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Injustice Developments: Hector Hints at "brand new" Online Mode


Original OBS mbr/VSM/G4S
LOL @ people using wireless connection for their xbl and ps3 and bitching about netcode

Get a f ing job lazy bums or get your ass up and run a cord to your system

Wireless = ASS

ON TOPIC: These new Online modes will be awesome
So fucking true that and the dumb fucks that teether their crappy boost cell phones to uses Sprint's shitty 3G or Wimax networks. Buy a fucking cord or get real internet for Gods Sake. I have sprint I know what i am talking about heh


Play Monster Hunter!
Am I the only one who interpreted this as a new game mode like King of the Hill?
Why is everyone talking about netcode?
Because the new mode will be useless with out good netcode, I guess.

I hope the new mode is just proper easy to use Endless Battle, mostly to make it easier to stream matches.


Tekken Tag 2 has the one of the most outstanding netcodes for online fighting games, it is probably one of the leading ones out there. SCV is what started the good connection experience...
Pig Of The Hut
I disagree with this, 3d games are much harder to program since it is on a much more diversified dynamic playing field and there is allot of data flowing where as 2D fields only have two movement of directions and data feed from the background. At any fault, it would be the companys use of there networking capabilities.
Xblades the way they counteract this with the Tekken Tag 2 online netcode is by removing all the extra background elements to reduce slowdown and the information that the system needs to send over.


In Europe!
I blame the Gamespy servers rather then the netcode. With some people I have great connection (can hardly tell the difference with offline) so the netcode is fine in theory. But usually matches are laggy or even disconnect. And my other games don't suffer from this.


I think Hec liked my idea i tweeted way back to him about alowing for Online Practice with a friend. So you and a friend can have a private training session with no time.. That would be PERFECT


I'll believe it when I see it. I hope they don't test online mode within their office building this time...Its such a shame that MK9 runs horrible online....even with a strong connection I cant play it nor enjoy it....


I believe what he is doing is called "messing around."

It was an archaic term when someone wanted to tell a joke that some would find offensive, but put it in the most comedic manner available.

That said, take a chill pill.



are all fighters with excellent netcode.

Acceptable netcode is

something alone those lines should be good enough.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
Okay, to correct people on SC5 and TTT2's netcodes, they actually are the same netcode, and in truth, they are actually not great if you were to take away the huge buffer windows and apparently intentional natural input delay.

They work for the games that are designed around them.


Thou shalt be slain!
Okay, to correct people on SC5 and TTT2's netcodes, they actually are the same netcode, and in truth, they are actually not great if you were to take away the huge buffer windows and apparently intentional natural input delay.

They work for the games that are designed around them.
even so, the netcode is good enough to break grabs on reaction. that shit is sick. you couldn't do that in T6 or SC4. MK9's netcode is so shit that it's hard to react to fucking jump-ins most of the time. unacceptable in this day and age. i only pray injustice is at LEAST as solid as SF4's netcode.


I have full faith in the netcode for Injustice, unless I boot up the game Day 1 and see that fucking Gamespy splashscreen. It's not NRS at fault, it's that shit middleware they used.

For all you guys who weren't PC gamers before Steam revolutionized things, Gamespy used to run most games' multiplayer services. And let it be known their middleware has been total ass for 20 years.