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Incredibly difficult logic problem.


Trust me, I'm a doctor
Like it was smart and I didn't think of it, but c'mon man...
Making the guards end up "pointless" *rimshot*


Lose without excuses
Lead Moderator
Please PM me the answer. My brain is fried.
Yeah just PM me as well. I put all my energy into my first solution and by the responses it seems the actual solution is not worth the effort, lol.


If anyone needs help with this, this exact scenario was used in the original Dr. Who. It was either the 3rd or 4th Doctor thats about 4 seasons to cover ;)

NRF CharlieMurphy

Kindergarten Meta
So if I asked the first guard....
"Does da mean yes if and only if you tell the truth and the 2nd guard speaks randomly?"

If he answers da... then... I know that the 3rd Guard is Either one of the Truth/Liar and that the 2nd Guard speaks random
If he answers ba... then ... I know that the 2nd Guard is either one of the truth/liar and the 3rd guard speaks random.

Now I simply can go to the guard i've deduced as the truth/liar and ask the simple question "Does da mean yes if 1 equals 1?"

If he answers da, then I know he is the truth.
If he answer ba, then i know he is the liar.

ask the last guard "Will the first path lead me to the riches?"

edit: the first question is worded weird... but i'm pretty sure that it flawlessly tells me which guard is random even if the guard i asked is random... could be wrong tho :(
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So if I asked the first guard....
"Does da mean yes if and only if you tell the truth and the 2nd guard speaks randomly?"

If he answers da... then... I know that the 3rd Guard is Either one of the Truth/Liar and that the 2nd Guard speaks random
If he answers ba... then ... I know that the 2nd Guard is either one of the truth/liar and the 3rd guard speaks random.

Now I simply can go to the guard i've deduced as the truth/liar and ask the simple question "Does da mean yes if 1 equals 1?"

If he answers da, then I know he is the truth.
If he answer ba, then i know he is the liar.

ask the last guard "Will the first path lead me to the riches?"

edit: the first question is worded weird... but i'm pretty sure that it flawlessly tells me which guard is random even if the guard i asked is random... could be wrong tho :(

Johnny San

Shazzy's Biggest Fan
It's not that one of the guards speaks randomly, it's that he will either say a truthful answer or a false one. If asked a certain question, he will have no choice but to answer a certain way.

For example: Let's say the path to the right has the riches and "Ba" meant "yes". If you asked this question, "Would you say 'Ba' if I asked you if the pathway to the right had the riches?", they would all answer yes. If "Ba" meant "no", they would answer no. If the path with the left has the riches, they would all answer "no" if "Ba" meant "yes". They would answer "yes" if "Ba" meant "no".

This doesn't solve the situation but I put a couple minutes of work into it so I'm posting it. This question is 2deep4me.