Feared by dragons. Desired by virgins.
Scorpion is cheap. As is all high mobility characters in any fighting game. Speed simply kills some players. High mobility characters always break the rules of the game. Vega in ST certainly didn't play by the rules. Millia in Guilty Gear having multiple air dashes and hair pin projectile certainly doesn't play by the rules. Wesker in MvC certainly doesn't care about rules. Playing against Shiek/Fox/Falco in SSB: Melee it surely felt like they didn't care about what you did either. They played their game and you had to beat them at their own game. Thats usually why these character types either a) didn't do a lot of damage (like Scorp) or b) they took a lot of damage. (Like Millia, Vega, Akuma in SF: Alpha 3, Seth in SF4, ect.). Its probably why it took so long for people to adjust to KL in MK9 even after he got "normalized".aye that's just an opinion, no fact there. Until EVERYONE believes he is just pure brokenness and he can't be beat, then i'll agree. I love how ppl are just pretty much saying scorpion players dnt need any skill, they can just do what they want and just win just like that. GGA Slips, what do you have to say about scorpion? I must know.
I agree with Reo in that he is easily top 10 material. Possibly top 5. But its not a no-brainer like a lot of people make it out to be. He has bad match-ups. It'll take awhile for people to get used to him though so we need to cash in while we can.