"
LOL at posting about a character you haven't DLed. I actually don't own scorpion but half the time I am playing i am on another TYs setup which does, so I have hours and hours and hours of training against him. just before I get blown up.


Earthrealm Defender / F23 MAN
Just to set the record straight the thread I made about who is quitting and who is not was initially intended to be a check on who is frustrated with the current state of the game Scorpion being the final straw for me.

I originally made the thread to encompass everything! And find out who is and is not at their wits end. At some point down the line a moderator changed the name of my thread to include (because of scorpion) or some shit like that.

The truth is I made the thread as my last ditch effort to try and let Mr. Wizard and NRS know that there are a lot of issues turning people away from this game. A game I like very much. The idea of Scorpion being at EVO and then potentially losing to it pisses me off, especially considering all the effort I've put into the game and money I will be spending to have my experience spoiled.

Now to REO. You deserve no apologies. You decided to take the same path as Perfect Legend except he invests time in other characters. Is it really any ones fault other than your own that you admittedly invested so much of your time into Scorpion that you feel like you've fallen so far behind fundamentally? Is CEO really proof that Scorpion was not a problem when you refused to use your strongest character out of fear that people would judge you?

All I truthfully see here is somebody who is now frustrated because they feel like they're going to have a hard time doing well in Injustice at EVO, which is something you should have foreseen when you decided to play that character. The feeling you're having right now is no different than 100's of peoples feelings going into EVO with the idea that they will get randomed out by Scorpion.

If you guys think my threads as of late have been annoying now you know how I feel when you purposely try to ruin/troll the TYM community. This site is nowhere near what it used to be so I'm following your lead.
No one cares about your experience. I hope you get knocked out of EVO round one by a Scorpion player.


"Tell me, do you bleed?...You will."
Overall I think scorpion ruined a lot of mindsets after ceo. You can tell it effected everyone who went and made them feel different about their mains and lose confidence. Serious props to chrisG for having an amazing defensive game and adjusting to him