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Injustice Kryptonite Council Podcast Episode 3 Feat: Tom Brady, Reo, Pig of the Hut, M2dave


Just to set the record straight the thread I made about who is quitting and who is not was initially intended to be a check on who is frustrated with the current state of the game Scorpion being the final straw for me.

I originally made the thread to encompass everything! And find out who is and is not at their wits end. At some point down the line a moderator changed the name of my thread to include (because of scorpion) or some shit like that.

The truth is I made the thread as my last ditch effort to try and let Mr. Wizard and NRS know that there are a lot of issues turning people away from this game. A game I like very much. The idea of Scorpion being at EVO and then potentially losing to it pisses me off, especially considering all the effort I've put into the game and money I will be spending to have my experience spoiled.

Now to REO. You deserve no apologies. You decided to take the same path as Perfect Legend except he invests time in other characters. Is it really any ones fault other than your own that you admittedly invested so much of your time into Scorpion that you feel like you've fallen so far behind fundamentally? Is CEO really proof that Scorpion was not a problem when you refused to use your strongest character out of fear that people would judge you?

All I truthfully see here is somebody who is now frustrated because they feel like they're going to have a hard time doing well in Injustice at EVO, which is something you should have foreseen when you decided to play that character. The feeling you're having right now is no different than 100's of peoples feelings going into EVO with the idea that they will get randomed out by Scorpion.

If you guys think my threads as of late have been annoying now you know how I feel when you purposely try to ruin/troll the TYM community. This site is nowhere near what it used to be so I'm following your lead.


Also LOL at the pig vs PL MK9 match. I feel like for the first 2 years I've been the only person in the community so annoyed with pad players due to how poorly Mortal Kombat runs on PS3. MLG was the most frustrating experience playing Komplete Edition (TERRIBLE) on BenQ monitors (TERRIBLE) and PS3 (TERRIBLE).

16 Bit

Mash d+1~Cat Claws
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NetherRealm Studios
I just got really curious about that lifting killer frosts slide on reaction post. Doe anybody know where it was posted?

KT Smith was talking about it in his living tier list thread. KT also claims he can react to her 50/50.

I want to play KT so bad. It's a shame he doesn't travel and I'm in self exile from the East Coast.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
KT Smith was talking about it in his living tier list thread. KT also claims he can react to her 50/50.

I want to play KT so bad. It's a shame he doesn't travel and I'm in self exile from the East Coast.
Reminds me, how many frames is KF's OH? I know slide is like what, 18 frames or so? 15?
If ChrisG can react to her vortex then why not ktsmith? As a green lantern player i can lift Killer Frost's slide on reaction
at certain distances. It's not that hard. Throwing it on reaction is just stupid lol.


KT also claims he can react to her 50/50.
it may be possible, i just played against Mosp's flash for hours and was able to react to almost every single F2 which is listed as 16 frames

maybe hes aware of a certain animation like i am with flash, i don't see why this is such an unreasonable thing
Hey, remember when a handful of people were trying to quell the tide of qqing over Scorpion so he didn't get nerfed before a major? Everyone called them idiots? Now it's all "Well, never said Scorpion was unbeatable" after CEO, despite that being exactly what was said by tons of people. Kind of hilarious.

REO: "What does Deathstroke's low gunshots have anything to do with the Scorpion discussion.""

m2Dave: "Well it's related...because..."

REO: "So, you had to get Scorpion nerfed because you were butthurt over the low gunshot nerf?"

m2Dave: "Kinda, yeah."

NRS listening to shit like this is why no one cares about MK9.
Also I like Tom Brady, but one of the last podcasts he was like "We can't react to Scorpion because we're only human," now it's "Should Scorpion have been banned, maybe."

There is some godlike backpedaling in this cast.


My GT: UncappedWheel82
I'm honestly disappointed in myself that I even took any of these guys seriously as "leaders" of this community.

"Fuck Scorpion" ? "Fuck Scorpion Players" ?

Some of us actually like the fact that an MK character is in the game, and the hate for Scorpion, not because he was too good but because he is an MK character, is immature and ridiculous. And it is coming from top down, from within the community and out.

Day after day it seems like MK is becoming more and more of a leper in it's own community, and this is bullshit. I came/come to TYM because of MK; I play Injustice out of a wanting to support NRS and thus MK (even though I do find the game fun). But fuck me and what I enjoy just so you can feel better about yourself and your decisions.

Bottom-line is Scorpion DIDN'T break the game, Scorpion WASN'T broken, and people DID jump the gun and get butt-hurt because they didn't know the match up. Top players (not just the ones on the podcast) riled up the community and backed the whiners, and are now proud to say that they did.

This community is a fucking joke...or maybe it's just the site...or maybe the joke is just on me and I'm just to stupid to see I don't fit here anymore.


I would not want to be in Pigs pool.... Dam You can tell how determined he is.

Good luck to everyone at EVO for MK and Injustice!