Nice logic, but what if the first question is posed to random? You cannot deduce the identity of random from your question. Only the identity of someone who is not random.
Also, by the end of your second question, you have deduced whether or not a certain guard is a truth teller, but not the meaning of Da and Ba. Your last question would be fruitless because it wouldn't yield a meaningful result.
My question roots out the "random" aspect by saying "if and only if you tell the truth....."
I don't care if they are random or not... I just care whether or not the dude is going to tell me the truth. That stipulation negates any "random" because the OP states that the random person will answer Ba or Da .... randomly. So My question states "if and only if you tell the truth and the 2nd guard is random"
I read your first point as if you were asking if "Da" meant yes if you were a truthful person.
But that still doesn't solve the problem. If you asked the "Random" if riches were on the wrong path and he decided to give the false answer of "yes" it would contradict the statement. And what if only one of the original conditions was met in your first question. If the first guard was telling the truth, he'd have to give a random answer since it would be impossible to answer.
I don't think this works. And there's still the need to see if this works for all other combinations.
Youw ouldn't ask the random anything ... because the very first question is going to tell you who ISN"T random.
If the first person you DO ask is the random... then the OTHER two are not going to be random
If the first person isnt' random...... the question tells you who the random dude is, and even if you have to ask the random guy the question.... as long as you word it with an always true statement.... he'll give you the path you need, because whether or not he lies or tells the truth.... you know what each word means.....