Stay Free
I can't wait for this game. Still waiting for the Aquaman confirmation 

Thats NRs for yall... they somehow think its funny to do the opposite of what we the fans want..... I Guess they dont know its only trolling if you are joking...I find it unfortunate that this is community relations for NRS.
Right. People can sit here and say he's joking, but look at the current game. Is he, really?Thats NRs for yall... they somehow think its funny to do the opposite of what we the fans want..... I Guess they dont know its only trolling if you are joking...
I would hope game dev pr is of a higher quality than the shit talking and juvenile behavior one could find everyday on this board.An NRS rep joking with the community in a manner a huge portion of our members do every day and it's never frowned upon, and all of a sudden, people get disrespected.
Haha dude! Really?! How many times have I been to GGA? How many tournaments have I seen you at and talked to you and everyone else from GGA?I find it unfortunate that this is community relations for NRS.
I think the real issue that a majority of people expect gameplay in online to operate exactly as it would as if you were sitting next to someone on the same console. There are many different ways to explain this, but I will try to simplify it as best as I can.Thats NRs for yall... they somehow think its funny to do the opposite of what we the fans want..... I Guess they dont know its only trolling if you are joking...
Hey man, it's the internet, you never know. If you're just joking, cool. Some people took it that way, others didn't.Haha dude! Really?! How many times have I been to GGA? How many tournaments have I seen you at and talked to you and everyone else from GGA?
Everyone by now should know my sense of humor and know I like to joke around.![]()
Never met you, and I'm not saying to be offensive or mean, though it is a bit of reality: I understand that NRS programmers work hard. The fact of the matter is that DOA5's net code is excellent. I can go 15+ games without hitting a laggy fight on PS3, where people think it's funny to be on a wireless connection. This is impossible in MK9. Clearly something went awry.I think the real issue that a majority of people expect gameplay in online to operate exactly as it would as if you were sitting next to someone on the same console. There are many different ways to explain this, but I will try to simplify it as best as I can.
It takes time for data to travel across the internet, and in fighting games, which are predominantly very twitch-gameplay based and broken down to 10ths of a second, that time delay can have a very real impact on how the game "feels" to you. It's just the way the universe works.
We have many programmers who work night and day for years on end dedicated to improving the netcode. It's kind of disrespectful to just have people randomly say "The Netcode is Shit" or "NRS doesn't know what they are doing" or "They don't care." That's simply not true. Our online programmers take their work very seriously. So yes, if I am a "troll" because I defend our guys, then ok, I'm a troll.
Until we live in a world where every single person has access to Fiber Optic lines and there is no interference and no obstacles for the data to get through in real time to different players consoles across the world, you'll have to trust that the guys are working their hardest to make it as good as it can.
That could be the issue.Hey man, it's the internet, you never know. If you're just joking, cool. Some people took it that way, others didn't.
I think the issue with the online being terrible probably has more to do with gamespy than it does your programmers. Hopefully that won't be an issue for Injustice.
Not that it lets them off the hook but its a common misconception you can just slap a better "netcode" on a game. Many devs simply ignore netcode until late in a games development (resulting in a sub par performance), and most of the time its way too cost prohibitive to do that kind of maintenance post-release. This is why all SNK's console releases have had such a shitty excuse for it.Never met you, and I'm not saying to be offensive or mean, though it is a bit of reality: I understand that NRS programmers work hard. The fact of the matter is that DOA5's net code is excellent. I can go 15+ games without hitting a laggy fight on PS3, where people think it's funny to be on a wireless connection. This is impossible in MK9. Clearly something went awry.
People who enjoy playing fighting games at the highest level need the ability to play eachother in as close to an offline setting available. Clearly it can be done. I can only speak for myself when I say that it's roughly 95% pointless to play online in MK9. I wish it weren't so, because it's a great game despite its quirks. I think that when people, myself included, bash on NRS's net code it's because they don't want to see MK9's strangely terrible online experience be a reality in Injustice.
Don't get me wrong - I'm not trivializing the work involved. My main point is - it's a group of people's jobs to do this. They clearly failed on MK9's (for whatever reason) and my hope is that they have learned from MK9 and don't repeat that same failure in Injustice.snip.
MK9 runs on Unreal Engine 3 which isn't new. or the problem is more deep than it seems?Not that it lets them off the hook but its a common misconception you can just slap a better "netcode" on a game. Many devs simply ignore netcode until late in a games development (resulting in a sub par performance), and most of the time its way too cost prohibitive to do that kind of maintenance post-release. This is why all SNK's console releases have had such a shitty excuse for it.
