You saw my post (Download Page) in mksecrets and you know I said it there. no need to say here, because anybody who wants to download my mod, must click on "DLC Skin: Skeletal Scorpion" and when the new page is loaded up, they will see my Explanation.
Not in most cases...
If you want to play story mode, there is no problem.
If you want to play as DLCs yourself, there is no problem. (in SINGEL FIGHT and MULTIPLAYER --> VERSUS)
If you want to play S.T.A.R. LABS Missions, there is no problem. (I have found a fix for that... and I have explained the solution for second human player in training mode in my pack (Readme file); S.T.A.R. LABS is also fixed in the same way.)
How to fix it: First of all go to the Practice mode, choose Scorpion against Scorpion, press "START" in game and go to the "CONTROL PRESET", back to the game and keys must be correct now. (This will fix S.T.A.R. LABS Missions too.)
Just when you want to play against DLCs in SINGLE FIGHT and BATTLES, enemy DLCs can't do Basic Attacks & Special moves

. but you can do if you pick one of them.
now you are doing exactly what newmodder did to you (white and black superman... remember ?)
This is my first mod for injustice... .
I know you won't download my mod because you can create it better than me. But Scorpion's spear is a symbol of him... why do I have to change the UI ?!