Fred Marvel
It's actually Freddy Marvel
Red Hood is better than all of them.

Red Hood is better than all of them.
...I'm sorry, I said his franchise produces solid characters. When did I ever say anything about the Joker?What?! His villains are childish and stupid lol, a clown as main villain are you kidding me.
He used to be the best when he was really a detective against Falcone and Maroni real gangsters with some serious crime,
not some stupid bullshit like the joker and those other carnival mutants, that's what Batman is.... a babysitter in carnival world.
I think joker is predictable as hell, you know the wacko is going to kill and with no reason that's it.
Black Mask and Falcone would be the only reason for me to pick Arkham Origins up and nothing more, i hope they don't screw
up the game again and leave the joker out of it to be honest.
Black Adam and Sinestro are far better villains but they don't get the right light cause joker is overrated!
Scarecrow is one of the best freaks but no crime boss...Scarecrow is better than all of them.
They're not iconic. The Joker is iconic.Scarecrow is one of the best freaks but no crime boss...
I think Batman is better of with serious crime bosses like Carmine Falcone and Sal Maroni, some of the best Batman comics evolved
around these two guys for crying out loud!
Depends on the Writer.Isn't Joker a crime boss?
Tutorial and practice mode, really.So, i got this game 2 days ago. What'd be good place when it comes to learning what to do?
(I assume this is the most appropriate thread)
Superman can take down the clown easy, but when he even touches Falcone he'll beat the rap in court and Gordon would lose his job...Here's the problem with crime bosses. They're absolutely no threat to any decent hero.
First of all, please separate your posts a bit more.Superman can take down the clown easy, but when he even touches Falcone he'll beat the rap in court and Gordon would lose his job...
Falcone owns the system in Batmans first years, hell he is the system... Drugs, illegal gambling, racketeering, extortion and arms dealing.
Police coruption, all the judges, unions and Com. Loeb in his pocket even Batman couldn't stop him cause Two-Face had to go
'The Punisher style' to beat him once and for all! A game with Falcone would show why Batman is the Dark Knight and
the worlds greatest detective and not some babysitter in carnival land for childish people that never grew up in their life.
I'm done with the 'You have to be ugly to mean something in the Batman universe!'First of all, please separate your posts a bit more.
And secondly, yeah, Supes took down the clown easy. And became DICTATOR OF THE FREE WORLD because Joker fucked with him that bad. Supes is terrible when it comes to psychological warfare but that's a different tangent.
Falcone has the system just fine. In Gotham which was already corrupted to the ground. The problem is, while technically they can't touch Falcone, Falcone can't do jack shit to harm the heroes. All it would be is the heroes thrashing his various bases and money making ventures into the ground until he gives in or gets desperate.
It's an endurance game a crime boss cannot win. The only reason most crime bosses in Gotham get ANYWHERE is because Bruce does not like other heroes messing in Gotham's business.
I think they'll live without your money.I'm done with the 'You have to be ugly to mean something in the Batman universe!'
What's wrong with a normal Italian mafia boss that's completly untouchable in a Batman game?
He would challenge Batman in a different way and diversity is something i want in Origins, by the name itself you
know Falcone and Maroni make sense in the game and i hope they deliver or they will never earn my money again
just like Rocksteady uneless they give me a different good hero game!
Who do people think are the best characters against characters who want to get in and stay in? Like Batman and The Flash *will* get in against a what characters don't care if Batman/Flash get in?
And i'll live without your stupid replies!I think they'll live without your money.
Solomon Grundy. He gives no f*cksWho do people think are the best characters against characters who want to get in and stay in? Like Batman and The Flash *will* get in against a what characters don't care if Batman/Flash get in?
Reason enough! I want Falcone in Origins to challenge Batman different cause we had joker three times in a row nowWow, way to be a piece of shit for no reason.
Black Mask is a drug dealer and Falcones are also in it.... I win here already so i don't feel the need to go on with this.No, your opinion is fine. How you present your opinion allows judgment though.
And you're whiny and no one gives a shit if you don't buy another Batman game or any game.
Then stop wasting my time if you don't care!...You're acting like I honestly care if they're in the game or not. I'm not the one with my panties in a bunch over Batman's Rogue Gallery.