Aqua man generally gets a lot of unverifiable love in these tier list. He generally seems extremely unsafe to me, can't figure out how he is always near the top unless the person that plays with him makes the list.
Let's see...
His MB trident rush on block still gets him around 70-80% meter back (so on like 2 meters, you can do 5 trident rushes or so)
From The Deep makes him above average counter-zoner, MB that shit for pop-up and combo opportunities
Water Shield is hella dumb, then you MB that to basically knock back anything no matter what
d2 is a hell yeah AA
Oh hey, can't forget to mention his trait that renders every combo null then he can full punish it off block (dependent on how safe)...and not to mention the fact he can activate this trait whenever he damn well feels like it...while standing, while getting hit, while feeding his shark, while getting mermaid pussy....