"Netcode" isn't just a couple lines of code that namco or sega or capcom knows that no one else does. It has to do with how the game is built from the ground up (is it ready for dropped frames, ready for missed inputs, adjustable graphics pipe, sound, etc), and how much of that infrastructure was baked in from the start. Even with those concessions, there's no telling how good its going to handle the real world because fighting game players simply do not accept the level of latency that is perfectly tolerable in most other online genres.
Rest assured, if a fighting game is brand new, or simply sporting a brand new engine, it is bound to have questionable netcode. You can't name a single example that didn't/doesn't. The games out now with great netcode are the ones that had established engines whose devs had the opportunity to rip them apart and hook in the internet. MK9 was a new game with new engine and new netcode and it did not stand the test. I look forward to Injustice being a huge step forward, what with the network engineers having nothing else to do but optimize.
They can do better, but I don't think they failed. Failed is unplayable. Failed is beyond repair or tolerance. Failed is abandoned and ill concerned. MK9 online was never tourney calibur and it was frought with bugs from day 1, but they stuck with it, patched it again and again, and it got pretty solid. All for free, during an aggressive DLC / Patch schedule. I don't think people give NRS enough credit for making games that rival giants like Capcom, Namco, and Sega with a fraction of the resources.Don't get me wrong - I'm not trivializing the work involved. My main point is - it's a group of people's jobs to do this. They clearly failed on MK9's (for whatever reason) and my hope is that they have learned from MK9 and don't repeat that same failure in Injustice.
And all UE3 games are created equal? Did you read my post? UE3 doesn't come out of the box super awesome. Just look at the trail of tears on the Wikipedia page (Go Silicon Knights!). Even if awesome UE3 games just happened by magic, the kind of online issues present in "good" UE3 games like Gears or Borderlands or Transformers would NEVER fly in fighting games, competitive or otherwise. If an fps loses a spray of bullets or drops a couple players during match making, fps players shake their heads and respawn. But fighting game fans demand perfect anti airs, combo consistency to a frame, links, and no slowdown ever.MK9 runs on Unreal Engine 3 which isn't new. or the problem is more deep than it seems?
also as I remember, Boon noted that MK9 wasn't online oriented and that's why it's awful.
I think what people take issue with is the question of why they are able to have a more enjoyable online experience with other fighters, and not have a similar experience with MK 9--not a perfect experience or an identical experience to offline. It's hyperbole to say we need the most optimal internet connection in order to enjoy games online when there are many examples of good performing games on the current service that we have now in the US at least.
Most of us know you guys work hard, so I'll just say keep working hard, and just know that everyone (your supporters and detractors) just wants you guys to make very strong games (Not just the story mode) that can also be enjoyed online. That's all we want.
We're not just a bunch of assholes, or ungrateful dicks. We just have high standards. I'm sure you guys can appreciate that, as well. We expect the best from you and the rest of the team.
I guess my question is what is your idea of "taking their own game seriously enough"? Did they not provide the first game EVER in the series that was competitively viable offline or online? Did they not improve upon MKvDCs online many times over? Did they not take the series in better places and directions than ever before? Did they not top every other fighter released in the past two years content wise?snip
I can see both sides of the issue, but my summation is this:
1) Great netcode is an iterative process.. You might not get it right the first time, but you keep improving it and learn from your mistakes.
2) Creating a game is a complex process, and people need to chill out on flaming NRS for not being 100% perfect in the first tourney-viable game in years.. It's a great game, and hector has already explicitly stated that they are looking to improve on most of the complaints people had with MK9.
So I recommend taking a deep breath.. Being patient, and enjoying Injustice once it arrives![]()
This is completely incorrect so you aren't correcting people at all....Okay, to correct people on SC5 and TTT2's netcodes, they actually are the same netcode, and in truth, they are actually not great if you were to take away the huge buffer windows and apparently intentional natural input delay.
They work for the games that are designed around them.
Then what's this shit about them finding extra input lag and whatnot for TTT2? Was that confirmed false or something?Tekken has 1 frame of input delay in The arcade and console versions. This translates into about 2 frames in a good 5 bar connection online. They can't do the trickery that they did with SCIV because it's an arcade game while I suspect SCIV was designed like that on purpose for online.