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Injustice Complete Character Tier List + With Rumored Patch Updated 6-17-13


MK is kinda dope
People just keep on sleeping on the best female in the game, wonder woman. She has no bad matchups. Look at her toolset


I'm Back
Deathstroke is where he's cause their char(s) who are better at zoning then he is or they are able get pass his zoning fairly easily


Zoning Master
*clears throat* DS mid tier!? NOOOOO!!!! Thought he was like the best ever? I mean he topped like Green Arrow, amirite?

general m2dave
There are lots of misinformed fools who genuinely believe that Deathstroke is still a top tier character. Of course, he cannot be top tier when his best move was destroyed.

He is a mid tier character, which means everybody on the forums will claim how perfectly viable he is, yet no one will do anything with him in major tournaments from now on.


The Ignore Button Is Free
The kf nerf is gonna hurt, mainly due to the fact that it was used to end block string with major aadvantage into a 50/50. But even without the trait cancel she'll still have :

Meterless vortex
Safe slide and slide metagame
1f parry
Safe launching 50/50s
Top 5 AA
Spike and dagger

Basically, she's still the same, just not as "braindead".


Loud and Klear~
I really think its way too early to have EXACT placing for every character, like.. i can understand placing characters in S/A/B/C tiers or having top 5/10 lists with no order, but tier lists with exact placings? cmon mayne..

For an exact tier list what should be done is have a MU chart for every character then rank it according to that.. but its also too early as many characters are not tapped to their max and/or have no representation.

Anyways, my top 15

None of these are in order, theyre more or less an estimate

Top 5:
Killer Frost

Top 10:
Black Adam
Green Lantern

Top 15:
Green Arrow

Honorable mentions?
Aqua man generally gets a lot of unverifiable love in these tier list. He generally seems extremely unsafe to me, can't figure out how he is always near the top unless the person that plays with him makes the list.


Arez | Booya | Riu48 - Rest Easy, Friends
I don't blame people for being skeptical. I hate "you have no idea, just wait" as much as anyone.
Thing is, though, there's enough evidence in how everyone who played you at UFGT fared.

KF is insanely good. I think in the long-term, her intractable archetype is going to haunt her to no end, alongside her bad air control, but she'll still be good. Just everyone will know what they should be doing to beat her, and thus her shit isn't as overwhelming.


Think the point he was making is that she should be higher.

And Raven players need to stfu on this issue ;)
I just want an opinion on why she is where she is. I do not think she should be higher or lower I just want to know peoples thoughts. Thats all.
Lols very true I am not going to pretend to be an expert on him, I was more so hoping that would facilitate some sort of verification of his placement. Didn't mean to come across as conceited. Though I will admit online has not given me a single good aqua man to battle in over 700 matches. And its been a long time since I seen anyone play with him period, and I assumed like green arrow he just fell off as the game developed and more characters became more explored. Then again it may just be g.l vs aqua man is in my favor.


Day -4MONTHS Dual Jin main
Aqua man generally gets a lot of unverifiable love in these tier list. He generally seems extremely unsafe to me, can't figure out how he is always near the top unless the person that plays with him makes the list.
Let's see...

His MB trident rush on block still gets him around 70-80% meter back (so on like 2 meters, you can do 5 trident rushes or so)

From The Deep makes him above average counter-zoner, MB that shit for pop-up and combo opportunities

Water Shield is hella dumb, then you MB that to basically knock back anything no matter what

d2 is a hell yeah AA

Oh hey, can't forget to mention his trait that renders every combo null then he can full punish it off block (dependent on how safe)...and not to mention the fact he can activate this trait whenever he damn well feels like it...while standing, while getting hit, while feeding his shark, while getting mermaid pussy....